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(attr-ns-pair [attr])

constructs a :ns and :ident root pair for comparison

;; (attr-ns-pair [{:ident :a/b/c ;; :ref {:ns :d}}]) ;; => [:a :d]

(attr-ns-pair [{:ident :a/b :ref {:ns :c}}]) => [:a :c]

constructs a :ns and :ident root pair for comparison

;; (attr-ns-pair [{:ident  :a/b/c
;;                :ref     {:ns :d}}])
;; => [:a :d]

(attr-ns-pair [{:ident  :a/b
                :ref    {:ns :c}}])
=> [:a :c]
raw docstring


(determine-rval [[root ref-ns many?] [attr] :as entry])

outputs the :rval value of a :ref schema reference

(determine-rval [[:account :email false] [{:ident :account/email}]]) => :accounts

(determine-rval [[:account :email true] [{:ident :account/email}]]) => :email_accounts

(determine-rval [[:account :image true] [{:ident :account/bigImage}]]) => :bigImage_accounts

(determine-rval [[:node :node true] [{:ident :node/children :ref {:ns :node}}]]) => :children_of

(determine-rval [[:node :node false] [{:ident :node/children :ref {:ns :node :rval :parents}}]]) => :parents

outputs the :rval value of a :ref schema reference

(determine-rval [[:account :email false]
                 [{:ident  :account/email}]])
=> :accounts

(determine-rval [[:account :email true]
                 [{:ident  :account/email}]])
=> :email_accounts

(determine-rval [[:account :image true]
                 [{:ident  :account/bigImage}]])
=> :bigImage_accounts

(determine-rval [[:node  :node  true]
                 [{:ident  :node/children
                   :ref    {:ns    :node}}]])
=> :children_of

(determine-rval [[:node  :node  false]
                 [{:ident  :node/children
                   :ref    {:ns    :node
                            :rval  :parents}}]])
=> :parents
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(forward-ref-attr [attr])

creates the :ref schema attribute for the forward reference case

(forward-ref-attr [{:ident :node/children :ref {:ns :node :rval :parents}}]) => [{:ident :node/children :ref {:ns :node :type :forward :val :children :key :node/children :rval :parents :rkey :node/_children :rident :node/parents}}]

(forward-ref-attr [{:ident :node/children :ref {:ns :node}}]) => (throws Exception)

creates the :ref schema attribute for the forward reference case

(forward-ref-attr [{:ident  :node/children
                    :ref    {:ns    :node
                             :rval  :parents}}])
=> [{:ident    :node/children
     :ref      {:ns     :node
                :type   :forward
                :val    :children
                :key    :node/children
                :rval   :parents
                :rkey   :node/_children
                :rident :node/parents}}]

(forward-ref-attr [{:ident  :node/children
                    :ref    {:ns    :node}}])
=> (throws Exception)
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(forward-ref-attr-fn [_ [attr] :as entry])

helper for forward-ref-attr

helper for `forward-ref-attr`
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(is-reversible? attr)

determines whether a ref attribute is reversible or not (is-reversible? {:ident :account/email ;; okay :type :ref :ref {:ns :email}}) => true

(is-reversible? {:ident :email ;; does not have keyword-ns :type :ref :ref {:ns :email}}) => false

determines whether a ref attribute is reversible or not
(is-reversible? {:ident   :account/email    ;; okay
                 :type    :ref
                 :ref     {:ns  :email}})
=> true

(is-reversible? {:ident   :email            ;; does not have keyword-ns
                 :type    :ref
                 :ref     {:ns  :email}})
=> false
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(mark-multiple nsgroups)
(mark-multiple [nsgroup & more] output)

marks multiple ns/ident groups

(mark-multiple [[[:a :b] [1 2]] [[:c :d] [1]]]) => [[[:c :d false] 1] [[:a :b true] 1] [[:a :b true] 2]]

marks multiple ns/ident groups

(mark-multiple [[[:a :b] [1 2]]
                [[:c :d] [1]]])
=> [[[:c :d false] 1]
    [[:a :b true] 1] [[:a :b true] 2]]
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(ref-attrs fschm)

creates forward and reverse attributes for a flattened schema

(ref-attrs {:account/email [{:ident :account/email :type :ref :ref {:ns :email}}]}) => {:email/accounts [{:ident :email/accounts :cardinality :many :type :ref :ref {:type :reverse :key :account/_email :ns :account :val :accounts :rval :email :rident :account/email :rkey :account/email}}] :account/email [{:ident :account/email :type :ref :ref {:type :forward :key :account/email :ns :email :val :email :rval :accounts :rident :email/accounts :rkey :account/_email}}]}

creates forward and reverse attributes for a flattened schema

(ref-attrs {:account/email [{:ident   :account/email
                             :type    :ref
                             :ref     {:ns  :email}}]})
=> {:email/accounts [{:ident :email/accounts
                      :cardinality :many
                      :type :ref
                      :ref {:type   :reverse
                            :key    :account/_email
                           :ns     :account
                            :val    :accounts
                            :rval   :email
                            :rident :account/email
                            :rkey   :account/email}}]
    :account/email  [{:ident :account/email
                      :type :ref
                      :ref {:type   :forward
                            :key    :account/email
                            :ns     :email
                            :val    :email
                            :rval   :accounts
                            :rident :email/accounts
                            :rkey   :account/_email}}]}
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(reverse-ref-attr [attr])

creates the reverse :ref schema attribute for backward reference

(reverse-ref-attr [{:ident :node/children :ref {:ns :node :type :forward :val :children :key :node/children :rval :parents :rkey :node/_children :rident :node/parents}}]) => [{:ident :node/parents :cardinality :many :type :ref :ref {:ns :node :type :reverse :val :parents :key :node/_children :rval :children :rkey :node/children :rident :node/children}}]

(reverse-ref-attr [{:ident :node/children :ref {:ns :node}}]) => (throws Exception)

creates the reverse :ref schema attribute for backward reference

 (reverse-ref-attr [{:ident    :node/children
                     :ref      {:ns     :node
                                :type   :forward
                                :val    :children
                                :key    :node/children
                                :rval   :parents
                                :rkey   :node/_children
                                :rident :node/parents}}])
 => [{:ident :node/parents
      :cardinality :many
      :type :ref
      :ref  {:ns      :node
             :type    :reverse
             :val     :parents
             :key     :node/_children
             :rval    :children
             :rkey    :node/children
             :rident  :node/children}}]

(reverse-ref-attr [{:ident    :node/children
                     :ref      {:ns     :node}}])
 => (throws Exception)
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