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CSS-in-JS integration with reagent (for use in SPA frameworks like re-frame)

Clojars Project

Table of Contents


re-css provides a simplistic macro to independently style reagent components (Form-1, Form-2, and Form-3) in re-frame or reagent applications. Ultimately removing the pains of cascading styles, name collisions and code/style separation.

re-css injects individual inline stylesheets (defined adjacent to the component as EDN structures) into the HEAD of the document JUST before the component is mounted; and subsequently removes the styles once the component has been removed. All styles are Garden structures.

re-css aims to:

  • Bring CSS and component code together
  • Reduce unnecessary CSS declaration (by only defining what the component needs, not what it has to override)
  • Remove a potential build tool (SASS/LESS)
  • Eliminate class name collisions
  • Provide a clean path moving forward (assist moving away from legacy styles)

Getting Started

re-css is currently not ready for production use and may be considered experimental at this stage.

TODO: Update Getting started once tests are complete and deploying to Clojars



    [ :refer [defui classes]]
    [garden.stylesheet :as ss]

; A basic component style vector showing CSS properties which will eventually be attached
; to an inline stylesheet as a generated `button-x` class
(def ^:private button-style
  [:button {:background-color "#4CAF50"
            :border           "none"
            :color            "white"
            :display          "block"
            :font-size        "16px"
            :padding          "15px 32px"
            :text-align       "center"
            :text-decoration  "none"}
   [:span (fn [] {:eval-before-mount true})] ; Note: This style will be evaluated ONCE before mount
   (ss/at-media {:max-width "769px"}
     [:&:hover {:font-weight 'bold}])])

; An example extension of the default button-style changing the background color to blue
(def ^:private blue-button-style
  (assoc-in button-style [1 :background-color] "#008CBA"))

(def ^:private black-button-style
  (assoc-in button-style [1 :background-color] "#555555"))

(def ^:private red-button-style
  (assoc-in button-style [1 :background-color] "#ED2939"))

;; Form 1  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defn render-button
  "A basic reagent button component"
  [attrs text]
  [:button (merge attrs (classes attrs [:button])) text])

(defui form-1-symbol [blue-button-style] render-button)

(defui form-1 [blue-button-style] [attrs text]
  [:button (merge attrs (classes attrs [:button])) text])

;; Form 2  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defn form-2-symbol-def
  "A basic form-2 reagent button component"
  [initial-attrs text]
  (let [initial-count @count]
    (fn [attrs text]
      [:button (merge attrs (classes initial-attrs attrs [:button])) text])))

(defui form-2-symbol [black-button-style] form-2-symbol-def)

(defui form-2 [black-button-style] [attrs text]
  (let [initial-count @count]
    (fn [attrs text]
      [:button (merge attrs (classes attrs [:button])) text])))

;; Form 3  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(def form-3-symbol-def
  {:component-will-unmount (fn [this] (js/console.log "Form 3 unmounted"))
   :component-did-mount    (fn [this] (js/console.log "Form 3 mounted"))
   :reagent-render         (fn [attrs text]
                             [:button (merge attrs (classes attrs [:button])) text])})

(defui form-3-symbol [red-button-style] form-3-symbol-def)

(defui form-3 [red-button-style]
  {:component-will-unmount (fn [this] (js/console.log "Form 3 unmounted"))
   :component-did-mount    (fn [this] (js/console.log "Form 3 mounted"))
   :reagent-render         (fn [attrs text]
                             [:button (merge attrs (classes attrs [:button])) text])})

View Full Example

Running the example using Shadow-CLJS:

git clone
cd re-css/example
npm install
npx shadow-cljs watch example
# Open a browser to http://localhost:8080

Code Quality

re-css uses several code quality tools (like linting) to ensure consistency in formatting between editors and developers. These tools should be automatically applied before each commit through the use of the pre-commit hook.


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