Compute Engine API: instances. Creates and runs virtual machines on Google Cloud Platform. See:
Compute Engine API: instances. Creates and runs virtual machines on Google Cloud Platform. See:
(addAccessConfig$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, networkInterface, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:kind string, :name string, :natIP string, :networkTier string, :publicPtrDomainName string, :setPublicPtr boolean, :type string}
Adds an access config to an instance's network interface. Required parameters: instance, networkInterface, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:kind string, :name string, :natIP string, :networkTier string, :publicPtrDomainName string, :setPublicPtr boolean, :type string} Adds an access config to an instance's network interface.
(aggregatedList$ auth args)
Required parameters: project
Optional parameters: filter, maxResults, orderBy, pageToken Retrieves aggregated list of all of the instances in your project across all regions and zones. Required parameters: project Optional parameters: filter, maxResults, orderBy, pageToken Retrieves aggregated list of all of the instances in your project across all regions and zones.
(attachDisk$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: forceAttach, requestId
{:interface string, :guestOsFeatures [{:type string}], :index integer, :deviceName string, :boot boolean, :mode string, :licenses [string], :type string, :source string, :autoDelete boolean, :kind string, :initializeParams {:description string, :labels {}, :sourceSnapshotEncryptionKey CustomerEncryptionKey, :resourcePolicies [string], :sourceImage string, :sourceImageEncryptionKey CustomerEncryptionKey, :sourceSnapshot string, :diskType string, :diskSizeGb string, :diskName string}, :diskSizeGb string, :diskEncryptionKey {:kmsKeyName string, :rawKey string, :sha256 string}}
Attaches an existing Disk resource to an instance. You must first create the disk before you can attach it. It is not possible to create and attach a disk at the same time. For more information, read Adding a persistent disk to your instance. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: forceAttach, requestId Body: {:interface string, :guestOsFeatures [{:type string}], :index integer, :deviceName string, :boot boolean, :mode string, :licenses [string], :type string, :source string, :autoDelete boolean, :kind string, :initializeParams {:description string, :labels {}, :sourceSnapshotEncryptionKey CustomerEncryptionKey, :resourcePolicies [string], :sourceImage string, :sourceImageEncryptionKey CustomerEncryptionKey, :sourceSnapshot string, :diskType string, :diskSizeGb string, :diskName string}, :diskSizeGb string, :diskEncryptionKey {:kmsKeyName string, :rawKey string, :sha256 string}} Attaches an existing Disk resource to an instance. You must first create the disk before you can attach it. It is not possible to create and attach a disk at the same time. For more information, read Adding a persistent disk to your instance.
(delete$ auth args)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId Deletes the specified Instance resource. For more information, see Stopping or Deleting an Instance. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Deletes the specified Instance resource. For more information, see Stopping or Deleting an Instance.
(deleteAccessConfig$ auth args)
Required parameters: accessConfig, instance, networkInterface, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId Deletes an access config from an instance's network interface. Required parameters: accessConfig, instance, networkInterface, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Deletes an access config from an instance's network interface.
(detachDisk$ auth args)
Required parameters: deviceName, instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId Detaches a disk from an instance. Required parameters: deviceName, instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Detaches a disk from an instance.
(get$ auth args)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: none Returns the specified Instance resource. Gets a list of available instances by making a list() request. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: none Returns the specified Instance resource. Gets a list of available instances by making a list() request.
(getGuestAttributes$ auth args)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: queryPath, variableKey Returns the specified guest attributes entry. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: queryPath, variableKey Returns the specified guest attributes entry.
(getIamPolicy$ auth args)
Required parameters: project, resource, zone
Optional parameters: none Gets the access control policy for a resource. May be empty if no such policy or resource exists. Required parameters: project, resource, zone Optional parameters: none Gets the access control policy for a resource. May be empty if no such policy or resource exists.
(getSerialPortOutput$ auth args)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: port, start Returns the last 1 MB of serial port output from the specified instance. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: port, start Returns the last 1 MB of serial port output from the specified instance.
(getShieldedInstanceIdentity$ auth args)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: none Returns the Shielded Instance Identity of an instance Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: none Returns the Shielded Instance Identity of an instance
(insert$ auth args body)
Required parameters: project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId, sourceInstanceTemplate
{:description string, :tags {:fingerprint string, :items [string]}, :labels {}, :startRestricted boolean, :shieldedInstanceConfig {:enableIntegrityMonitoring boolean, :enableSecureBoot boolean, :enableVtpm boolean}, :scheduling {:automaticRestart boolean, :nodeAffinities [SchedulingNodeAffinity], :onHostMaintenance string, :preemptible boolean}, :creationTimestamp string, :zone string, :name string, :canIpForward boolean, :statusMessage string, :guestAccelerators [{:acceleratorCount integer, :acceleratorType string}], :selfLink string, :hostname string, :machineType string, :displayDevice {:enableDisplay boolean}, :status string, :id string, :kind string, :disks [{:interface string, :guestOsFeatures [GuestOsFeature], :index integer, :deviceName string, :boot boolean, :mode string, :licenses [string], :type string, :source string, :autoDelete boolean, :kind string, :initializeParams AttachedDiskInitializeParams, :diskSizeGb string, :diskEncryptionKey CustomerEncryptionKey}], :cpuPlatform string, :reservationAffinity {:consumeReservationType string, :key string, :values [string]}, :networkInterfaces [{:accessConfigs [AccessConfig], :aliasIpRanges [AliasIpRange], :fingerprint string, :kind string, :name string, :network string, :networkIP string, :subnetwork string}], :deletionProtection boolean, :metadata {:fingerprint string, :items [{:key string, :value string}], :kind string}, :shieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy {:updateAutoLearnPolicy boolean}, :labelFingerprint string, :serviceAccounts [{:email string, :scopes [string]}], :minCpuPlatform string}
Creates an instance resource in the specified project using the data included in the request. Required parameters: project, zone Optional parameters: requestId, sourceInstanceTemplate Body: {:description string, :tags {:fingerprint string, :items [string]}, :labels {}, :startRestricted boolean, :shieldedInstanceConfig {:enableIntegrityMonitoring boolean, :enableSecureBoot boolean, :enableVtpm boolean}, :scheduling {:automaticRestart boolean, :nodeAffinities [SchedulingNodeAffinity], :onHostMaintenance string, :preemptible boolean}, :creationTimestamp string, :zone string, :name string, :canIpForward boolean, :statusMessage string, :guestAccelerators [{:acceleratorCount integer, :acceleratorType string}], :selfLink string, :hostname string, :machineType string, :displayDevice {:enableDisplay boolean}, :status string, :id string, :kind string, :disks [{:interface string, :guestOsFeatures [GuestOsFeature], :index integer, :deviceName string, :boot boolean, :mode string, :licenses [string], :type string, :source string, :autoDelete boolean, :kind string, :initializeParams AttachedDiskInitializeParams, :diskSizeGb string, :diskEncryptionKey CustomerEncryptionKey}], :cpuPlatform string, :reservationAffinity {:consumeReservationType string, :key string, :values [string]}, :networkInterfaces [{:accessConfigs [AccessConfig], :aliasIpRanges [AliasIpRange], :fingerprint string, :kind string, :name string, :network string, :networkIP string, :subnetwork string}], :deletionProtection boolean, :metadata {:fingerprint string, :items [{:key string, :value string}], :kind string}, :shieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy {:updateAutoLearnPolicy boolean}, :labelFingerprint string, :serviceAccounts [{:email string, :scopes [string]}], :minCpuPlatform string} Creates an instance resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
(list$ auth args)
Required parameters: project, zone
Optional parameters: filter, maxResults, orderBy, pageToken Retrieves the list of instances contained within the specified zone. Required parameters: project, zone Optional parameters: filter, maxResults, orderBy, pageToken Retrieves the list of instances contained within the specified zone.
(listReferrers$ auth args)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: filter, maxResults, orderBy, pageToken Retrieves the list of referrers to instances contained within the specified zone. For more information, read Viewing Referrers to VM Instances. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: filter, maxResults, orderBy, pageToken Retrieves the list of referrers to instances contained within the specified zone. For more information, read Viewing Referrers to VM Instances.
(reset$ auth args)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId Performs a reset on the instance. This is a hard reset the VM does not do a graceful shutdown. For more information, see Resetting an instance. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Performs a reset on the instance. This is a hard reset the VM does not do a graceful shutdown. For more information, see Resetting an instance.
(setDeletionProtection$ auth args)
Required parameters: project, resource, zone
Optional parameters: deletionProtection, requestId Sets deletion protection on the instance. Required parameters: project, resource, zone Optional parameters: deletionProtection, requestId Sets deletion protection on the instance.
(setDiskAutoDelete$ auth args)
Required parameters: autoDelete, deviceName, instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId Sets the auto-delete flag for a disk attached to an instance. Required parameters: autoDelete, deviceName, instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Sets the auto-delete flag for a disk attached to an instance.
(setIamPolicy$ auth args body)
Required parameters: project, resource, zone
Optional parameters: none
{:bindings [{:condition Expr, :members [string], :role string}], :etag string, :policy {:auditConfigs [AuditConfig], :bindings [Binding], :etag string, :iamOwned boolean, :rules [Rule], :version integer}}
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy. Required parameters: project, resource, zone Optional parameters: none Body: {:bindings [{:condition Expr, :members [string], :role string}], :etag string, :policy {:auditConfigs [AuditConfig], :bindings [Binding], :etag string, :iamOwned boolean, :rules [Rule], :version integer}} Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy.
(setLabels$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:labelFingerprint string, :labels {}}
Sets labels on an instance. To learn more about labels, read the Labeling Resources documentation. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:labelFingerprint string, :labels {}} Sets labels on an instance. To learn more about labels, read the Labeling Resources documentation.
(setMachineResources$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:guestAccelerators [{:acceleratorCount integer, :acceleratorType string}]}
Changes the number and/or type of accelerator for a stopped instance to the values specified in the request. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:guestAccelerators [{:acceleratorCount integer, :acceleratorType string}]} Changes the number and/or type of accelerator for a stopped instance to the values specified in the request.
(setMachineType$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:machineType string}
Changes the machine type for a stopped instance to the machine type specified in the request. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:machineType string} Changes the machine type for a stopped instance to the machine type specified in the request.
(setMetadata$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:fingerprint string, :items [{:key string, :value string}], :kind string}
Sets metadata for the specified instance to the data included in the request. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:fingerprint string, :items [{:key string, :value string}], :kind string} Sets metadata for the specified instance to the data included in the request.
(setMinCpuPlatform$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:minCpuPlatform string}
Changes the minimum CPU platform that this instance should use. This method can only be called on a stopped instance. For more information, read Specifying a Minimum CPU Platform. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:minCpuPlatform string} Changes the minimum CPU platform that this instance should use. This method can only be called on a stopped instance. For more information, read Specifying a Minimum CPU Platform.
(setScheduling$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:automaticRestart boolean, :nodeAffinities [{:key string, :operator string, :values [string]}], :onHostMaintenance string, :preemptible boolean}
Sets an instance's scheduling options. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:automaticRestart boolean, :nodeAffinities [{:key string, :operator string, :values [string]}], :onHostMaintenance string, :preemptible boolean} Sets an instance's scheduling options.
(setServiceAccount$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:email string, :scopes [string]}
Sets the service account on the instance. For more information, read Changing the service account and access scopes for an instance. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:email string, :scopes [string]} Sets the service account on the instance. For more information, read Changing the service account and access scopes for an instance.
(setShieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:updateAutoLearnPolicy boolean}
Sets the Shielded Instance integrity policy for an instance. You can only use this method on a running instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:updateAutoLearnPolicy boolean} Sets the Shielded Instance integrity policy for an instance. You can only use this method on a running instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.
(setTags$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:fingerprint string, :items [string]}
Sets network tags for the specified instance to the data included in the request. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:fingerprint string, :items [string]} Sets network tags for the specified instance to the data included in the request.
(simulateMaintenanceEvent$ auth args)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: none Simulates a maintenance event on the instance. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: none Simulates a maintenance event on the instance.
(start$ auth args)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId Starts an instance that was stopped using the instances().stop method. For more information, see Restart an instance. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Starts an instance that was stopped using the instances().stop method. For more information, see Restart an instance.
(startWithEncryptionKey$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:disks [{:diskEncryptionKey CustomerEncryptionKey, :source string}]}
Starts an instance that was stopped using the instances().stop method. For more information, see Restart an instance. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:disks [{:diskEncryptionKey CustomerEncryptionKey, :source string}]} Starts an instance that was stopped using the instances().stop method. For more information, see Restart an instance.
(stop$ auth args)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId Stops a running instance, shutting it down cleanly, and allows you to restart the instance at a later time. Stopped instances do not incur VM usage charges while they are stopped. However, resources that the VM is using, such as persistent disks and static IP addresses, will continue to be charged until they are deleted. For more information, see Stopping an instance. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Stops a running instance, shutting it down cleanly, and allows you to restart the instance at a later time. Stopped instances do not incur VM usage charges while they are stopped. However, resources that the VM is using, such as persistent disks and static IP addresses, will continue to be charged until they are deleted. For more information, see Stopping an instance.
(testIamPermissions$ auth args body)
Required parameters: project, resource, zone
Optional parameters: none
{:permissions [string]}
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. Required parameters: project, resource, zone Optional parameters: none Body: {:permissions [string]} Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.
(updateAccessConfig$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, networkInterface, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:kind string, :name string, :natIP string, :networkTier string, :publicPtrDomainName string, :setPublicPtr boolean, :type string}
Updates the specified access config from an instance's network interface with the data included in the request. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules. Required parameters: instance, networkInterface, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:kind string, :name string, :natIP string, :networkTier string, :publicPtrDomainName string, :setPublicPtr boolean, :type string} Updates the specified access config from an instance's network interface with the data included in the request. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.
(updateDisplayDevice$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:enableDisplay boolean}
Updates the Display config for a VM instance. You can only use this method on a stopped VM instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:enableDisplay boolean} Updates the Display config for a VM instance. You can only use this method on a stopped VM instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.
(updateNetworkInterface$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, networkInterface, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:accessConfigs [{:kind string, :name string, :natIP string, :networkTier string, :publicPtrDomainName string, :setPublicPtr boolean, :type string}], :aliasIpRanges [{:ipCidrRange string, :subnetworkRangeName string}], :fingerprint string, :kind string, :name string, :network string, :networkIP string, :subnetwork string}
Updates an instance's network interface. This method follows PATCH semantics. Required parameters: instance, networkInterface, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:accessConfigs [{:kind string, :name string, :natIP string, :networkTier string, :publicPtrDomainName string, :setPublicPtr boolean, :type string}], :aliasIpRanges [{:ipCidrRange string, :subnetworkRangeName string}], :fingerprint string, :kind string, :name string, :network string, :networkIP string, :subnetwork string} Updates an instance's network interface. This method follows PATCH semantics.
(updateShieldedInstanceConfig$ auth args body)
Required parameters: instance, project, zone
Optional parameters: requestId
{:enableIntegrityMonitoring boolean, :enableSecureBoot boolean, :enableVtpm boolean}
Updates the Shielded Instance config for an instance. You can only use this method on a stopped instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules. Required parameters: instance, project, zone Optional parameters: requestId Body: {:enableIntegrityMonitoring boolean, :enableSecureBoot boolean, :enableVtpm boolean} Updates the Shielded Instance config for an instance. You can only use this method on a stopped instance. This method supports PATCH semantics and uses the JSON merge patch format and processing rules.
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