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Provides utils for generating native-configurations via GraalVM agent. GraalVM agent is convenient tool for complex project, so that user does not have to put each entry of reflective call to configuration by hand.

Provides utils for generating native-configurations via GraalVM agent.
GraalVM agent is convenient tool for complex project, so that
user does not have to put each entry of reflective call to configuration by hand.
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Integrates the Clojure code with two different runtimes: Java Lambda Runtime, Native Provided Runtime. The former is the Official Java Runtime for AWS Lambda which is well tested and works perfectly fine, but it's rather slow due to cold starts whereas, the latter is a custom runtime integrated within the framework. It's a significantly faster than the Java runtime due to the use of GraalVM.

Integrates the Clojure code with two different runtimes: Java Lambda Runtime, Native Provided Runtime.
The former is the Official Java Runtime for AWS Lambda which is well tested and works perfectly fine, but it's rather slow due to cold starts whereas,
the latter is a custom [runtime]( integrated within the framework.
It's a significantly faster than the Java runtime due to the use of GraalVM.
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This is very naive implementation of interceptors and it's a subject to change. Consider this namespace as an alfa.

This is very naive implementation of interceptors and it's a subject to change. Consider this namespace as an alfa.
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