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Clojars Project


The main goal is to provide the simpliest DSL to describe pattern of expected value.


Not so easy to write tests with multiple asserts. Code grows fast, a lot of repetitions, hard to read.

(def person
  {:age      42
   :name     "Health Samurai"
   :email    ""
   :favorite {:numbers [1 3 17]}})

(is (even? (get person :age)))
(is (re-find #"Health.*" (get person :name)))
(is (= [1 3 17] (get-in person [:favorite :numbers])))


Part of expected datastructure can be used as a pattern. If exact value not know a predicate or spec can be used instead of it. matcho/match will check if expected value matches the pattern(s) and assert with is.

(def person-pattern
  {:age      #(even? %)
   :name     #"Health.*"
   :favorite {:numbers [1 3 17]}})
(match person person-pattern)


Add following project dependency to deps.edn:

{healthsamurai/matcho {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}


Understand and pick out needed parts:

(ns hello-world.core
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [matcho.core :as :m]))
(deftest readme-test
  (is (m/valid? pos? 1))
  (m/assert 1 1)
  (m/assert {:status #(< % 300)
             :body   #(not (empty? %))}
            {:status 200
             :body   "hello"})
  (m/assert ::pos-coll [1 2 3])
  (m/assert [{:expected #"conforms.*pos-coll"}]
            (m/explain-data ::pos-coll [1 -1 2])))

More advanced examples can be found here.


Copyright © 2016 HealthSamurai

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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