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Duct module.shadow-cljs

A Duct module for compiling and dynamically reloading ClojureScript files using shadow-cljs.


To install, add the following to your project :dependencies:

[g7s/module.shadow-cljs "0.1.1"]


This library provides the :duct.module/shadow-cljs key, and accepts the same options as shadow-cljs.

 {:source-paths ["src"]
  :builds {:app {:id :dev
                 :source-paths  ["src"]
                 :build-options {:output-to "target/js/public/main.js"
                                 :output-dir "target/js/public"
                                 :optimizations :none}}}]}}


Copyright © 2020 Gerasimos

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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