A library for performing symbolic math, a port from SICP (http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/).
A library for performing symbolic math, a port from SICP (http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/).
(deriv exp v)
(deriv exp v degree)
Macro for symbolic differentiation. with 2 args, takes 1st degree deriv. with 3, takes arbitrary degrees. contains all deriv rules for basic funcs.
(use '(incanter core symbolic))
(deriv (+ x 3) x) ; => 1 (deriv (* x y) x) ; => y (deriv (* (* x y) (+ x 3)) x) ; => (+ (* (+ x 3) y) (* x y)) (deriv (* (* x y) (+ x 3)) y) ; => (* (+ x 3) x)
(deriv (* x y (+ x 3)) x) ; => (+ (* y (+ x 3)) (* y x)) (deriv (* x y (+ x 3)) y) ; => (* (+ x 3) x)
(deriv (sin x) x) ; => (cos x) (deriv (cos x) x) ; => (* -1 (sin x))
(deriv (sin (* x y)) y) ; => (* x (cos (* x y)))
(deriv (pow x 3) x) ; => (* 3 (pow x 2)) (deriv (** x 3) x) ; => (* 3 (pow x 2))
(deriv (pow x 3) x 2) ; => (* 3 (* 2 x))
(deriv (* x y (+ x 3)) x 2) ; => (+ y y) (deriv (* x y (+ x 3)) x 3) ; => 0
(deriv (+ (* 3 x) (* 8 x)) x) ; => 11
(deriv (/ 1 x) x) ; => (* (deriv* (* (x)) x) (* -1 (pow (* (x)) -2))) ^-- need to fix
Macro for symbolic differentiation. with 2 args, takes 1st degree deriv. with 3, takes arbitrary degrees. contains all deriv rules for basic funcs. Examples: (use '(incanter core symbolic)) (deriv (+ x 3) x) ; => 1 (deriv (* x y) x) ; => y (deriv (* (* x y) (+ x 3)) x) ; => (+ (* (+ x 3) y) (* x y)) (deriv (* (* x y) (+ x 3)) y) ; => (* (+ x 3) x) (deriv (* x y (+ x 3)) x) ; => (+ (* y (+ x 3)) (* y x)) (deriv (* x y (+ x 3)) y) ; => (* (+ x 3) x) (deriv (sin x) x) ; => (cos x) (deriv (cos x) x) ; => (* -1 (sin x)) (deriv (sin (* x y)) y) ; => (* x (cos (* x y))) (deriv (pow x 3) x) ; => (* 3 (pow x 2)) (deriv (** x 3) x) ; => (* 3 (pow x 2)) (deriv (pow x 3) x 2) ; => (* 3 (* 2 x)) (deriv (* x y (+ x 3)) x 2) ; => (+ y y) (deriv (* x y (+ x 3)) x 3) ; => 0 (deriv (+ (* 3 x) (* 8 x)) x) ; => 11 ;; NOT WORKING YET (deriv (/ 1 x) x) ; => (* (deriv* (* (x)) x) (* -1 (pow (* (x)) -2))) ^-- need to fix
(deriv* exp v)
(deriv* exp vr degree)
Main sub-function for differentiation. with 2 args, takes 1st degree deriv. with 3, takes arbitrary degrees. contains all deriv rules for basic funcs.
(use '(incanter core symbolic))
(deriv* '(+ x 3) 'x) (deriv* '(* x y) 'x) (deriv* '(* (* x y) '(+ x 3)) x) (deriv* '(* (* x y) (+ x 3)) 'y)
(deriv* '(* x y (+ x 3)) 'x) (deriv* '(* x y (+ x 3)) 'y)
(deriv* '(* x y (+ x 3)) 'x 2) (deriv* '(* x y (+ x 3)) 'x 3)
Main sub-function for differentiation. with 2 args, takes 1st degree deriv. with 3, takes arbitrary degrees. contains all deriv rules for basic funcs. Examples: (use '(incanter core symbolic)) (deriv* '(+ x 3) 'x) (deriv* '(* x y) 'x) (deriv* '(* (* x y) '(+ x 3)) x) (deriv* '(* (* x y) (+ x 3)) 'y) (deriv* '(* x y (+ x 3)) 'x) (deriv* '(* x y (+ x 3)) 'y) (deriv* '(* x y (+ x 3)) 'x 2) (deriv* '(* x y (+ x 3)) 'x 3)
(deriv-fn [& args] expr v)
(deriv-fn [& args] expr v degree)
Examples: (use '(incanter core symbolic))
(deriv-fn [x y] (+ (* x y) x) x)
((deriv-fn [x y] (+ (* x y) x) x) 5 9)
(use 'incanter.charts) (doto (function-plot sin -5 5) (add-function (deriv-fn [x] (sin x) x) -5 5) (add-function (deriv-fn [x] (sin x) x 2) -5 5) view)
(let [f (fn [x] (pow x 2)) df (deriv-fn [x] (pow x 2) x)] (doto (function-plot f -5 5) (add-function df -5 5) view))
(let [f (fn [x] (pow x 3)) df (deriv-fn [x] (pow x 3) x)] (doto (function-plot f -5 5) (add-function df -5 5) view))
(let [f (fn [x] (/ 1 x )) df (deriv-fn [x] (/ 1 x) x)] (doto (function-plot f 0.5 5) (add-function df 0.5 5) view))
Examples: (use '(incanter core symbolic)) (deriv-fn [x y] (+ (* x y) x) x) ((deriv-fn [x y] (+ (* x y) x) x) 5 9) (use 'incanter.charts) (doto (function-plot sin -5 5) (add-function (deriv-fn [x] (sin x) x) -5 5) (add-function (deriv-fn [x] (sin x) x 2) -5 5) view) (let [f (fn [x] (pow x 2)) df (deriv-fn [x] (pow x 2) x)] (doto (function-plot f -5 5) (add-function df -5 5) view)) (let [f (fn [x] (pow x 3)) df (deriv-fn [x] (pow x 3) x)] (doto (function-plot f -5 5) (add-function df -5 5) view)) ;; NOT WORKING YET (let [f (fn [x] (/ 1 x )) df (deriv-fn [x] (/ 1 x) x)] (doto (function-plot f 0.5 5) (add-function df 0.5 5) view))
(deriv-fn* [& args] expr v)
(deriv-fn* [& args] expr v degree)
Examples: (use '(incanter core symbolic))
(deriv-fn* '[x y] '(+ (* x y) x) 'x)
((deriv-fn* '[x y] '(+ (* x y) x) 'x) 5 9)
Examples: (use '(incanter core symbolic)) (deriv-fn* '[x y] '(+ (* x y) x) 'x) ((deriv-fn* '[x y] '(+ (* x y) x) 'x) 5 9)
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