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A ClojureScript Material-UI wrapper.

material-ui v3.2.0 material-ui-icon v3.0.1-0

Clojars Project


[id.nadiar/cljs-mui "0.1.0-alpha5"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn

id.nadiar/cljs-mui {:mvn/version "0.1.0-alpha5"}


From 0.1.0-alpha4.1 above, you have to add react, material-ui, and material-ui-icons manually. If you are using reagent or fulcro, the react is already bundled.

(:require [material-ui]
          [id.nadiar.cljs-mui.core :as mui]
          [id.nadiar.cljs-mui.icons :as icon]
          [ :refer [theme] :as style]
          [goog.object :as gobj])

Reagent example

(def custom-style
  {:button {:margin (gobj/getValueByKeys theme "spacing" "unit")}
   :textField {:marginLeft (gobj/getValueByKeys theme "spacing" "unit")
               :marginRight (gobj/getValueByKeys theme "spacing" "unit")}})

(def with-my-styles (style/with-styles custom-styles))                

(defn my-button [{:keys [classes] :as props}]
  [mui/button {:variant "contained"
               :color "primary"
               :className (.-button classes)}
   "Hello World!"

(defn hello-world []
   [:> (with-my-styles (reagent.core/reactify-component my-button))]])                

Fulcro example

(fulcro.client.primitives/defsc MyButton
                                [this props]
                                (mui/button {:variant   "contained"
                                             :color     "primary"
                                             :className (style/class-name this :button)}
                                            "Hello World!"

(def my-button (fulcro.client.primitives/factory
                 ((style/with-style {:button {:margin (gobj/getValueByKeys theme "spacing" "unit")}
                                     :textField {:marginLeft (gobj/getValueByKeys theme "spacing" "unit")
                                                 :marginRight (gobj/getValueByKeys theme "spacing" "unit")}})

Fulcro example, thanks to Souenzzo


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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0.

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