(decrypt bytes key)
(decrypt bytes key {:keys [algorithm params random iv] :as opts})
decrypts a byte array using a key
(-> (decrypt (encode/from-hex "30491ab4427e45909f3d2f5d600b0f93") {:type "AES", :mode :secret, :format "RAW", :encoded "euHlt5sHWhRpbKZHjrwrrQ=="}) (String.)) => "hello world"
decrypts a byte array using a key (-> (decrypt (encode/from-hex "30491ab4427e45909f3d2f5d600b0f93") {:type "AES", :mode :secret, :format "RAW", :encoded "euHlt5sHWhRpbKZHjrwrrQ=="}) (String.)) => "hello world"
(encrypt bytes key)
(encrypt bytes key {:keys [algorithm params random iv] :as opts})
encrypts a byte array using a key
(-> (encrypt (.getBytes "hello world") {:type "AES", :mode :secret, :format "RAW", :encoded "euHlt5sHWhRpbKZHjrwrrQ=="}) (encode/to-hex)) => "30491ab4427e45909f3d2f5d600b0f93"
encrypts a byte array using a key (-> (encrypt (.getBytes "hello world") {:type "AES", :mode :secret, :format "RAW", :encoded "euHlt5sHWhRpbKZHjrwrrQ=="}) (encode/to-hex)) => "30491ab4427e45909f3d2f5d600b0f93"
(init-cipher cipher mode key {:keys [params random iv]})
initializes cipher according to options
initializes cipher according to options
(operate mode bytes key {:keys [algorithm] :as opts})
base function for encrypt and decrypt
base function for encrypt and decrypt
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