This namespace contains the logic to connect to Neo4j instances, create and run queries as well as creating an in-memory database for testing.
This namespace contains the logic to connect to Neo4j instances, create and run queries as well as creating an in-memory database for testing.
(config options)
Constructs a Config object with the given options.
The Config object is used to create a Neo4j driver. It can be customized with various options, such as logging configuration.
Args: options: A map containing the configuration options.
Returns: A Config object with the given options applied.
Example: (config {:logging (ConsoleLogging. Level/INFO)}) This will create a Config object with the logging level set to INFO.
Constructs a Config object with the given options. The Config object is used to create a Neo4j driver. It can be customized with various options, such as logging configuration. Args: options: A map containing the configuration options. Returns: A Config object with the given options applied. Example: (config {:logging (ConsoleLogging. Level/INFO)}) This will create a Config object with the logging level set to INFO.
(connect uri)
(connect uri options)
(connect uri user password)
(connect uri user password options)
Returns a connection map from an url. Uses BOLT as the only communication protocol.
You can connect using a url or a url, user, password combination. Either way, you can optioninally pass a map of options:
- a Neo4j logging configuration, e.g. (ConsoleLogging. Level/FINEST)
Returns a connection map from an url. Uses BOLT as the only communication protocol. You can connect using a url or a url, user, password combination. Either way, you can optioninally pass a map of options: `:logging` - a Neo4j logging configuration, e.g. (ConsoleLogging. Level/FINEST)
To make the local db visible under the same interface/map as remote databases, we connect to the local url. To be able to shutdown the local db, we merge a destroy function into the map that can be called after testing.
All data will be wiped after shutting down the db!
Deprecated: Please use
To make the local db visible under the same interface/map as remote databases, we connect to the local url. To be able to shutdown the local db, we merge a destroy function into the map that can be called after testing. _All_ data will be wiped after shutting down the db! Deprecated: Please use `` directly.
(create-query cypher)
Convenience function. Takes a cypher query as input, returns a function that takes a session (and parameter as a map, optionally) and return the query result as a map.
Convenience function. Takes a cypher query as input, returns a function that takes a session (and parameter as a map, optionally) and return the query result as a map.
(defquery name query)
Shortcut macro to define a named query.
Shortcut macro to define a named query.
(with-retry [connection tx & {:keys [max-times] :or {max-times 1000}}] & body)
(with-transaction-config connection config tx & body)
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