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A component for the Immutant web server. It is an adapter for Immutant web to be used in reloadable applications.


Add the dependency to your project.clj:

Clojars Project


First require the libraries:

(require '[immutant-web-component.core :refer [immutant-web-server]]
         '[com.stuartsierra.component :as component])

Then you can create a new Immutant web server component. It wil depend on a Ring handler component with an :handler key holding a handler function. Then you can start and stop it:

(def web-server
  (atom (immutant-web-server {:host "localhost" :port "8080"})))

(let [handler-component {:handler (constantly
                                    {:status 200
                                     :body "Just handling business."})}]
  (swap! web-server #(assoc % :handler handler-component))
  (swap! web-server #(component/start %))
  ;; Make some requests to localhost:8080
  (swap! web-server #(component/stop %)))

Or, you can use it as part of a reloadable system:

(def handler-fn
  (constantly {:status 200 :body "I'm still here!"}))

(def system
    :handler {:handler handler-fn}
    :server (component/using
              (immutant-web-server {:host "localhost" :port "8080"})

(alter-var-root #'system component/start)
;; do stuff
(alter-var-root #'system component/stop)


Copyright © 2015 ben lamothe

Distributed under the MIT License

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