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People API: people. Provides access to information about profiles and contacts. See:

People API: people.
Provides access to information about profiles and contacts.
raw docstring


(connections-list$ auth args)

Required parameters: resourceName

Optional parameters: requestSyncToken, pageToken, pageSize, requestMask.includeField, syncToken, personFields, sortOrder Provides a list of the authenticated user's contacts merged with any connected profiles.

The request throws a 400 error if 'personFields' is not specified.

Required parameters: resourceName

Optional parameters: requestSyncToken, pageToken, pageSize, requestMask.includeField, syncToken, personFields, sortOrder
Provides a list of the authenticated user's contacts merged with any
connected profiles.

The request throws a 400 error if 'personFields' is not specified.
sourceraw docstring


(createContact$ auth args body)

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: none


{:addresses [{:formattedType string, :poBox string, :city string, :type string, :streetAddress string, :region string, :formattedValue string, :postalCode string, :extendedAddress string, :country string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :countryCode string}], :urls [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :value string, :formattedType string}], :relationshipStatuses [{:value string, :formattedValue string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :coverPhotos [{:url string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :default boolean}], :birthdays [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :text string, :date Date}], :relations [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :person string, :formattedType string}], :ageRange string, :events [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :date Date, :formattedType string}], :phoneNumbers [{:canonicalForm string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :value string, :formattedType string}], :etag string, :biographies [{:value string, :contentType string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :emailAddresses [{:displayName string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :value string, :formattedType string}], :organizations [{:department string, :formattedType string, :symbol string, :name string, :startDate Date, :type string, :phoneticName string, :title string, :endDate Date, :jobDescription string, :current boolean, :domain string, :location string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :sipAddresses [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :value string, :formattedType string}], :braggingRights [{:value string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :resourceName string, :relationshipInterests [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string, :formattedValue string}], :photos [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :default boolean, :url string}], :skills [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}], :locales [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}], :ageRanges [{:ageRange string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :memberships [{:contactGroupMembership ContactGroupMembership, :domainMembership DomainMembership, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :interests [{:value string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :nicknames [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :value string}], :residences [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :current boolean, :value string}], :imClients [{:formattedProtocol string, :formattedType string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :protocol string, :username string}], :genders [{:formattedValue string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}], :taglines [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}], :occupations [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}], :metadata {:objectType string, :linkedPeopleResourceNames [string], :sources [Source], :previousResourceNames [string], :deleted boolean}, :names [{:middleName string, :phoneticHonorificPrefix string, :phoneticHonorificSuffix string, :displayNameLastFirst string, :displayName string, :phoneticGivenName string, :honorificPrefix string, :phoneticFullName string, :phoneticFamilyName string, :familyName string, :phoneticMiddleName string, :givenName string, :honorificSuffix string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :userDefined [{:key string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}]}

Create a new contact and return the person resource for that contact.

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: none


{:addresses [{:formattedType string,
              :poBox string,
              :city string,
              :type string,
              :streetAddress string,
              :region string,
              :formattedValue string,
              :postalCode string,
              :extendedAddress string,
              :country string,
              :metadata FieldMetadata,
              :countryCode string}],
 :urls [{:metadata FieldMetadata,
         :type string,
         :value string,
         :formattedType string}],
 :relationshipStatuses [{:value string,
                         :formattedValue string,
                         :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :coverPhotos [{:url string,
                :metadata FieldMetadata,
                :default boolean}],
 :birthdays [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :text string, :date Date}],
 :relations [{:metadata FieldMetadata,
              :type string,
              :person string,
              :formattedType string}],
 :ageRange string,
 :events [{:metadata FieldMetadata,
           :type string,
           :date Date,
           :formattedType string}],
 :phoneNumbers [{:canonicalForm string,
                 :metadata FieldMetadata,
                 :type string,
                 :value string,
                 :formattedType string}],
 :etag string,
 :biographies [{:value string,
                :contentType string,
                :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :emailAddresses [{:displayName string,
                   :metadata FieldMetadata,
                   :type string,
                   :value string,
                   :formattedType string}],
 :organizations [{:department string,
                  :formattedType string,
                  :symbol string,
                  :name string,
                  :startDate Date,
                  :type string,
                  :phoneticName string,
                  :title string,
                  :endDate Date,
                  :jobDescription string,
                  :current boolean,
                  :domain string,
                  :location string,
                  :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :sipAddresses [{:metadata FieldMetadata,
                 :type string,
                 :value string,
                 :formattedType string}],
 :braggingRights [{:value string, :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :resourceName string,
 :relationshipInterests [{:metadata FieldMetadata,
                          :value string,
                          :formattedValue string}],
 :photos [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :default boolean, :url string}],
 :skills [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}],
 :locales [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}],
 :ageRanges [{:ageRange string, :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :memberships [{:contactGroupMembership ContactGroupMembership,
                :domainMembership DomainMembership,
                :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :interests [{:value string, :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :nicknames [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :value string}],
 :residences [{:metadata FieldMetadata,
               :current boolean,
               :value string}],
 :imClients [{:formattedProtocol string,
              :formattedType string,
              :metadata FieldMetadata,
              :type string,
              :protocol string,
              :username string}],
 :genders [{:formattedValue string,
            :metadata FieldMetadata,
            :value string}],
 :taglines [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}],
 :occupations [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}],
 :metadata {:objectType string,
            :linkedPeopleResourceNames [string],
            :sources [Source],
            :previousResourceNames [string],
            :deleted boolean},
 :names [{:middleName string,
          :phoneticHonorificPrefix string,
          :phoneticHonorificSuffix string,
          :displayNameLastFirst string,
          :displayName string,
          :phoneticGivenName string,
          :honorificPrefix string,
          :phoneticFullName string,
          :phoneticFamilyName string,
          :familyName string,
          :phoneticMiddleName string,
          :givenName string,
          :honorificSuffix string,
          :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :userDefined [{:key string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}]}

Create a new contact and return the person resource for that contact.
sourceraw docstring


(deleteContact$ auth args)

Required parameters: resourceName

Optional parameters: none Delete a contact person. Any non-contact data will not be deleted.

Required parameters: resourceName

Optional parameters: none
Delete a contact person. Any non-contact data will not be deleted.
sourceraw docstring


(deleteContactPhoto$ auth args)

Required parameters: resourceName

Optional parameters: personFields Delete a contact's photo.

Required parameters: resourceName

Optional parameters: personFields
Delete a contact's photo.
sourceraw docstring


(get$ auth args)

Required parameters: resourceName

Optional parameters: personFields, requestMask.includeField Provides information about a person by specifying a resource name. Use people/me to indicate the authenticated user.

The request throws a 400 error if 'personFields' is not specified.

Required parameters: resourceName

Optional parameters: personFields, requestMask.includeField
Provides information about a person by specifying a resource name. Use
`people/me` to indicate the authenticated user.

The request throws a 400 error if 'personFields' is not specified.
sourceraw docstring


(getBatchGet$ auth args)

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: personFields, requestMask.includeField, resourceNames Provides information about a list of specific people by specifying a list of requested resource names. Use people/me to indicate the authenticated user.

The request throws a 400 error if 'personFields' is not specified.

Required parameters: none

Optional parameters: personFields, requestMask.includeField, resourceNames
Provides information about a list of specific people by specifying a list
of requested resource names. Use `people/me` to indicate the authenticated

The request throws a 400 error if 'personFields' is not specified.
sourceraw docstring


(updateContact$ auth args body)

Required parameters: resourceName

Optional parameters: updatePersonFields


{:addresses [{:formattedType string, :poBox string, :city string, :type string, :streetAddress string, :region string, :formattedValue string, :postalCode string, :extendedAddress string, :country string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :countryCode string}], :urls [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :value string, :formattedType string}], :relationshipStatuses [{:value string, :formattedValue string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :coverPhotos [{:url string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :default boolean}], :birthdays [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :text string, :date Date}], :relations [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :person string, :formattedType string}], :ageRange string, :events [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :date Date, :formattedType string}], :phoneNumbers [{:canonicalForm string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :value string, :formattedType string}], :etag string, :biographies [{:value string, :contentType string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :emailAddresses [{:displayName string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :value string, :formattedType string}], :organizations [{:department string, :formattedType string, :symbol string, :name string, :startDate Date, :type string, :phoneticName string, :title string, :endDate Date, :jobDescription string, :current boolean, :domain string, :location string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :sipAddresses [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :value string, :formattedType string}], :braggingRights [{:value string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :resourceName string, :relationshipInterests [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string, :formattedValue string}], :photos [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :default boolean, :url string}], :skills [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}], :locales [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}], :ageRanges [{:ageRange string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :memberships [{:contactGroupMembership ContactGroupMembership, :domainMembership DomainMembership, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :interests [{:value string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :nicknames [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :value string}], :residences [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :current boolean, :value string}], :imClients [{:formattedProtocol string, :formattedType string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :protocol string, :username string}], :genders [{:formattedValue string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}], :taglines [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}], :occupations [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}], :metadata {:objectType string, :linkedPeopleResourceNames [string], :sources [Source], :previousResourceNames [string], :deleted boolean}, :names [{:middleName string, :phoneticHonorificPrefix string, :phoneticHonorificSuffix string, :displayNameLastFirst string, :displayName string, :phoneticGivenName string, :honorificPrefix string, :phoneticFullName string, :phoneticFamilyName string, :familyName string, :phoneticMiddleName string, :givenName string, :honorificSuffix string, :metadata FieldMetadata}], :userDefined [{:key string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}]}

Update contact data for an existing contact person. Any non-contact data will not be modified.

The request throws a 400 error if updatePersonFields is not specified.

The request throws a 400 error if person.metadata.sources is not specified for the contact to be updated.

The request throws a 400 error with an error with reason "failedPrecondition" if person.metadata.sources.etag is different than the contact's etag, which indicates the contact has changed since its data was read. Clients should get the latest person and re-apply their updates to the latest person.

Required parameters: resourceName

Optional parameters: updatePersonFields


{:addresses [{:formattedType string,
              :poBox string,
              :city string,
              :type string,
              :streetAddress string,
              :region string,
              :formattedValue string,
              :postalCode string,
              :extendedAddress string,
              :country string,
              :metadata FieldMetadata,
              :countryCode string}],
 :urls [{:metadata FieldMetadata,
         :type string,
         :value string,
         :formattedType string}],
 :relationshipStatuses [{:value string,
                         :formattedValue string,
                         :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :coverPhotos [{:url string,
                :metadata FieldMetadata,
                :default boolean}],
 :birthdays [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :text string, :date Date}],
 :relations [{:metadata FieldMetadata,
              :type string,
              :person string,
              :formattedType string}],
 :ageRange string,
 :events [{:metadata FieldMetadata,
           :type string,
           :date Date,
           :formattedType string}],
 :phoneNumbers [{:canonicalForm string,
                 :metadata FieldMetadata,
                 :type string,
                 :value string,
                 :formattedType string}],
 :etag string,
 :biographies [{:value string,
                :contentType string,
                :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :emailAddresses [{:displayName string,
                   :metadata FieldMetadata,
                   :type string,
                   :value string,
                   :formattedType string}],
 :organizations [{:department string,
                  :formattedType string,
                  :symbol string,
                  :name string,
                  :startDate Date,
                  :type string,
                  :phoneticName string,
                  :title string,
                  :endDate Date,
                  :jobDescription string,
                  :current boolean,
                  :domain string,
                  :location string,
                  :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :sipAddresses [{:metadata FieldMetadata,
                 :type string,
                 :value string,
                 :formattedType string}],
 :braggingRights [{:value string, :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :resourceName string,
 :relationshipInterests [{:metadata FieldMetadata,
                          :value string,
                          :formattedValue string}],
 :photos [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :default boolean, :url string}],
 :skills [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}],
 :locales [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}],
 :ageRanges [{:ageRange string, :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :memberships [{:contactGroupMembership ContactGroupMembership,
                :domainMembership DomainMembership,
                :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :interests [{:value string, :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :nicknames [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :type string, :value string}],
 :residences [{:metadata FieldMetadata,
               :current boolean,
               :value string}],
 :imClients [{:formattedProtocol string,
              :formattedType string,
              :metadata FieldMetadata,
              :type string,
              :protocol string,
              :username string}],
 :genders [{:formattedValue string,
            :metadata FieldMetadata,
            :value string}],
 :taglines [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}],
 :occupations [{:metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}],
 :metadata {:objectType string,
            :linkedPeopleResourceNames [string],
            :sources [Source],
            :previousResourceNames [string],
            :deleted boolean},
 :names [{:middleName string,
          :phoneticHonorificPrefix string,
          :phoneticHonorificSuffix string,
          :displayNameLastFirst string,
          :displayName string,
          :phoneticGivenName string,
          :honorificPrefix string,
          :phoneticFullName string,
          :phoneticFamilyName string,
          :familyName string,
          :phoneticMiddleName string,
          :givenName string,
          :honorificSuffix string,
          :metadata FieldMetadata}],
 :userDefined [{:key string, :metadata FieldMetadata, :value string}]}

Update contact data for an existing contact person. Any non-contact data
will not be modified.

The request throws a 400 error if `updatePersonFields` is not specified.

The request throws a 400 error if `person.metadata.sources` is not
specified for the contact to be updated.

The request throws a 400 error with an error with reason
`"failedPrecondition"` if `person.metadata.sources.etag` is different than
the contact's etag, which indicates the contact has changed since its data
was read. Clients should get the latest person and re-apply their updates
to the latest person.
sourceraw docstring


(updateContactPhoto$ auth args body)

Required parameters: resourceName

Optional parameters: none


{:photoBytes string, :personFields string}

Update a contact's photo.

Required parameters: resourceName

Optional parameters: none


{:photoBytes string, :personFields string}

Update a contact's photo.
sourceraw docstring

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