A small Clojure/Babashka library for hashing static assets.
is a utility library designed to solve the problem of cache busting for static assets in Clojure applications. It provides functionality to:
This approach ensures that when asset content changes, the filename also changes, forcing browsers to download the new version instead of using a cached copy.
Add the dependency to your project:
;; deps.edn
{:deps {io.github.abogoyavlensky/manifest-edn {:mvn/version "LATEST"}}}
;; or Leiningen/Boot
[io.github.abogoyavlensky/manifest-edn "LATEST"]
Use fetch-assets!
to download remote assets and save them locally:
(require '[manifest-edn.core :as manifest])
(manifest/fetch-assets! [{:url "https://cdn.example.com/jquery.min.js"
:filepath "js/jquery.min.js"}
{:url "https://cdn.example.com/styles.css"
:filepath "css/styles.css"}])
This will download the specified files and save them to the resources/public
As a second argument you can specify a path to a directory where you want to save the assets:
(manifest/fetch-assets! ...
{:resources-dir "custom-resources"
:public-dir "custom-public"})
Use hash-assets!
to process all static assets in your public directory:
;; With default options
;; Or with custom options
{:resource-dir "custom-resources"
:public-dir "static"
:resource-dir-target "dist"})
This will:
-> app.a1b2c3d4.js
)Use the asset function to get the correct path to a hashed asset:
(require '[manifest-edn.core :as manifest])
;; In your HTML templates
(def js-path (manifest/asset "js/app.js"))
;; => "/assets/js/app.a1b2c3d4.js"
;; With custom asset prefix
(def css-path (manifest/asset "static" "css/styles.css"))
;; => "/static/css/styles.e5f6g7h8.css"
The function will return the hashed path if available, or fall back to the original path if not found in the manifest. This is useful, for example, in development.
- this directory will be created automatically and supposed to be ignored by git"manifest.edn"
- this file will be created automatically at the root of target directory"assets"
Install Java, Clojure and Babashka manually or via mise:
mise install
Note: Check versions in .mise.toml
All management tasks:
bb tasks
The following tasks are available:
deps Install all deps
fmt-check Check code formatting
fmt Fix code formatting
lint-init Import linting configs
lint Linting project's code
test Run tests
outdated-check Check outdated Clojure deps versions
outdated Upgrade outdated Clojure deps versions
check Run all code checks and tests
install-snapshot Install snapshot version locally
install Install version locally
deploy-snapshot Deploy snapshot version to Clojars
deploy-release Deploy release version to Clojars
release Create and push git tag for release
bb install
Note: Publishing to Clojars requires CLOJARS_USERNAME
environment variables.
Deploy snapshot version:
bb deploy-snapshot
Deploy release version:
bb deploy-release
Set up following secrets for Actions:
Then you will be able to push to master branch to deploy snapshot version automatically.
Once you decide to publish release you just need to bump version at deps.edn:
:aliases -> :build -> :exec-args -> :version -> "0.1.1
and create a git tag with this version. There is a shortcut command for this:
bb release
This command will create a git tag with the latest version from deps.edn and push it to git repository. Github Actions will automatically deploy a release version to Clojars.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2025 Andrey Bogoyavlenskiy
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