Classification algorithms.
Classifier parameters are map of values specific for given algorithm. Check documentation in backend library to find documentation. Classifier can be retrained using [[train]]. New instance will be created.
Classifier training is delayed to the actual use. To force training, call [[train]] or [[predict]].
Every classifier exposes it's own cross validation method with configuration [[cv]].
~~Additionally three Clojure level methods are defined: [[cv]], [[loocv]] and [[bootstrap]].~~
What is missed:
Native cross validation config is a map with keys:
- number of folds (default: 10):type
- type of cross validation, one of :cv
(default), :loocv
and :bootstrap
Native cross validation expects a number as number of folds (default: 10)
Iris database is used.
Classification algorithms. ### Input data * features - sequence of sequences of numbers * categories - sequence of any values ### Workflow * create classifier with parameters * cross validate [[cv]] * repeat or [[predict]] * to validate model against test data, call [[validate]] Classifier parameters are map of values specific for given algorithm. Check documentation in backend library to find documentation. Classifier can be retrained using [[train]]. New instance will be created. Classifier training is delayed to the actual use. To force training, call [[train]] or [[predict]]. ### Implementation notes * only doubles as input data * categories can be any type ### Cross validation Every classifier exposes it's own cross validation method with configuration [[cv]]. ~~Additionally three Clojure level methods are defined: [[cv]], [[loocv]] and [[bootstrap]].~~ ### SMILE [documentation]( What is missed: * other types than doubles (attributes) * maxent * Online classifiers * General Naive Bayes Native cross validation config is a map with keys: * `:k` - number of folds (default: 10) * `:type` - type of cross validation, one of `:cv` (default), `:loocv` and `:bootstrap` ### Liblinear Native cross validation expects a number as number of folds (default: 10) ### Examples Iris database is used.
(accuracy t p)
Calculate accuracy for real and predicted sequences.
Calculate accuracy for real and predicted sequences.
List of activation functions for neural-net
List of activation functions for [[neural-net]].
(ada-boost x y)
(ada-boost {:keys [number-of-trees max-nodes]
:or {number-of-trees 500 max-nodes 2}}
ada-boost classifier. Backend library: smile
ada-boost classifier. Backend library: smile
(backend _)
Return name of backend library
Return name of backend library
(cv _)
(cv _ params)
(data-native _)
(data-native _ native?)
Return data transformed for backend library.
Return data transformed for backend library.
(labels _)
Return labels.
Return labels.
(model-native _)
Return trained model as a backend class.
Return trained model as a backend class.
(predict _ v)
(predict _ v posteriori?)
Predict class for given vector. With posteriori probabilities when required.
Predict class for given vector. With posteriori probabilities when required.
(predict-all _ vs)
(predict-all _ v posteriori?)
Predict classes for given sequence of vectors. With posteriori probabilities when required.
Predict classes for given sequence of vectors. With posteriori probabilities when required.
(train _)
(train _ x y)
Train another set of data for given classifier or force training already given data.
Train another set of data for given classifier or force training already given data.
(confusion-map t p)
Create confusion map where keys are pairs of [truth-label prediction-label]
Create confusion map where keys are pairs of `[truth-label prediction-label]`
(decision-tree x y)
(decision-tree {:keys [max-nodes node-size split-rule]
:or {max-nodes 100 node-size 1 split-rule :gini}}
decision-tree classifier. Backend library: smile
decision-tree classifier. Backend library: smile
List of error functions for neural-net
List of error functions for [[neural-net]].
(fld x y)
(fld {:keys [dimensionality tolerance] :or {dimensionality -1 tolerance 1.0E-4}}
fld classifier. Backend library: smile
fld classifier. Backend library: smile
(gradient-tree-boost x y)
{:keys [number-of-trees shrinkage max-nodes subsample]
:or {number-of-trees 500 shrinkage 0.005 max-nodes 6 subsample 0.7}}
gradient-tree-boost classifier. Backend library: smile
gradient-tree-boost classifier. Backend library: smile
(knn x y)
(knn {:keys [distance k] :or {distance (EuclideanDistance.) k 1}} x y)
knn classifier. Backend library: smile
knn classifier. Backend library: smile
(lda x y)
(lda {:keys [priori tolerance] :or {priori nil tolerance 1.0E-4}} x y)
lda classifier. Backend library: smile
lda classifier. Backend library: smile
(liblinear x y)
{:keys [solver bias C eps max-iters p weights]
{solver :l2r-l2loss-svc-dual bias -1 C 1.0 eps 0.01 max-iters 1000 p 0.1}}
liblinear classifier. Backend library: liblinear
liblinear classifier. Backend library: liblinear
List of liblinear
List of [[liblinear]] solvers.
(logistic-regression x y)
(logistic-regression {:keys [lambda tolerance max-iterations]
:or {lambda 0.0 tolerance 1.0E-5 max-iterations 500}}
logistic-regression classifier. Backend library: smile
logistic-regression classifier. Backend library: smile
List of multiclass strategies for svm
List of multiclass strategies for [[svm]]
(naive-bayes x y)
(naive-bayes {:keys [model priori sigma] :or {model :bernoulli sigma 1.0}} x y)
naive-bayes classifier. Backend library: smile
naive-bayes classifier. Backend library: smile
(neural-net x y)
(neural-net {:keys [error-function activation-function layers learning-rate
momentum weight-decay number-of-epochs]
:or {error-function :cross-entropy
learning-rate 0.1
momentum 0.0
weight-decay 0.0
number-of-epochs 25}}
neural-net classifier. Backend library: smile
neural-net classifier. Backend library: smile
(qda x y)
(qda {:keys [priori tolerance] :or {priori nil tolerance 1.0E-4}} x y)
qda classifier. Backend library: smile
qda classifier. Backend library: smile
(random-forest x y)
(random-forest {:keys [number-of-trees split-rule mtry node-size max-nodes
:or {number-of-trees 500
split-rule :gini
node-size 1
max-nodes 100
subsample 1.0}}
random-forest classifier. Backend library: smile
random-forest classifier. Backend library: smile
(rbf-network x y)
(rbf-network {:keys [distance rbf number-of-basis normalize?]
:or {distance dist/euclidean number-of-basis 10 normalize? false}}
rbf-network classifier. Backend library: smile
rbf-network classifier. Backend library: smile
(rda x y)
(rda {:keys [alpha priori tolerance] :or {alpha 0.9 tolerance 1.0E-4}} x y)
rda classifier. Backend library: smile
rda classifier. Backend library: smile
List of split rules for [[decision tree]] and random-forest
List of split rules for [[decision tree]] and [[random-forest]]
(svm x y)
(svm {:keys [kernel c-or-cp cn strategy-for-multiclass class-weights tolerance
:or {kernel (k/kernel :linear)
c-or-cp 1.0
cn 1.0
strategy-for-multiclass :one-vs-one
tolerance 0.001
epochs 2}}
svm classifier. Backend library: smile
svm classifier. Backend library: smile
(validate model tx ty)
Validate data against trained classifier. Same as [[test]].
Validate data against trained classifier. Same as [[test]].
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