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Small leiningen plugin to help make using docker-compose with your Clojure projects easier :cat2:.

It's possible to tell docker-compose explicitly which ports on your host machine to map container ports to, but this means you can't have more than one app running that uses the same ports. Letting docker-compose auto-allocate the ports means you'll never have this kind of clash, but the ports will change.

lein-docker-compose makes your Clojure app aware of the generated ports by discovering the port mappings created by docker-compose and injecting them into environ.core/env.

It does this in two steps:

  1. When you call lein docker-compose, it parses your docker-compose.yml and writes the ports it discovers to .lein-docker-env.
  2. When you start a repl or otherwise run your code in dev mode, it reads this file and merges its contents into environ's env.

Breaking change in 0.2.0!

From 0.2.0, the first step is run only on-demand. This is because it takes a noticeable fraction of a second to run, and was ending up being called multiple times on REPL startup due to multiple calls to the environ function this plugin wraps.

In future, to guarantee it's re-run every time it needs to, you need to start your repl/app like this: lein do docker-compose, repl.

Or just run it when you know the ports have changed!


You'll need docker and docker-compose. You'll also need either environ or yogthos/config, andlein-environ and lein-docker-compose in your project.clj.

:profiles {:dev {::plugins [[lein-environ "1.1.0"]
                            [lein-docker-compose "0.2.0"]]}}


Define the services your app needs, and the ports they expose, in your docker-compose.yml. For example, to start a RabbitMQ cluster, you could do something like this:

# docker-compose.yml
    image: rabbitmq
      - "5672"
      - "15672"
      - RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=password

(N.B. the old format of docker-compose.yml put services at the top level of the file - lein-docker-compose supports both formats).

Start these services with docker-compose up -d (or miss off the -d if you want to start them in the foreground).

Then just start your Clojure app normally, via lein repl or lein run. Check the contents of environ.core/env and you'll see that lein-docker-compose has injected port mappings. For the above example you would see something like this:

(require '[config.core :refer [env]])
(:docker-rabbit-port-5672 env)
;; => "174738" (or some other random port)
(:docker-rabbit-port-15672 env)
;; => "174739" (or some other random port)


Contributions welcome... emojis in commit messages encouraged. :dog:

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