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(add-consumer-atom atom name {:keys [id function sync] :as handler})

adds a consumer to the queue

adds a consumer to the queue
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(add-exchange-atom atom name opts)

adds a queue to the atom

(-> (atom {}) (add-exchange-atom "ex1" {}) (add-exchange-atom "ex2" {}) ((comp sort keys :exchanges deref))) => ["ex1" "ex2"]

adds a queue to the atom

(-> (atom {})
    (add-exchange-atom "ex1" {})
    (add-exchange-atom "ex2" {}) 
    ((comp sort keys :exchanges deref)))
=> ["ex1" "ex2"]
raw docstring


(add-in-atom atom keyword name opts defaults)

helper for adding queues and exchanges

helper for adding queues and exchanges
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(add-queue-atom atom name opts)

adds a queue to the atom

(-> (atom {}) (add-queue-atom "q3" {}) (add-queue-atom "q2" {}) ((comp sort keys :queues deref))) => ["q2" "q3"]

adds a queue to the atom

(-> (atom {})
    (add-queue-atom "q3" {})
    (add-queue-atom "q2" {}) 
    ((comp sort keys :queues deref)))
=> ["q2" "q3"]
raw docstring


(bind-exchange-atom atom source dest opts)

binds a queue to the exchange

(-> (atom {}) (common/install-routing routes) (add-exchange-atom "ex3" {}) (bind-exchange-atom "ex1" "ex3" {}) (list-bindings-atom)) => (contains-in {"ex1" {:exchanges {"ex2" [map?] "ex3" [map?]} :queues {"q1" [map?]}} "ex2" {:queues {"q2" [map?]}}})

binds a queue to the exchange

(-> (atom {})
    (common/install-routing routes)
    (add-exchange-atom "ex3" {})
    (bind-exchange-atom "ex1" "ex3" {})
=> (contains-in {"ex1" {:exchanges {"ex2" [map?]
                                    "ex3" [map?]}
                        :queues {"q1" [map?]}}
                "ex2" {:queues {"q2" [map?]}}})
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(bind-in-atom atom [source-key dest-key bind-type] source dest opts)

helper function for binding to queues and exchanges

helper function for binding to queues and exchanges
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(bind-queue-atom atom source dest opts)

binds an exchange to a queue

(-> (atom {}) (common/install-routing routes) (add-queue-atom "q3" {}) (bind-queue-atom "ex1" "q3" {}) (list-bindings-atom)) => (contains-in {"ex1" {:exchanges {"ex2" [map?]} :queues {"q1" [map?] "q3" [map?]}} "ex2" {:queues {"q2" [map?]}}})

binds an exchange to a queue

(-> (atom {})
    (common/install-routing routes)
    (add-queue-atom "q3" {})
    (bind-queue-atom "ex1" "q3" {})
=> (contains-in {"ex1" {:exchanges {"ex2" [map?]}
                        :queues {"q1" [map?]
                                 "q3" [map?]}}
                "ex2" {:queues {"q2" [map?]}}})
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(delete-consumer-atom atom name id)

deletes a consumer to the queue

deletes a consumer to the queue
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(delete-in-atom atom keyword name)

returns current list of queues (-> (atom {}) (add-exchange-atom "ex1" {}) (add-exchange-atom "ex2" {}) (delete-in-atom :exchanges "ex1") (list-in-atom :exchanges)) => {"ex2" {:type "topic" :internal false :auto-delete false :durable true}}

returns current list of queues
(-> (atom {})
    (add-exchange-atom "ex1" {})
    (add-exchange-atom "ex2" {})
    (delete-in-atom :exchanges "ex1")
    (list-in-atom :exchanges))
=> {"ex2" {:type "topic"
           :internal false
           :auto-delete false
          :durable true}}
raw docstring


(list-bindings-atom atom)

returns current list of exchanges

(-> (atom {}) (common/install-routing routes) (list-bindings-atom)) => (contains-in {"ex1" {:exchanges {"ex2" [map?]} :queues {"q1" [map?]}} "ex2" {:queues {"q2" [map?]}}})

returns current list of exchanges

(-> (atom {})
    (common/install-routing routes)
=> (contains-in {"ex1" {:exchanges {"ex2" [map?]}
                        :queues {"q1" [map?]}}
                 "ex2" {:queues {"q2" [map?]}}})
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(list-consumers-atom atom)

lists all connected consumers

(-> (atom {}) (common/install-routing routes) (add-consumer-atom "q2" {:id :bar :sync true :function prn}) (list-consumers-atom)) => (contains-in {"q1" {} "q2" {:bar {:id :bar, :sync true, :function fn?}}})

lists all connected consumers

(-> (atom {})
    (common/install-routing routes)
    (add-consumer-atom  "q2" {:id :bar
                              :sync true
                              :function prn})
=> (contains-in {"q1" {}
                 "q2" {:bar {:id :bar,
                            :sync true,
                             :function fn?}}})
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(list-in-atom atom keyword)

returns current list of queues (-> (atom {}) (add-queue-atom "q3" {}) (list-in-atom :queues)) => {"q3" {:exclusive false :auto-delete false :durable false}}

returns current list of queues
(-> (atom {})
    (add-queue-atom "q3" {}) 
    (list-in-atom :queues))
=> {"q3" {:exclusive false
          :auto-delete false
          :durable false}}
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(match-pattern pattern input)

creates a re-pattern for the rabbitmq regex string

(match-pattern "*" "hello") => true

(match-pattern ".*." ".hello.") => true

creates a re-pattern for the rabbitmq regex string

(match-pattern "*" "hello")
=> true

(match-pattern ".*." ".hello.")
=> true
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(publish-atom atom exchange body {:keys [key headers] :as opts})

publishes a message to the exchange

(def p (promise))

(-> (atom {}) (common/install-routing routes) (add-consumer-atom "q1" {:id :bar :sync true :function #(deliver p %)}) (publish-atom "ex1" "hello there" {}))

@p => "hello there"

publishes a message to the exchange

(def p (promise))

(-> (atom {})
    (common/install-routing routes)
    (add-consumer-atom "q1" {:id :bar
                             :sync true
                             :function #(deliver p %)})
    (publish-atom "ex1" "hello there" {}))

@p => "hello there"
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(route? {:keys [type] :as meta}
        {:keys [key headers] :as package}
        {:keys [routing-key arguments] :as bind-opts})

checks if a message will be routed

(route? {:type "fanout"} {} {}) => true

(route? {:type "topic"} {:key "user.account.login"} {:routing-key ".account."}) => true

(route? {:type "header"} {:headers {"account" "login"}} {:arguments {"account" "*"}}) => true

checks if a message will be routed

(route? {:type "fanout"} {} {})
=> true

(route? {:type "topic"}
        {:key "user.account.login"}
        {:routing-key "*.account.*"})
=> true

(route? {:type "header"}
        {:headers {"account" "login"}}
        {:arguments {"account" "*"}})
=> true
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