[io.eidel/hcloud "1.0.0"]
Clojure library for the Hetzner Cloud API.
This library covers 100% of the Cloud API
endpoints. Check out the API documentation below which
is auto-generated from hcloud/core.clj
: List all Actions(get-actions token)
(get-actions token query-m)
Returns all action objects. You can select specific actions only and sort the results by using URI parameters.
Optional query parameters (query-m
(vector of strings): Can be used multiple
times. Response will have only actions with specified statuses.
Choices: running success error:sort
(vector of strings): Can be used multiple times.
Choices: id id:asc id:desc command command:asc command:desc status
status:asc status:desc progress progress:asc progress:desc started
started:asc started:desc finished finished:asc finished:descget-action
: Get one Action(get-action token id)
Returns a specific action object.
(string): ID of the actionget-servers
: Get all Servers(get-servers token)
(get-servers token query-m)
Returns all existing server objects.
Optional query parameters (query-m
(string): Can be used to filter servers by their
name. The response will only contain the server matching the
specified name.get-server
: Get a Server(get-server token id)
Returns a specific server object. The server must exist inside the project.
(string): ID of the servercreate-server
: Create a Server(create-server token body-m)
Creates a new server. Returns preliminary information about the server as well as an action that covers progress of creation.
Required body parameters (body-m
(string): Name of the server to create (must be unique
per project and a valid hostname as per RFC 1123):server_type
(string): ID or name of the server type this
server should be created with:image
(string): ID or name of the image the server is created
fromOptional body parameters (body-m
(boolean): Start Server right after
creation. Defaults to true.:ssh-keys
(vector): SSH key IDs or names which should be
injected into the server at creation time:user-data
(string): Cloud-Init user data to use during server
creation. This field is limited to 32KiB.:location
(string): ID or name of location to create server in.:datacenter
(string): ID or name of datacenter to create server
: Change Name of a Server(change-server-name token id body-m)
Changes the name of a server.
Please note that server names must be unique per project and valid hostnames as per RFC 1123 (i.e. may only contain letters, digits, periods, and dashes).
(string): ID of the serverOptional body parameters (body-m
(string): New name to set. Note: I have no idea why this
is optional in the official Hetzner API docs.delete-server
: Delete a Server(delete-server token id)
Deletes a server. This immediately removes the server from your account, and it is no longer accessible.
(string): ID of the serverget-server-metrics
: Get Metrics for a Server(get-server-metrics token id query-m)
Get Metrics for specified server.
You must specify the type of metric to get: cpu, disk or network. You can also specify more than one type by comma separation, e.g. cpu,disk.
(string): ID of the serverRequired query parameters (query-m
(string): Type of metrics to get (cpu, disk, network):start
(string): Start of period to get Metrics for (in
ISO-8601 format):end
(string): End of period to get Metrics for (in ISO-8601
format)Optional query parameters (query-m
(number): Resolution of results in secondsget-server-actions
: Get all Actions for a Server(get-server-actions token)
(get-server-actions token id query-m)
Returns all action objects for a server.
(string): ID of the serverOptional query parameters (query-m
(vector of strings): Can be used multiple
times. Response will have only actions with specified statuses.
Choices: running success error:sort
(vector of strings): Can be used multiple times.
Choices: id id:asc id:desc command command:asc command:desc status
status:asc status:desc progress progress:asc progress:desc started
started:asc started:desc finished finished:asc finished:descget-server-action
: Get a specific Action for a Server(get-server-action token id action-id)
Returns a specific action object for a Server.
(string): ID of the serveraction-id
(string): ID of the actionpower-on-server
: Power on a Server(power-on-server token id)
Starts a server by turning its power on.
(string): ID of the serversoft-reboot-server
: Soft-reboot a Server(soft-reboot-server token id)
Reboots a server gracefully by sending an ACPI request. The server operating system must support ACPI and react to the request, otherwise the server will not reboot.
(string): ID of the serverreset-server
: Reset a Server(reset-server token id)
Cuts power to a server and starts it again. This forcefully stops it without giving the server operating system time to gracefully stop. This may lead to data loss, it’s equivalent to pulling the power cord and plugging it in again. Reset should only be used when reboot does not work.
(string): ID of the servershutdown-server
: Shutdown a Server(shutdown-server token id)
Shuts down a server gracefully by sending an ACPI shutdown request. The server operating system must support ACPI and react to the request, otherwise the server will not shut down.
(string): ID of the serverpower-off-server
: Power off a Server(power-off-server token id)
Cuts power to the server. This forcefully stops it without giving the server operating system time to gracefully stop. May lead to data loss, equivalent to pulling the power cord. Power off should only be used when shutdown does not work.
(string): ID of the serverreset-server-root-password
: Reset root Password of a Server(reset-server-root-password token id)
Resets the root password. Only works for Linux systems that are running the qemu guest agent. Server must be powered on (state on) in order for this operation to succeed.
This will generate a new password for this server and return it.
If this does not succeed you can use the rescue system to netboot the server and manually change your server password by hand.
(string): ID of the serverenable-server-rescue-mode
: Enable Rescue Mode for a Server(enable-server-rescue-mode token)
(enable-server-rescue-mode token id body-m)
Enable the Hetzner Rescue System for this server. The next time a Server with enabled rescue mode boots it will start a special minimal Linux distribution designed for repair and reinstall.
In case a server cannot boot on its own you can use this to access a server’s disks.
Rescue Mode is automatically disabled when you first boot into it or if you do not use it for 60 minutes.
Enabling rescue mode will not reboot your server — you will have to do this yourself.
(string): ID of the serverOptional body parameters (body-m
(string): Type of rescue system to boot (default:
linux64) Choices: linux64, linux32, freebsd64:ssh-keys
(vector): Array of SSH key IDs which should be
injected into the rescue system. Only available for types: linux64
and linux32.disable-server-rescue-mode
: Disable Rescue Mode for a Server(disable-server-rescue-mode token id)
Disables the Hetzner Rescue System for a server. This makes a server start from its disks on next reboot.
Rescue Mode is automatically disabled when you first boot into it or if you do not use it for 60 minutes.
Disabling rescue mode will not reboot your server — you will have to do this yourself.
(string): ID of the servercreate-server-image
: Create Image from a Server(create-server-image token)
(create-server-image token id body-m)
Creates an image (snapshot) from a server by copying the contents of its disks. This creates a snapshot of the current state of the disk and copies it into an image. If the server is currently running you must make sure that its disk content is consistent. Otherwise, the created image may not be readable.
To make sure disk content is consistent, we recommend to shut down the server prior to creating an image.
You can either create a backup image that is bound to the server and therefore will be deleted when the server is deleted, or you can create an snapshot image which is completely independent of the server it was created from and will survive server deletion. Backup images are only available when the backup option is enabled for the Server. Snapshot images are billed on a per GB basis.
(string): ID of the serverOptional body parameters (body-m
(string): Description of the image. If you do not
set this we auto-generate one for you.:type
(string): Type of image to create (default: snapshot)
Choices: snapshot, backuprebuild-server-from-image
: Rebuild a Server from an Image(rebuild-server-from-image token id body-m)
Rebuilds a server overwriting its disk with the content of an image, thereby destroying all data on the target server
The image can either be one you have created earlier (backup or snapshot image) or it can be a completely fresh system image provided by us. You can get a list of all available images with GET /images.
Your server will automatically be powered off before the rebuild command executes.
(string): ID of the serverRequired body parameters (body-m
(string): ID or name of image to rebuilt from.change-server-type
: Change the Type of a Server(change-server-type token id body-m)
Changes the type (Cores, RAM and disk sizes) of a server.
Server must be powered off for this command to succeed.
This copies the content of its disk, and starts it again.
You can only migrate to server types with the same storage_type and equal or bigger disks. Shrinking disks is not possible as it might destroy data.
If the disk gets upgraded, the server type can not be downgraded any more. If you plan to downgrade the server type, set upgrade_disk to false.
(string): ID of the serverRequired body parameters (body-m
(string): ID or name of server type the server
should migrate toOptional body parameters (body-m
(boolean): If false, do not upgrade the
disk. This allows downgrading the server type later.enable-server-backup
: Enable and Configure Backups for a Server(enable-server-backup token)
(enable-server-backup token id body-m)
Enables and configures the automatic daily backup option for the server. Enabling automatic backups will increase the price of the server by 20%. In return, you will get seven slots where images of type backup can be stored.
Backups are automatically created daily.
(string): ID of the serverOptional body parameters (body-m
(string): Time window (UTC) in which the backup
will run. Choices: 22-02, 02-06, 06-10, 10-14, 14-18, 18-22disable-server-backup
: Disable Backups for a Server(disable-server-backup token id)
Disables the automatic backup option and deletes all existing Backups for a Server. No more additional charges for backups will be made.
Caution: This immediately removes all existing backups for the server!
(string): ID of the serverattach-iso-to-server
: Attach an ISO to a Server(attach-iso-to-server token id body-m)
Attaches an ISO to a server. The Server will immediately see it as a new disk. An already attached ISO will automatically be detached before the new ISO is attached.
Servers with attached ISOs have a modified boot order: They will try to boot from the ISO first before falling back to hard disk.
(string): ID of the serverRequired body parameters (body-m
(string): ID or name of ISO to attach to the server as
listed in GET /isosdetach-iso-from-server
: Detach an ISO from a Server(detach-iso-from-server token id)
Detaches an ISO from a server. In case no ISO image is attached to the server, the status of the returned action is immediately set to success.
(string): ID of the serverchange-server-reverse-dns-entry
: Change reverse DNS entry for this server(change-server-reverse-dns-entry token id body-m)
Changes the hostname that will appear when getting the hostname belonging to the primary IPs (ipv4 and ipv6) of this server.
Floating IPs assigned to the server are not affected by this.
(string): ID of the serverRequired body parameters (body-m
(string): Primary IP address for which the reverse DNS
entry should be set.:dns-ptr
(string): Hostname to set as a reverse DNS PTR
entry. Will reset to original value if nullchange-server-protection
: Change protection for a Server(change-server-protection token)
(change-server-protection token id body-m)
Changes the protection configuration of the server.
(string): ID of the serverOptional body parameters (body-m
(boolean): If true, prevents the server from being
deleted (currently delete and rebuild attribute needs to have the
same value):rebuild
(boolean): If true, prevents the server from being
rebuilt` (currently delete and rebuild attribute needs to have the
same value)request-server-console
: Request Console for a Server(request-server-console token id)
Requests credentials for remote access via vnc over websocket to keyboard, monitor, and mouse for a server. The provided url is valid for 1 minute, after this period a new url needs to be created to connect to the server. How long the connection is open after the initial connect is not subject to this timeout.
(string): ID of the serverget-floating-ips
: Get all Floating IPs(get-floating-ips token)
(get-floating-ips token query-m)
Returns all floating ip objects.
: Create a Floating IP(create-floating-ip token body-m)
Creates a new Floating IP assigned to a server. If you want to create a Floating IP that is not bound to a server, you need to provide the home_location key instead of server. This can be either the ID or the name of the location this IP shall be created in. Note that a Floating IP can be assigned to a server in any location later on. For optimal routing it is advised to use the Floating IP in the same Location it was created in.
Required body parameters (body-m
(string): Floating IP type Choices: ipv4, ipv6Optional body parameters (body-m
(number): Server to assign the Floating IP to:home-location
(string): Home location (routing is optimized
for that location). Only optional if server argument is passed.:description
: Get a specific Floating IP(get-floating-ip token id)
Returns a specific floating ip object.
(string): ID of the Floating IPchange-floating-ip-description
: Change description of a Floating IP(change-floating-ip-description token id body-m)
Changes the description of a Floating IP.
(string): ID of the Floating IPOptional body parameters (body-m
(string): New Description to set. Note: I have no
idea why this is optional in the official Hetzner API docs.delete-floating-ip
: Delete a Floating IP(delete-floating-ip token id)
Deletes a Floating IP. If it is currently assigned to a server it will automatically get unassigned.
: ID of the Floating IPassign-floating-ip-to-server
: Assign a Floating IP to a Server(assign-floating-ip-to-server token id body-m)
(string): ID of the Floating IPRequired body parameters (body-m
(number): ID of the server the Floating IP shall be
assigned toget-floating-ip-actions
: Get all Actions for a Floating IP(get-floating-ip-actions token id query-m)
Returns all action objects for a Floating IP. You can sort the results by using the sort URI parameter.
(string): ID of the Floating IPRequired query parameters (query_m
(vector of strings): Can be used multiple times.
Choices: id id:asc id:desc command command:asc command:desc status
status:asc status:desc progress progress:asc progress:desc started
started:asc started:desc finished finished:asc finished:descget-floating-ip-action
: Get an Action for a Floating IP(get-floating-ip-action token id action-id)
Returns a specific action object for a Floating IP.
(string): ID of the Floating IPaction-id
(string): ID of the actionunassign-floating-ip
: Unassign a Floating IP(unassign-floating-ip token id)
Unassigns a Floating IP, resulting in it being unreachable. You may assign it to a server again at a later time.
(string): ID of the Floating IPchange-floating-ip-reverse-dns-entry
: Change reverse DNS entry for a Floating IP(change-floating-ip-reverse-dns-entry token id body-m)
Changes the hostname that will appear when getting the hostname belonging to this Floating IP.
(string): ID of the Floating IPRequired body parameters (body-m
(string): IP address for which to set the reverse DNS entry:dns-ptr
(string): Hostname to set as a reverse DNS PTR entry,
will reset to original default value if nullchange-floating-ip-protection
: Change protection(change-floating-ip-protection token id body-m)
Changes the protection configuration of the Floating IP.
(string): ID of the Floating IPOptional body parameters (body-m
(boolean): If true, prevents the Floating IP from being
deleted. Note: I have no idea why this is optional in the official
Hetzner API docs.get-ssh-keys
: Get all SSH keys(get-ssh-keys token)
(get-ssh-keys token query-m)
Returns all SSH key objects.
Optional query parameters (query_m
(string): Can be used to filter SSH keys by their
name. The response will only contain the SSH key matching the
specified name.:fingerprint
(string): Can be used to filter SSH keys by their
fingerprint. The response will only contain the SSH key matching the
specified fingerprint.get-ssh-key
: Get an SSH key(get-ssh-key token id)
Returns a specific SSH key object.
(string): ID of the SSH keycreate-ssh-key
: Create an SSH key(create-ssh-key token body-m)
Creates a new SSH key with the given name and public_key. Once an SSH key is created, it can be used in other calls such as creating servers.
Required body parameters (body-m
(string): Note: Seems to be missing in API docs.:public-key
(string): Note: Seems to be missing in API docs.change-ssh-key-name
: Change the name of an SSH key.(change-ssh-key-name token id body-m)
(string): ID of the SSH keyOptional body parameters (body-m
(string): New name Name to set. Note: I have no idea why
this is optional in the official Hetzner API docs.delete-ssh-key
: Delete an SSH key(delete-ssh-key token id)
Deletes an SSH key. It cannot be used anymore.
(string): ID of the SSH keyget-server-types
: Get all Server Types(get-server-types token)
(get-server-types token query-m)
Gets all server type objects.
Optional query parameters (query-m
(string): Can be used to filter server types by their
name. The response will only contain the server type matching the
specified name.get-server-type
: Get a Server Type(get-server-type token id)
Gets a specific server type object.
(string): ID of server typeget-locations
: Get all Locations(get-locations token)
(get-locations token query-m)
Returns all location objects.
Optional query parameters (query-m
(string): Can be used to filter locations by their
name. The response will only contain the location matching the
specified name.get-location
: Get a Location(get-location token id)
Returns a specific location object.
(string): ID of locationget-datacenters
: Get all Datacenters(get-datacenters token)
(get-datacenters token query-m)
Returns all datacenter objects.
Optional query parameters (query-m
(string): Can be used to filter datacenters by their
name. The response will only contain the datacenter matching the
specified name. When the name does not match the datacenter name
format, an invalid_input error is returned.get-datacenter
: Get a Datacenter(get-datacenter token id)
Returns a specific datacenter object.
(string): ID of datacenterget-images
: Get all Images(get-images token)
(get-images token query-m)
Returns all image objects. You can select specific image types only and sort the results by using URI parameters.
Optional query parameters (query-m
(vector of strings): Can be used multiple times.
Choices: id id:asc id:desc name name:asc name:desc created
created:asc created:desc:type
(vector of strings): Can be used multiple times.
Choices: system snapshot backup:bound-to
(string): Can be used multiple times. Server Id
linked to the image. Only available for images of type backup:name
(string): Can be used to filter images by their name. The
response will only contain the image matching the specified name.get-image
: Get an Image(get-image token id)
Returns a specific image object.
(string): ID of the imageupdate-image
: Update an Image(update-image token)
(update-image token id body-m)
Updates the Image. You may change the description or convert a Backup image to a Snapshot Image. Only images of type snapshot and backup can be updated.
(string): ID of the imageOptional body parameters (body-m
(string): New description of Image:type
(string): Destination image type to convert to
Choices: snapshotdelete-image
: Delete an Image(delete-image token id)
Deletes an Image. Only images of type snapshot and backup can be deleted.
(string): ID of the imageget-image-actions
: Get all Actions for an Image(get-image-actions token id query-m)
Returns all action objects for an image. You can sort the results by using the sort URI parameter.
(string): ID of the ImageOptional query parameters (query-m
(vector of strings): Can be used multiple times.
Choices: id id:asc id:desc command command:asc command:desc status
status:asc status:desc progress progress:asc progress:desc started
started:asc started:desc finished finished:asc finished:descget-image-action
: Get an Action for an Image(get-image-action token id action-id)
Returns a specific action object for an image.
(string): ID of the imageaction-id
(string): ID of the actionchange-image-protection
: Change protection for an Image(change-image-protection token)
(change-image-protection token id body-m)
Changes the protection configuration of the image. Can only be used on snapshots.
(string): ID of the imageOptional body parameters (body-m
(boolean): If true, prevents the snapshot from being deletedget-isos
: Get all ISOs(get-isos token)
(get-isos token query-m)
Returns all available iso objects.
Optional query parameters (query-m
(string): Can be used to filter isos by their name. The
response will only contain the iso matching the specified name.get-iso
: Get an ISO(get-iso token id)
Returns a specific iso object.
(string): ID of the ISOget-prices
: Get all prices(get-prices token)
Returns prices for all resources available on the platform. VAT and currency of the project owner are used for calculations.
Both net and gross prices are included in the response.
Distributed under the MIT License.
Copyright © 2018 Oliver Eidel
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