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(copy sources)
(copy sources {:keys [ns path] :as opts})

copies a set of vars from multiple locations

(copy '[[hara.core.base.check bytes? (bytes?2 < bytes?)] [hara.core.base.util T F]]) => [#'bytes? #'bytes?2 #'T #'F]

copies a set of vars from multiple locations

(copy '[[hara.core.base.check bytes? (bytes?2 < bytes?)]
        [hara.core.base.util T F]])
=> [#'bytes? #'bytes?2 #'T #'F]
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(copy-single sink-ns sink-name source-var)

Imports a single var from to a given namespace

(copy-single ns 'ifl #'clojure.core/if-let) => anything ; #'hara.module-test/ifl (eval '(ifl [a 1] (inc a))) => 2

Imports a single var from to a given namespace

(copy-single *ns* 'ifl #'clojure.core/if-let)
=> anything ; #'hara.module-test/ifl
(eval '(ifl [a 1] (inc a))) => 2
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(copy-vars source-ns)
(copy-vars source-ns names)
(copy-vars source-ns names sink-ns copy-fn)

copies vars from one namespace to another

(copy-vars 'hara.core.base.check '[bytes? atom?] ns copy-single) => [#'bytes? #'atom?]

copies vars from one namespace to another

(copy-vars 'hara.core.base.check '[bytes? atom?] *ns* copy-single)
=> [#'bytes?
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(sink-name obj)

determines the sink name of a pair of single

(sink-name 'hello) => 'hello

(sink-name '(sink < source)) => 'sink

determines the sink name of a pair of single

(sink-name 'hello) => 'hello

(sink-name '(sink < source)) => 'sink
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(source-name obj)

determines the source name of a pair of single

(source-name 'hello) => 'hello

(source-name '(sink < source)) => 'source

determines the source name of a pair of single

(source-name 'hello) => 'hello

(source-name '(sink < source)) => 'source
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(unmap-vars ns vars)

unmaps a set of vars from a given namespace

(unmap-vars ns ['ifl]) => '[ifl]

unmaps a set of vars from a given namespace

(unmap-vars *ns* ['ifl])
=> '[ifl]
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