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inheritable-var Build Status Clojars Project

A wrapper of TransmittableThreadLocal, an enhanced version of InheritableThreadLocal, to define inheritable variable between threads, even using thread pool.

Binding conveyance was introduced in Clojure 1.3 which pass dynamic binding to other threads (e.g. send, send-off, pmap, future)

(def ^:dynamic *num* 1)
(binding [*num* 2] (future (println *num*)))
;; prints "2", not "1"

But binding conveyance doesn't work well with self-defined thread(pool)

(def ^:dynamic foo "Main")
(let [^ExecutorService executor (Executors/newFixedThreadPool 2)]
  (binding [foo "Child thread"]
    (.submit executor ^Callable (fn [] (println foo)))
    (.submit executor ^Callable (fn [] (println foo)))
    (.shutdown executor)))
;; both print `Main`

bound-fn can fix this

(def ^:dynamic foo "Main")
(let [^ExecutorService executor (Executors/newFixedThreadPool 1)]
  (binding [foo "Child thread"]
    (let [bounded-thread-fn (bound-fn [] (println foo))]
      (.submit executor ^Callable bounded-thread-fn)
      (.submit executor ^Callable bounded-thread-fn)
      (.shutdown executor))))
;; both print `Child thread`

Although bound-fn can work under multi-thread environment, it can't access new value if the dynamic var is rebound in thread.

inheritable-var solve all above problems in def + binding way, no more no less.


[inheritable-var "0.1.4"]


Simple thread

;; first require this lib
(ns your.ns
  (:require [inheritable-var.core :refer [->inheritable inheritable-var definheritable inheritable-binding]]))

;; create a thread inheritable variable
(def foo (inheritable-var (contantly "foo")))
;; or 
(definheritable foo "foo")

;; get current value

;; then you can `inheritable-binding` to change foo's value
(inheritable-binding [foo "hello world"]
  ;; you can do stuff in anthor thread here
  ;; @foo always return "hello world" not matter which thread is in
  (.doSet foo "another-value")  ;; you can temporarily rebind foo to another-value

;; after inheritable-binding, @foo stay unchanged
@foo   ;; => "foo"

Thread pool

Use ->inheritable multimethod to decorate Runnable/Callable/Executor, which allows inherit value from calling-thread instead of thread pool.

;; decorate Callable
(let [foo (inheritable-var (constantly "foo"))
      ^ExecutorService executor (Executors/newFixedThreadPool 1)]
  (inheritable-binding [foo "foo-in-executor"]
                       (let [foo-reset @(.submit executor (->inheritable (fn [] (.doSet foo "foo-reset" ) @foo)))
                             foo-unchanged @(.submit executor (->inheritable (constantly @foo)))]
                         (println foo-reset)
                         (println foo-unchanged)))

  (println "foo"))

;; decorate Executor
(let [foo (inheritable-var (constantly "foo"))
      ^ExecutorService executor (->inheritable (Executors/newFixedThreadPool 1))]
  (inheritable-binding [foo "foo-in-executor"]
                       (let [foo-reset @(.submit executor ^Callable (fn [] (.doSet foo "foo-reset") @foo))
                             foo-unchanged @(.submit executor ^Callable (constantly @foo))]
                         (println foo-reset)
                         (println foo-unchanged)))
  (println "foo"))

;; Both will print
;; foo-reset
;; foo-in-executor
;; foo

built-in fns

In order to allow built-in fns to use inheritable-var, we need to decorate the thread-pool those fns use.


First make sure core/async is in your dependencies. Then

(require '[inheritable-var.executors :refer [inheritable-core-async!]])


(require '[inheritable-var.executors :refer [inheritable-agent!]])

Java Agent

If you don't want to decorate Callable/Executor, you can use Java Agent to load inheritable-var at JVM startup.

Concrete steps please refer to TransmittableThreadLocal doc.

Dynamic binding discussion


Copyright © 2017 Jiacai Liu

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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