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(commit-change-event old-hash {:keys [repo-dir]})


(start! start-prevayler-fn
        {:keys [coherent-mode? git-reset? repo-dir src-dir] :as opts})

Starts a prevayler instance that has git coherence enabled.


  • start-prevayler-fn: a function that starts the underlying prevayler instance, it must receive one argument containing the prevayler config
  • config: the prevayler config to be passed to the underlying prevayler instance
  • opts: a map with the following options
    • coherent-mode?: whether coherence should be enabled or not
    • git-reset?: whether the git workspace should be reset
    • repo-dir: an absolute that points to the git repository directory, defaults to the process working directory
    • src-dir: the path of the source directory as a string
    • refreshable-namespaces-prefixes: a sequence of namespace prefix symbols that need to be refreshed. All namespaces whose names start with one of the given symbols will be refreshed (e.g. ['] will refresh ', ' and so on). An empty sequence means all namespaces will be refreshed. Note that namespaces that depend on a namespace that was refreshed will also be refreshed, regardless of the namespace being in this sequence or not
Starts a prevayler instance that has git coherence enabled.

- start-prevayler-fn: a function that starts the underlying prevayler instance,
                      it must receive one argument containing the prevayler config
- config: the prevayler config to be passed to the underlying prevayler instance
- opts: a map with the following options
  - coherent-mode?: whether coherence should be enabled or not
  - git-reset?: whether the git workspace should be reset
  - repo-dir: an absolute that points to the git repository directory,
              defaults to the process working directory
  - src-dir: the path of the source directory as a string
  - refreshable-namespaces-prefixes: a sequence of namespace prefix symbols that need to be refreshed.
                                     All namespaces whose names start with one of the given symbols
                                     will be refreshed (e.g. ['] will refresh ',
                                     ' and so on).
                                     An empty sequence means all namespaces will be refreshed.
                                     Note that namespaces that depend on a namespace that was refreshed
                                     will also be refreshed, regardless of the namespace being in this
                                     sequence or not
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