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Useful Reitit router middlewares and helpers.

Useful Reitit router middlewares and helpers.
raw docstring


(create-resource-handler-cached {:keys [cached? cache-control]
                                 :or {cached? false
                                      cache-control DEFAULT-CACHE-30D}
                                 :as opts})

Return resource handler with optional Cache-Control header.

Return resource handler with optional Cache-Control header.
sourceraw docstring


Common exception middleware to handle all errors.

Common exception middleware to handle all errors.
sourceraw docstring


(render-html content)

Render hiccup content as HTML response.

Note: hiccup/hiccup is not a direct dependency of this library.

Render hiccup content as HTML response.

Note: hiccup/hiccup is not a direct dependency of this library.
sourceraw docstring


(string->16-byte-array s)


(wrap-context handler context)

Add system dependencies of handler to request as a context key.

Add system dependencies of handler to request as a context key.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-reload f)

Reload ring handler on every request. Useful in dev mode.

Reload ring handler on every request. Useful in dev mode.
sourceraw docstring

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