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(agent? obj)

Returns true if x is of type clojure.lang.Agent.

(agent? (agent nil)) => true

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `clojure.lang.Agent`.

(agent? (agent nil)) => true
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(atom? obj)

Returns true if x is of type clojure.lang.Atom.

(atom? (atom nil)) => true

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `clojure.lang.Atom`.

(atom? (atom nil)) => true
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(bigdec? x)

Returns true if x is of type java.math.BigDecimal.

(bigdec? 1M) => true (bigdec? 1.0) => false

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `java.math.BigDecimal`.

(bigdec? 1M)       => true
(bigdec? 1.0)      => false
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(bigint? x)

Returns true if x is of type clojure.lang.BigInt.

(bigint? 1N) => true (bigint? 1) => false

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `clojure.lang.BigInt`.

(bigint? 1N)       => true
(bigint? 1)        =>  false
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(boolean? x)

Returns true if x is of type java.lang.Boolean.

(boolean? true) => true (boolean? false) => true (boolean? 1) => false

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `java.lang.Boolean`.

(boolean? true)   => true
(boolean? false)  => true
(boolean? 1) => false
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(byte? x)

Returns true if x is of type java.lang.Byte

(byte? (byte 1)) => true

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `java.lang.Byte`

(byte? (byte 1)) => true
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(bytes? x)

Returns true if x is a primitive byte array.

(bytes? (byte-array 8)) => true

Returns `true` if `x` is a primitive `byte` array.

(bytes? (byte-array 8)) => true
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(comparable? x y)

Returns true if x and y both implements java.lang.Comparable.

(comparable? 1 1) => true

Returns `true` if `x` and `y` both implements `java.lang.Comparable`.

(comparable? 1 1) => true
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(double? x)

Returns true if x is of type java.lang.Double.

(double? 1) => false (double? (double 1)) => true

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `java.lang.Double`.

(double? 1)            => false
(double? (double 1))   => true
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(edn? x)

checks if an entry is valid edn

(edn? 1) => true

(edn? {}) => true

(edn? (java.util.Date.)) => false

checks if an entry is valid edn

(edn? 1) => true

(edn? {}) => true

(edn? (java.util.Date.))
=> false
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(hash-map? x)

Returns true if x implements clojure.lang.APersistentMap.

(hash-map? {}) => true (hash-map? []) => false

Returns `true` if `x` implements `clojure.lang.APersistentMap`.

(hash-map? {})    => true
(hash-map? [])    => false
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(ideref? obj)

Returns true if x is of type java.lang.IDeref.

(ideref? (atom 0)) => true (ideref? (promise)) => true (ideref? (future)) => true

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `java.lang.IDeref`.

(ideref? (atom 0))  => true
(ideref? (promise)) => true
(ideref? (future))  => true
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(instant? x)

Returns true if x is of type java.util.Date.

(instant? (java.util.Date.)) => true

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `java.util.Date`.

(instant? (java.util.Date.)) => true
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(iobj? x)

checks if a component is instance of clojure.lang.IObj

(iobj? 1) => false

(iobj? {}) => true

checks if a component is instance of clojure.lang.IObj

(iobj? 1) => false

(iobj? {}) => true
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(iref? obj)

Returns true if x is of type clojure.lang.IRef.

(iref? (atom 0)) => true (iref? (ref 0)) => true (iref? (agent 0)) => true (iref? (promise)) => false (iref? (future)) => false

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `clojure.lang.IRef`.

(iref? (atom 0))  => true
(iref? (ref 0))   => true
(iref? (agent 0)) => true
(iref? (promise)) => false
(iref? (future))  => false
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(lazy-seq? x)

Returns true if x implements clojure.lang.LazySeq.

(lazy-seq? (map inc [1 2 3])) => true (lazy-seq? ()) => false

Returns `true` if `x` implements `clojure.lang.LazySeq`.

(lazy-seq? (map inc [1 2 3]))  => true
(lazy-seq? ())    => false
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(long? x)

Returns true if x is of type java.lang.Long.

(long? 1) => true (long? 1N) => false

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `java.lang.Long`.

(long? 1)          => true
(long? 1N)         => false
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(promise? obj)

Returns true is x is a promise

(promise? (promise)) => true (promise? (future)) => false

Returns `true` is `x` is a promise

(promise? (promise)) => true
(promise? (future))  => false
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(ref? obj)

Returns true if x is of type clojure.lang.Ref.

(ref? (ref nil)) => true

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `clojure.lang.Ref`.

(ref? (ref nil)) => true
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(regexp? x)

Returns true if x implements clojure.lang.IPersistentMap.

(regexp? #"\d+") => true

Returns `true` if `x` implements `clojure.lang.IPersistentMap`.

(regexp? #"\d+") => true
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(short? x)

Returns true if x is of type java.lang.Short

(short? (short 1)) => true

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `java.lang.Short`

(short? (short 1)) => true
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(thread? obj)

Returns true is x is a thread

(thread? (Thread/currentThread)) => true

Returns `true` is `x` is a thread

(thread? (Thread/currentThread)) => true
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(type-checker k)

Returns the checking function associated with k

(type-checker :string) => #'clojure.core/string?

(require '[hara.core.base.check :refer [bytes?]]) (type-checker :bytes) => #'hara.core.base.check/bytes?

Returns the checking function associated with `k`

(type-checker :string) => #'clojure.core/string?

(require '[hara.core.base.check :refer [bytes?]])
(type-checker :bytes)  => #'hara.core.base.check/bytes?
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(uri? x)

Returns true if x is of type

(uri? ( "")) => true

Returns `true` if `x` is of type ``.

(uri? ( "")) => true
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(url? x)

Returns true if x is of type

(url? ( "file:/Users/chris/Development")) => true

Returns `true` if `x` is of type ``.

(url? ( "file:/Users/chris/Development")) => true
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(uuid? x)

Returns true if x is of type java.util.UUID.

(uuid? (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)) => true

Returns `true` if `x` is of type `java.util.UUID`.

(uuid? (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)) => true
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