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Date/time utilities on top of JodaTime/clj-time and

Date/time utilities on top of JodaTime/clj-time and
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(at-midnight date)

Return the DateTime at midnight of a given date

Return the DateTime at midnight of a given date
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(datetime->unix date)

Convert a DateTime to a Unix timestamp (in seconds)

Convert a DateTime to a Unix timestamp (in seconds)
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(days-in interval)

Return a sequence of all days in an interval (left-inclusive, right exclusive) Ex: (std.time/days-in (clj-time.core/interval (clj-time.core/date-time 2015 8 20) (clj-time.core/date-time 2015 8 23))) ; => [#<DateTime 2015-08-20> #<DateTime 2015-08-21> #<DateTime 2015-08-23>]

Return a sequence of all days in an interval (left-inclusive, right exclusive)
    (clj-time.core/interval (clj-time.core/date-time 2015 8 20)
                            (clj-time.core/date-time 2015 8 23)))
  ; => [#<DateTime 2015-08-20> #<DateTime 2015-08-21> #<DateTime 2015-08-23>]
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(period-interval date period n)
(period-interval date period n0 n1)

Given a period (e.g. 7 days), return the interval that is N periods from date. Period must be a clj(s)-time period, ex: (clj-time.core/days 7)

Zero denotes the interval starting from date and ending one period later.

Ex: ; One 7-day period earlier than date (period-interval (clj-time.core/date-time 2014 11 13) (clj-time.core/days 7) -1) ; => #<Interval 2014-11-06 / 2014-11-13>

Given a period (e.g. 7 days), return the interval that is N
periods from date. Period must be a clj(s)-time period,
ex: (clj-time.core/days 7)

Zero denotes the interval starting from `date` and ending
one period later.

  ; One 7-day period earlier than date
    (clj-time.core/date-time 2014 11 13)
    (clj-time.core/days 7)
  ; => #<Interval 2014-11-06 / 2014-11-13>
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(periods-from date period n)

Given a starting date, return the date that is N periods from it N - positive or negative integer

Ex: (def start (clj-time.core/date-time 2015 2 20)) (periods-from start (clj-time.core/days 2) -3) ; => #<DateTime 2015-02-14> ; Three two-day periods earlier

(periods-from start (clj-time.core/days 2) 3) ; => #<DateTime 2015-02-26> ; Three two-day periods later

Given a starting date, return the date that is N periods from it
N - positive or negative integer

  (def start (clj-time.core/date-time 2015 2 20))
  (periods-from start (clj-time.core/days 2) -3)
  ; => #<DateTime 2015-02-14> ; Three two-day periods earlier

  (periods-from start (clj-time.core/days 2) 3)
  ; => #<DateTime 2015-02-26> ; Three two-day periods later
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Parse a string timestamp into a java.util.Date or

Parse a string timestamp into a java.util.Date or
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(unix->datetime t)

Return a DateTime from a Unix timestamp (in seconds)

Return a DateTime from a Unix timestamp (in seconds)
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