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cache for hara.string.base.path/make-pattern

cache for hara.string.base.path/make-pattern
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(make-pattern s)

creates a regex pattern from a string

(path/make-pattern-raw ".") => (re-pattern ".")

creates a regex pattern from a string

(path/make-pattern-raw ".")
=> (re-pattern "\.")
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(make-pattern-raw s)

helper function for hara.string.base.path/make-pattern

helper function for hara.string.base.path/make-pattern
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(path-count s)
(path-count s sep)

counts the number of elements in a given path

(path/path-count "a/b/c") => 3

(string/path-count ns) => 4

counts the number of elements in a given path

(path/path-count "a/b/c")
=> 3

(string/path-count *ns*)
=> 4
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(path-join arr)
(path-join arr sep)

joins a sequence of elements into a path separated value

(path/path-join ["a" "b" "c"]) => "a/b/c"

(string/path-join '[:a :b :c] "-") => :a-b-c

(string/path-join '[a b c] '-) => 'a-b-c

joins a sequence of elements into a path separated value

(path/path-join ["a" "b" "c"])
=> "a/b/c"

(string/path-join '[:a :b :c] "-")
=> :a-b-c

(string/path-join '[a b c] '-)
=> 'a-b-c
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(path-ns s)
(path-ns s sep)

returns the path namespace of the string

(path/path-ns "a/b/c/d") => "a/b/c"

(string/path-ns :a.b.c ".") => :a.b

returns the path namespace of the string

(path/path-ns "a/b/c/d")
=> "a/b/c"

(string/path-ns :a.b.c ".")
=> :a.b
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(path-ns-array s)
(path-ns-array s sep)

returns the path vector of the string

(path/path-ns-array "a/b/c/d") => ["a" "b" "c"]

(string/path-ns-array (keyword "a/b/c/d")) => [:a :b :c]

returns the path vector of the string

(path/path-ns-array "a/b/c/d")
=> ["a" "b" "c"]

(string/path-ns-array (keyword "a/b/c/d"))
=> [:a :b :c]
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(path-nth s n)
(path-nth s n sep)

check for the val of the string

(path/path-nth "a/b/c/d" 2) => "c"

check for the val of the string

(path/path-nth "a/b/c/d" 2)
=> "c"
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(path-root s)
(path-root s sep)

returns the path root of the string

(path/path-root "a/b/c/d") => "a"

(string/path-root 'a.b.c ".") => 'a

returns the path root of the string

(path/path-root "a/b/c/d")
=> "a"

(string/path-root 'a.b.c ".")
=> 'a
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(path-split s)
(path-split s sep)

splits a sequence of elements into a path separated value

(path/path-split "a/b/c/d") => '["a" "b" "c" "d"]

(path/path-split "a.b.c.d" ".") => ["a" "b" "c" "d"]

(string/path-split :hello/world) => [:hello :world]

(string/path-split ".") => [:hello :world]

splits a sequence of elements into a path separated value

(path/path-split "a/b/c/d")
=> '["a" "b" "c" "d"]

(path/path-split "a.b.c.d" ".")
=> ["a" "b" "c" "d"]

(string/path-split :hello/world)
=> [:hello :world]

(string/path-split ".")
=> [:hello :world]
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(path-stem s)
(path-stem s sep)

returns the path stem of the string

(path/path-stem "a/b/c/d") => "b/c/d"

(string/path-stem 'a.b.c.d ".") => 'b.c.d

returns the path stem of the string

(path/path-stem "a/b/c/d")
=> "b/c/d"

(string/path-stem 'a.b.c.d ".")
=> 'b.c.d
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(path-stem-array s)
(path-stem-array s sep)

returns the path stem vector of the string

(path/path-stem-array "a/b/c/d") => ["b" "c" "d"]

(string/path-stem-array 'a.b.c.d ".") => '[b c d]

returns the path stem vector of the string

(path/path-stem-array "a/b/c/d")
=>  ["b" "c" "d"]

(string/path-stem-array 'a.b.c.d ".")
=> '[b c d]
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(path-sub s start num)
(path-sub s start num sep)

returns a subsection of the path within the string

(path/path-sub "a/b/c/d" 1 2) => "b/c"

(string/path-sub (symbol "a/b/c/d") 1 2) => 'b/c

returns a subsection of the path within the string

(path/path-sub "a/b/c/d" 1 2)
=> "b/c"

(string/path-sub (symbol "a/b/c/d") 1 2)
=> 'b/c
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(path-sub-array s start num)
(path-sub-array s start num sep)

returns a sub array of the path within the string

(path/path-sub-array "a/b/c/d" 1 2) => ["b" "c"]

(string/path-sub-array (symbol "a/b/c/d") 1 2) => '[b c]

returns a sub array of the path within the string

(path/path-sub-array "a/b/c/d" 1 2)
=> ["b" "c"]

(string/path-sub-array (symbol "a/b/c/d") 1 2)
=> '[b c]
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(path-val s)
(path-val s sep)

returns the val of the string

(path/path-val "a/b/c/d") => "d"

(string/path-val 'a.b.c.d ".") => 'd

returns the val of the string

(path/path-val "a/b/c/d")
=> "d"

(string/path-val 'a.b.c.d ".")
=> 'd
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