All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Use v0.3.5 of
0.3.1 - 2019-09-09
- Use v0.7.0 of
0.3.0 - 2019-08-04
- Keycloak and Cognito session modules now automatically refresh ID tokens, based on their expiration time.
- Fixed externs files path generation. Project namespace that contain hyphens must be translated into underscores.
0.2.0 - 2019-07-29
- Chunks of code irrelevant to the main purpose of this template
were moved to an index of suggested next steps in the relevant
file. - Add Eastwood as a development dependency and bump lein-cljfmt version
- Reorganized the CLJS externs file. Split them into individual files (one per library/external service).
- Mode Cognito and Keycloak session management back into this template, instead of using external Duct modules. We no longer need to use modules (we can do all we need from the template) and this adds at least two benefits: a) a single place to maintain code, and b) configuration is explicit and visible in
. - Use newer versions of 3rd party dependencies (re-frame and cljs-ajax)
- Use v0.1.8 of
- Refactored login form in Cognito profile to make autocompletion work properly.
- Added missing images used in Cognito profile.
- Handle project names containing hyphens correctly. We used the name as-is in Javascript code, which is not valid.
- A couple of back-end utility namespaces containing commonly used functionality (HTTP response methods, Base64 encoding/decoding, UUID generation, etc.)
- A new persistence profile for SQL databases (only the Postgresql driver dependency is added by default). It adds all the boundary namespaces neede (port, adapter(s), etc.).
0.1.7 - 2019-06-24
- Breaking change changed expected keycloak config key from
to :client-id
. - Changed parameters of debouncing for authentication checks.
- Use v0.1.2 of
- Use v0.1.8 of
- Generate
and src/domain/
directories - Explicit configuration to keycloak and cognito profiles
0.1.6 - 2019-06-19
- Use v0.1.1 of
- Use v0.6.0 of
- Projects without session profile had routing broken on v0.1.5. It's fixed now.
- Fix license file (the template is licensed under MPL 2.0, but the
license file contained the EPL 2.0 license text)
0.1.5 - 2019-06-10
- hydrogen.module.keycloak version
0.1.4 - 2019-06-10
- Moved repository to new one without
in name.
0.1.3 - 2019-05-09
- Theming capabilities
- Tooltips/popovers engine
- Directory
was renamed to resources/images
to reflect its content more accurately. - We were not consistent in using
Sometimes it was re-frame
and sometimes it was rf
This version unifies it to rf