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Clojure stuff for encoding Hystrix commands and providing a data stream via SSE in Immutant applications.


(ns my-immutant-app
    (:require [ :as hs])
    (:require [ :refer [defcommand]])
    (:require [immutant.web :as web]
              [immutant.scheduling :as sch]))

(defcommand my-job

(defn -main
 [& args]
 (sch/schedule my-job :every [1 :second])
 (web/run hs/hystrix-stream :host "localhost" :port 8082 :path "/hystrix-stream"))


This library serves a very specific purpose, so if you aren't using Immutant and Hystrix together it probably doesn't do you any good.

If you are, however, this will let you create a stream of Hystrix metrics (presumably from your Hystrix-clj commands) for consumption by the Hystrix Dashboard. See the example application for a quick usage overview.


Copyright © 2015 Josh Rotenberg

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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