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The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) as pure edn data

Original data taken from

This is a convenience tool for those who would like to work with GTFS data but dont want to manually recreate it.


This project can be used in two ways, dependending on how you wish to use it.

  • as a Clojure(script) library

This is very useful if you want to work with this data in your code. There are several convenience functions exposed through the hiposfer.gtfs.edn namespace.

(ns my.namespace
  (:require [hiposfer.gtfs.edn :as gtfs])) 

;; fetch all gtfs fields that are required
(filter :required gtfs/fields)

;; fetch all gtfs fields that represent a dataset unique attribute
(filter :unique gtfs/fields)

;; fetch all gtfs fields for the "agency.txt" feed
(filter #(= "agency.txt" (:filename %)) gtfs/fields)
  • as a git submodule

If you are only interested in the data itself, and would like to use it without Clojure, you can add it as a git submodule. You can use one of the many EDN reader implementations to parse the gtfs data to your convenience.

$ git submodule add

## you will find the gtfs reference spec inside the resources dir
$ my-custom-script parse gtfs.edn/resources/reference.edn

Distributed under LGPL v3

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