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A Clojure library for interacting with HBase.

:dependencies [[hbase "0.1.6"]]


(:require [hbase.config]

Create a config

Connects to ZooKeeper using hbase-site.xml

(def config (hbase.config/new))

Create a table

(hbase.schema/create-table "t1" "f1" "f2" "f3" config)

Connect to a table

Returns an HTable

(hbase.table/new "t1" config)


The three argument version inserts multiple column-family column-name value pairs from a map.
The four argument version inserts multiple column-name value pairs from a map.
The five argument version inserts a single column-name value pair.

(hbase.table/put table "k1" {"f1" {"c0" "racoon" "c1" "penguin"} "f2" {"c2" "zebra" "c3" "panda"}})

(hbase.table/put table "k1" "f2" {"c2" "zebra" "c3" "panda"})

(hbase.table/put table "k1" "f2"  "c3" "panda")


The two argument form returns a map of maps of column-families, column-names and column-values values associated with the rowkey.
The three argument form returns a map of column-names and column-values associated with a rowkey and column-family.
The four argument form returns the column-value associated with a rowkey, column-family and column-name.

(hbase.table/get table "k1")

(hbase.table/get table "k1" "f2")

(hbase.table/get table "k1" "f2" "c2")


Scan returns a function representing an iterator over the scan results. The iterator returns nil when exhausted.

All familes
(let [cursor (hbase.table/scan table "k1" "kn")]
    (loop [result (cursor)]
        (when (not= nil result)
            (prn result)
            (recur (cursor)))))
Specified families
(hbase.table/scan table "k1" "kn" ["f1" "f2"])
Specified columns
(hbase.table/scan table "k1" "kn" 
    {"f1" ["c1" "c2"] 
     "f3" ["c5" "c7"]})


Copyright © 2013 David Williams

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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