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test-doubles Clojars Project

A small spying and stubbing library for Clojure and ClojureScript.


Add [greenpowermonitor/test-doubles "0.1.2"] to [:profiles :dev :dependencies] in your project.clj.


with-doubles takes a function symbol and replaces it in the scope of its body.

Be aware that with-doubles only works with functions. It won't work with macros or special forms. 1

1. Stubbing function calls

You can use the :stubbing option inside the with-doubles macro to stub calls to any function included in the vector that appears right after the :stubbing keyword.

There are three different ways of stubbing a function.

1.1. :returns option

This option makes a function return a given sequence of values in successive calls.

In the following example2, we stub the rand function to make it return four values in sequence, 1, 4, 6, 3. When you call rand more times than the number of values in the provided sequence, an exception gets thrown (see the message and data in the exception at the end of this test).

(ns greenpowermonitor.test-doubles.stubbing-with-returns-examples
   [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]]
   [greenpowermonitor.test-doubles :as td]))

(deftest stubbing-functions-using-returns
  (testing "make a function return a given sequence of values in successive calls"
      :stubbing [rand :returns [1 4 6 3]]

      (is (= 1 (rand)))
      (is (= 4 (rand)))
      (is (= 6 (rand)))
      (is (= 3 (rand)))

      (is (thrown? js/Error (rand)))

        (catch :default e
          (is (= "Too many calls to stub" (ex-message e)))
          (is (= {:causes :calls-exceeded, :provided-return-values [1 4 6 3]}
                 (ex-data e))))))))

1.2. :constantly

This option makes a function always return the same value.

In the following example, we stub the rand function so that it always returns 1.

(ns greenpowermonitor.test-doubles.stubbing-with-constantly-examples
   [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]]
   [greenpowermonitor.test-doubles :as td]))

(deftest stubbing-functions-using-constantly
  (testing "make a function return always the same value"
      :stubbing [rand :constantly 1]

      (is (= 1 (rand)))
      (is (= 1 (rand)))
      (is (= 1 (rand)))
      (is (= 1 (rand))))))

1.3. :maps

This option makes a function return specific outputs for specific inputs.

In the following example, we stub the do-some-computation-fn function so that it returns:

  • ::output-for-args-1-and-2 when called with the arguments 1 and 2.
  • ::output-for-args-2-and-3 when called with the arguments 2 and 3.
  • ::output-for-any-other-arguments when called with any other arguments.

and the constantly function so that it returns:

  • 30 when called with the argument 1
  • 40 when called with the argument 2

Notice how, in this last case, if you don't explicitly provide a value for any other arguments (using the keyword :any), a nil will be returned when the received parameters don't match any of the map keys.

(ns greenpowermonitor.test-doubles.stubbing-with-maps-examples
   [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]]
   [greenpowermonitor.test-doubles :as td]))

  (defn do-some-computation-fn [_ _])

  (deftest stubbing-functions-using-maps
    (testing "make a function return specific outputs for specific inputs"
        :stubbing [do-some-computation-fn :maps {[1 2] ::output-for-args-1-and-2
                                                 [2 3] ::output-for-args-2-and-3
                                                 :any ::output-for-any-other-arguments}
                   constantly :maps {[1] 30
                                     [2] 40}]

        (is (= ::output-for-args-1-and-2 (do-some-computation-fn 1 2)))
        (is (= ::output-for-args-2-and-3 (do-some-computation-fn 2 3)))
        (is (= ::output-for-any-other-arguments (do-some-computation-fn 5 6)))

        (is (= 30 (constantly 1)))
        (is (= 40 (constantly 2)))
        (is (= nil (constantly 6))))))

2. Spying function calls

You can use the :spying option inside with-doubles macro to spy on all the calls to the functions included in the vector after :spying keyword. To check the calls to the spied functions and the arguments passed in each call, you have to use the calls-to function.

In the following example, we spy the calls to some-function and println functions. Then we call twice some-function and three times greetings-function (which calls println). Finally, we use calls-to function to check the calls to each spied function and the arguments passed to them in each call.

(ns greenpowermonitor.test-doubles.spying-examples
   [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]]
   [greenpowermonitor.test-doubles :as td]))

(defn- some-function [a b]
  (println a b))

(defn- greetings-function []
  (println "Hola!"))

(deftest spying-functions
    :spying [some-function

    (some-function "koko" "triki")
    (some-function "miko" "miki")


    (is (= 2 (-> some-function td/calls-to count)))
    (is (= [["koko" "triki"] ["miko" "miki"]] (td/calls-to some-function)))
    (is (= ["koko" "triki"] (-> some-function td/calls-to first)))

    (is (= 3 (-> println td/calls-to count)))
    (is (->> greetings-function td/calls-to (every? #(= % "Hola!"))))))

3. Ignoring function calls

You can use the :ignoring option inside with-doubles macro to ignore all the calls to the functions included in the vector after :ignoring keyword.

In the following example, even though you call the double-print-x-and-greet function inside with-doubles, nothing gets printed on the console because greetings-functionand print get ignored.

(ns greenpowermonitor.test-doubles.stubbing-with-returns-examples
   [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]]
   [greenpowermonitor.test-doubles :as td]))

(defn- greetings-function []
  (println "Hola!"))

(deftest ignoring-functions
  (let [double-and-greet (fn [x] (print x) (greetings-function) (* 2 x))]

    (is (= "2Hola!\n" (with-out-str (double-and-greet 2))))

      :ignoring [greetings-function

      (is (= "" (with-out-str (double-and-greet 2)))))))

4. Combining different types of test doubles inside with-doubles macro.

You can use as many test doubles as you want inside with-doubles macro.

In the following example, we are using two stubs (one with :maps option and another with :returns option) and a spy.

(deftest saving-changes
  (let [changes {:interventions {53 7}}
        expected-output :some-expected-request-data-to-save
        some-api-url "some-url"
        state-id 1]
      :stubbing [l/view :maps {[domain.rim/rim-wo-edit-changes-lens] changes
                               [domain.rim/rim-wo-edit-state-id-lens] state-id
                               [domain.rim/rim-wo-translated-lens] :translated-data-to-save}
                 c/mk-work-orders-save-url :returns [some-api-url]]
      :spying [service/put]


      (is (= 1 (-> service/put td/calls-to count)))
      (let [[url data] (-> service/put td/calls-to first)]
        (is (= some-api-url url))
        (is (= expected-output (:json-params data)))))))


1. Notice that some verbs that are functions in Clojure might be macros in ClojureScript or viceversa. For instance + is a function in Clojure, but a macro in ClojureScript.

2. All the examples in this document are written in ClojureScript, due to the usage of interop such as js/Error. Changing them to run in Clojure will require using the Clojure equivalents.


Copyright © 2018 GreenPowerMonitor

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.

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