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Reactive Datascript queries through Reagent's track mechanism


Rata hooks itself into the transactor of Datascript. So you just need to register it against Datascript's connection. From that point onwards, you should use rata/q and rata/pull with the connection

(ns example.core
  (:require [reagent.core :as reagent]
            [datascript.core :as data]
            [hiposfer.rata.core :as rata]))

(defonce state (data/create-conn {:user/input {:db.unique :db.unique/identity}}))

(rata/listen! state)

(defn hello-world
  (let [click-count @(rata/q! '[:find ?count .
                                :where [?input :user/input "click"]
                                       [?input :click/count ?count]]
                              state)] ;; this is conn not the db as in datascript !!
    [:div "For each click, you get a greeting :)"
     [:input {:type "button" :value "Click me!"
              :on-click #(data/transact! state [{:user/input "click"
                                                 :click/count (inc click-count)}])}]
     (for [i (range click-count)]
       ^{:key i}
       [:div "hello " i])]))

(reagent/render-component [hello-world]
                          (. js/document (getElementById "app")))


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