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(all-loaded coord)
(all-loaded coord loader)

returns all the loaded artifacts of the same group and name

(all-loaded 'org.clojure/clojure) ;;=> ('org.clojure:clojure:jar:1.8.0) => sequential?

returns all the loaded artifacts of the same group and name

(all-loaded 'org.clojure/clojure)
;;=> ('org.clojure:clojure:jar:1.8.0)
=> sequential?
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(all-loaded-artifacts type)
(all-loaded-artifacts loader type)

returns all loaded artifacts


returns all loaded artifacts

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(clean artifact {:keys [full simulate]})

cleans the maven entries for the artifact, :full deletes all the versions

(clean '[hara/hara.string "2.4.8"] {:full true :simulate true}) => set?

cleans the maven entries for the artifact, `:full` deletes all the versions

(clean '[hara/hara.string "2.4.8"]
       {:full true
        :simulate true})
=> set?
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(current-version artifact)

finds the current artifact version for a given classloader

(current-version 'org.clojure/tools.reader) => "1.3.0"

finds the current artifact version for a given classloader

(current-version 'org.clojure/tools.reader)
=> "1.3.0"
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(load coords)
(load coords loader)

loads all artifacts in list, unloading previous versions of the same artifact

loads all artifacts in list, unloading previous versions of the same artifact
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(load-artifact coord)
(load-artifact coord loader)

loads an artifact into the system

(load-artifact '[potemkin/potemkin "0.4.5"])

loads an artifact into the system

(load-artifact '[potemkin/potemkin "0.4.5"])
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(loaded-artifact? coord)
(loaded-artifact? coord loader)

checks if artifact has been loaded

(loaded-artifact? '[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]) => true

checks if artifact has been loaded

(loaded-artifact? '[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"])
=> true
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(resolve x)
(resolve x context)
(resolve x context {:keys [tag] :or {tag :path} :as opts})

resolves a class or namespace within a context

(resolve ' ['org.clojure/tools.reader (jvm/current-version 'org.clojure/tools.reader)]) => (contains [string? "clojure/tools/reader.clj"])

(resolve 'clojure.core ["org.clojure:tools.reader:1.3.0"] {:tag :coord}) => nil

resolves a class or namespace within a context

(resolve '
          (jvm/current-version 'org.clojure/tools.reader)])
=> (contains [string?

(resolve 'clojure.core
         {:tag :coord})
=> nil
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(resolve-classloader x)
(resolve-classloader x loader)

resolves a class or namespace to a physical location

(resolve-classloader String) => (contains [anything #"java/lang/String.class"])

(resolve-classloader 'hara.test) => (contains [nil (str (fs/path "src/hara/test.clj"))])

resolves a class or namespace to a physical location

(resolve-classloader String)
=> (contains
    [anything #"java/lang/String.class"])

(resolve-classloader 'hara.test)
=> (contains 
    [nil (str (fs/path "src/hara/test.clj"))])
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(resolve-jar-entry x artifact)
(resolve-jar-entry x artifact {:keys [tag] :or {tag :path}})

resolves a class or namespace within a jar

(resolve-jar-entry ' ['org.clojure/tools.reader (jvm/current-version 'org.clojure/tools.reader)]) => (contains-in [string? "clojure/tools/reader.clj"])

(resolve-jar-entry ' "org.clojure:tools.reader:1.3.0" {:tag :coord}) => '[[org.clojure/tools.reader "1.3.0"] "clojure/tools/reader.clj"]

resolves a class or namespace within a jar

(resolve-jar-entry '
                    (jvm/current-version 'org.clojure/tools.reader)])
=> (contains-in [string?

(resolve-jar-entry '
                   {:tag :coord})
=> '[[org.clojure/tools.reader "1.3.0"]
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(unload coords)
(unload coords loader version)

unloads all artifacts in list

unloads all artifacts in list
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(unload-artifact coord)
(unload-artifact coord loader)

unloads an artifact from the system

(unload-artifact '[potemkin/potemkin "0.4.5"])

unloads an artifact from the system

(unload-artifact '[potemkin/potemkin "0.4.5"])
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returns all the loaded artifacts and their versions (version-map) => map?

returns all the loaded artifacts and their versions
=> map?
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