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A sweet Clojure API for Atomix.


Add the Leiningen dependency:

[io.atomix/trinity "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]

Core Usage

(require '[trinity.core :as trinity])

Create an Atomix replica specifying local port to listen on and a set of remote servers that the replica should connect to:

  [{:host node2 :port 5555}
   {:host node3 :port 5555}])

Create an Atomix client for a set of servers:

  [{:host node1 :port 5555}
   {:host node2 :port 5555}
   {:host node3 :port 5555}])

Open an Atomix client or replica:

(trinity/open! atomix)

Close an Atomix client or replica:

(trinity/close! atomix)

Note: Trinity functions operate sychronously by default, but many functions have async counterparts such as open-async! which return CompletableFuture.

Using Atomix Resources

Distributed Value

(require '[trinity.distributed-value :as dvalue])

Create a distributed value on a path:

(dvalue/create client "register")

Operate on the value:

(dvalue/get value)
(dvalue/set! value "value")
(dvalue/cas! value "expected" "updated")


API docs are available here.


Copyright © 2015 Jonathan Halterman

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0

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