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YouTube Data API: channels. Supports core YouTube features, such as uploading videos, creating and managing playlists, searching for content, and much more. See:

YouTube Data API: channels.
Supports core YouTube features, such as uploading videos, creating and managing playlists, searching for content, and much more.
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(list$ auth parameters)

Required parameters: part

Optional parameters: managedByMe, categoryId, forUsername, pageToken, mine, hl, id, mySubscribers, onBehalfOfContentOwner, maxResults

Returns a collection of zero or more channel resources that match the request criteria.

Required parameters: part

Optional parameters: managedByMe, categoryId, forUsername, pageToken, mine, hl, id, mySubscribers, onBehalfOfContentOwner, maxResults

Returns a collection of zero or more channel resources that match the request criteria.
sourceraw docstring


(update$ auth parameters body)

Required parameters: part

Optional parameters: onBehalfOfContentOwner


{:contentOwnerDetails {:contentOwner string, :timeLinked string}, :localizations {}, :brandingSettings {:channel ChannelSettings, :hints [PropertyValue], :image ImageSettings, :watch WatchSettings}, :snippet {:country string, :customUrl string, :defaultLanguage string, :description string, :localized ChannelLocalization, :publishedAt string, :thumbnails ThumbnailDetails, :title string}, :etag string, :invideoPromotion {:defaultTiming InvideoTiming, :items [PromotedItem], :position InvideoPosition, :useSmartTiming boolean}, :auditDetails {:communityGuidelinesGoodStanding boolean, :contentIdClaimsGoodStanding boolean, :copyrightStrikesGoodStanding boolean}, :conversionPings {:pings [ChannelConversionPing]}, :statistics {:commentCount string, :hiddenSubscriberCount boolean, :subscriberCount string, :videoCount string, :viewCount string}, :status {:isLinked boolean, :longUploadsStatus string, :madeForKids boolean, :privacyStatus string, :selfDeclaredMadeForKids boolean}, :id string, :kind string, :contentDetails {:relatedPlaylists {:favorites string, :likes string, :uploads string, :watchHistory string, :watchLater string}}, :topicDetails {:topicCategories [string], :topicIds [string]}}

Updates a channel's metadata. Note that this method currently only supports updates to the channel resource's brandingSettings and invideoPromotion objects and their child properties.

Required parameters: part

Optional parameters: onBehalfOfContentOwner


{:contentOwnerDetails {:contentOwner string, :timeLinked string},
 :localizations {},
 :brandingSettings {:channel ChannelSettings,
                    :hints [PropertyValue],
                    :image ImageSettings,
                    :watch WatchSettings},
 :snippet {:country string,
           :customUrl string,
           :defaultLanguage string,
           :description string,
           :localized ChannelLocalization,
           :publishedAt string,
           :thumbnails ThumbnailDetails,
           :title string},
 :etag string,
 :invideoPromotion {:defaultTiming InvideoTiming,
                    :items [PromotedItem],
                    :position InvideoPosition,
                    :useSmartTiming boolean},
 :auditDetails {:communityGuidelinesGoodStanding boolean,
                :contentIdClaimsGoodStanding boolean,
                :copyrightStrikesGoodStanding boolean},
 :conversionPings {:pings [ChannelConversionPing]},
 :statistics {:commentCount string,
              :hiddenSubscriberCount boolean,
              :subscriberCount string,
              :videoCount string,
              :viewCount string},
 :status {:isLinked boolean,
          :longUploadsStatus string,
          :madeForKids boolean,
          :privacyStatus string,
          :selfDeclaredMadeForKids boolean},
 :id string,
 :kind string,
 :contentDetails {:relatedPlaylists {:favorites string,
                                     :likes string,
                                     :uploads string,
                                     :watchHistory string,
                                     :watchLater string}},
 :topicDetails {:topicCategories [string], :topicIds [string]}}

Updates a channel's metadata. Note that this method currently only supports updates to the channel resource's brandingSettings and invideoPromotion objects and their child properties.
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