(create-http-methods ks)
creates the standard http get, post, etc requests
creates the standard http get, post, etc requests
(delete url)
(delete url opts)
(endpoint-data result)
gets the data returned from endpoint
(endpoint-data {:status 200 :body (str {:data [1 2 3 4] :status :return})}) => [1 2 3 4]
gets the data returned from endpoint (endpoint-data {:status 200 :body (str {:data [1 2 3 4] :status :return})}) => [1 2 3 4]
(get url)
(get url opts)
(getter-methods cls)
returns methods of one argument
(keys (getter-methods java.net.http.HttpResponse)) => [:body :headers :previous-response :request :ssl-session :status-code :uri :version]
returns methods of one argument (keys (getter-methods java.net.http.HttpResponse)) => [:body :headers :previous-response :request :ssl-session :status-code :uri :version]
(head url)
(head url opts)
(http-client opts)
constructor for java.net.http.HttpClient
(http-client) => java.net.http.HttpClient
constructor for java.net.http.HttpClient (http-client) => java.net.http.HttpClient
(http-client-builder opts)
constructor for java.net.http.HttpClientBuilder
(http-client-builder) => java.net.http.HttpClient$Builder
constructor for java.net.http.HttpClientBuilder (http-client-builder) => java.net.http.HttpClient$Builder
(http-request req)
(http-request req
{:keys [expect-continue? headers timeout version body] :as opts})
constructor for java.net.http.HttpRequest
(http-request "http://www.yahoo.com") => java.net.http.HttpRequest
constructor for java.net.http.HttpRequest (http-request "http://www.yahoo.com") => java.net.http.HttpRequest
(http-request-builder opts)
constructor for java.net.http.HttpRequestBuilder
(http-request-builder {:uri "http://www.yahoo.com"}) => java.net.http.HttpRequest$Builder
constructor for java.net.http.HttpRequestBuilder (http-request-builder {:uri "http://www.yahoo.com"}) => java.net.http.HttpRequest$Builder
(mock-endpoint handler route)
(mock-endpoint handler route {:keys [format] :or {format :edn}})
creates a mock-endpoint for testing
((mock-endpoint (fn [req] {:status 200 :body (str {:status :return :data req})}) "/endpoint") {:id :add :args [1 2 3]}) => {:method :post, :route "/endpoint", :body "{:id :add, :args [1 2 3]}"}
creates a mock-endpoint for testing ((mock-endpoint (fn [req] {:status 200 :body (str {:status :return :data req})}) "/endpoint") {:id :add :args [1 2 3]}) => {:method :post, :route "/endpoint", :body "{:id :add, :args [1 2 3]}"}
(patch url)
(patch url opts)
(post url)
(post url opts)
(put url)
(put url opts)
(remote url {:keys [id args format] :as opts :or {format :edn}})
creates a remote access to an endpoint
creates a remote access to an endpoint
(request req)
(request req
{:keys [client as raw type callback error method]
:as opts
:or {type :sync as :string method :get client +default-client+}})
performs a http request
(request "http://www.yahoo.com") => (contains {:status number? :body string? :version "HTTP_1_1" :headers map?})
performs a http request (request "http://www.yahoo.com") => (contains {:status number? :body string? :version "HTTP_1_1" :headers map?})
(request-body body)
constructs a relevant body publisher
(request-body "") => java.net.http.HttpRequest$BodyPublisher
constructs a relevant body publisher (request-body "") => java.net.http.HttpRequest$BodyPublisher
(request-headers headers)
constructs a relevant request header
(vec (request-headers {"Content" "html" "Tags" ["a" "b" "c"]})) => ["Content" "html" "Tags" "a" "Tags" "b" "Tags" "c"]
constructs a relevant request header (vec (request-headers {"Content" "html" "Tags" ["a" "b" "c"]})) => ["Content" "html" "Tags" "a" "Tags" "b" "Tags" "c"]
(response-map resp)
constucts a map from java.net.http.HttpResponse
constucts a map from java.net.http.HttpResponse
(wrap-get-optional f)
wraps function, nil-punning outputs for java.util.Optional
((wrap-get-optional identity) (java.util.Optional/of "hello")) => "hello"
wraps function, nil-punning outputs for java.util.Optional ((wrap-get-optional identity) (java.util.Optional/of "hello")) => "hello"
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