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a cljs library that helps you transform one tree into another and to remember related branches.


In UIs, it is common to transform JSON data received from a backend REST service into data better suited for representation on screen. After this transformation is made, it is useful to remember which original fields are associated with the new ones (e.g. for highlighting invalid UI fields based on backend-validated JSON fields)

This is an experiment to capture that relationship during the actual process of transformation, by performing the transformation with objects we are calling "hammocks."

Hammocks are a bit like Om cursors, except they are anchored to two separate trees: a read-only "source" tree and write-only "destination" tree. These anchor points on the hammock move along their respective trees as data is transformed from source to destination. A log of the anchor positions is kept for each transformation in order to remember the relationship between source and destination branches.


Add to your dependencies vector in project.clj:

[hammock "0.2.2"]
(ns example
 (:require [hammock.core :as hm]))

Transforms and Mappings

Suppose you have data in some source format:

{:foo 1
 :bar 2}

And you want to transform it into some destination format:

{:my-foo {:value 1}
 :my-bar {:value 2}}

Also, you want to remember the mapping between the two formats:

[:foo]  <--->  [:my-foo :value]
[:bar]  <--->  [:my-bar :value]

Well sometimes a destination value can depend on multiple source values:

{:my-foo {:value 1}
 :my-bar {:value 2}
 :sum    {:value 3}} ;; <--- foo + bar

So a source->destination mapping would now look like:

[:foo]  ---->  [:my-foo :value]
               [:sum    :value]
[:bar]  ---->  [:my-bar :value]
               [:sum    :value]

And a destination->source mapping would look like:

DST-KEYS                 SRC-KEYS
[:my-foo :value]  ---->  [:foo]
[:my-bar :value]  ---->  [:bar]
[:sum    :value]  ---->  [:foo]

Using hammock

The following examples can be run from a REPL:

$ ./scripts/compile_cljsc   # one-time only
$ ./scripts/repl

cljs.user> (require '[hammock.core :as hm])

Create a hammock h to transform a source tree src:

(def src {:foo 1 :bar 2})
(def h (hm/create src))

Use hm/copy! to perform simple copies to the destination tree using the given destination and source keys. (They can be a keyword or a vector of keywords)

;;          DST-KEY          SRC-KEY
(hm/copy! h [:my-foo :value] :foo)
(hm/copy! h [:my-bar :value] :bar)

And use hm/result to get the transformed destination tree:

(def dst (hm/result h))
;; => {:my-foo {:value 1}
;;     :my-bar {:value 2}}

The :anchors metadata on the result will remember the forward/inverse mappings of the keys between the formats. (Notice the keys are normalized to vectors of keywords)

(-> dst meta :anchors :forward)
;; => {[:foo]   #{[:my-foo :value]}
;;     [:bar]   #{[:my-bar :value]}}

(-> dst meta :anchors :inverse)
;;     DST-KEYS            SRC-KEYS
;; => {[:my-foo :value]  #{[:foo]}
;;     [:my-bar :value]  #{[:bar]}}

Manual writing

There is a command for manually setting a destination value, which is useful for computing destination value from multiple source values.

(def sum (+ (:foo src) (:bar src)))
(hm/man! h [:sum :value] sum)

You can include optional dependent source keys as the last argument so we can trace those keys to our computed value:

(hm/man! h [:sum :value] sum [:foo :bar])

And the new result will reflect the addition:

(def dst (hm/result h))
;; => {:my-foo {:value 1}
;;     :my-bar {:value 2}
;;     :sum    {:value 3}}

(-> dst meta :anchors :forward)
;;     SRC-KEYS     DST-KEYS
;; => {[:foo]   #{[:my-foo :value]
;;                [:sum    :value]}
;;     [:bar]   #{[:my-bar :value]
;;                [:sum    :value]}}

(-> dst meta :anchors :inverse)
;;     DST-KEYS            SRC-KEYS
;; => {[:my-foo :value]  #{[:foo]}
;;     [:my-bar :value]  #{[:bar]}
;;     [:sum    :value]  #{[:foo]
;;                         [:bar]}}


We can create composable transformations using functions that take a hammock object h:

(defn unpack-thing [h]
  (hm/copy! h [:my-foo :value] :foo)
  (hm/copy! h [:my-bar :value] :bar))

We can then use this function to perform sub-transformations. We do this by passing the function to hm/nest!, causing it to receive a relative hammock whose anchors are moved to the given keys.

(def src {:a {:foo 1 :bar 2}
          :b {:foo 3 :bar 4}})

(def h (hm/create src))

(hm/nest! h :my-a :a unpack-thing)
(hm/nest! h :my-b :b unpack-thing)

(hm/result h)
;; => {:my-a {:my-foo {:value 1}
;;            :my-bar {:value 2}}
;;     :my-b {:my-foo {:value 3}
;;            :my-bar {:value 4}}}

And we can update unpack-thing to manually create a sum value:

(defn unpack-thing [h]
  (hm/copy! h [:my-foo :value] :foo)
  (hm/copy! h [:my-bar :value] :bar)

  (let [sum (+ (:foo h) (:bar h))  ;; <-- NOTE: lookups on a hammock return source values
        keys-used [:foo :bar]]
    (hm/man! h [:sum :value] sum keys-used)))

(hm/nest! h :my-a :a unpack-thing)
(hm/nest! h :my-b :b unpack-thing)

(hm/result h)
;; => {:my-a {:my-foo {:value 1}
;;            :my-bar {:value 2}
;;            :sum    {:value 3}}  ;; <-- added sum
;;     :my-b {:my-foo {:value 3}
;;            :my-bar {:value 4}
;;            :sum    {:value 7}}} ;; <-- added sum


There is support for simple 1-to-1 vector transformations using hm/map!.

(def src {:vals [{:foo 1 :bar 2}
                 {:foo 3 :bar 4}]})

(def h (hm/create src))

(hm/map! h :my-vals :vals unpack-thing)

(def dst (hm/result h))
;; => {:my-vals [{:my-foo {:value 1}
;;                :my-bar {:value 2}
;;                :sum    {:value 3}}
;;               {:my-foo {:value 3}
;;                :my-bar {:value 4}
;;                :sum    {:value 7}}]}

You can see the resulting anchors below:

-> dst meta :anchors :forward)
;;     SRC-KEYS               DST-KEYS
;; => {[:vals 0 :foo]     #{[:my-vals 0 :my-foo :value]
;;                          [:my-vals 0 :sum    :value]}
;;     [:vals 0 :bar]     #{[:my-vals 0 :my-bar :value]
;;                          [:my-vals 0 :sum    :value]}
;;     [:vals 1 :foo]     #{[:my-vals 1 :my-foo :value]
;;                          [:my-vals 1 :sum    :value]}
;;     [:vals 1 :bar]     #{[:my-vals 1 :my-bar :value]
;;                          [:my-vals 1 :sum    :value]}}

(-> dst meta :anchors :inverse)
;;     DST-KEYS                        SRC-KEYS
;; => {[:my-vals 0 :my-foo :value]   #{[:vals 0 :foo]}
;;     [:my-vals 0 :my-bar :value]   #{[:vals 0 :bar]}
;;     [:my-vals 0 :sum    :value]   #{[:vals 0 :foo]
;;                                     [:vals 0 :bar]}
;;     [:my-vals 1 :my-foo :value]   #{[:vals 1 :foo]}
;;     [:my-vals 1 :my-bar :value]   #{[:vals 1 :bar]}
;;     [:my-vals 1 :sum    :value]   #{[:vals 1 :foo]
;;                                     [:vals 1 :bar]}}

Running tests

$ lein cljsbuild test


Copyright © 2014 Shaun Williams

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or any later version.

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