A set of functions for building and deploying Clojure libraries.
The main functions are:
A set of functions for building and deploying Clojure libraries. The main functions are: - build: Create a JAR file - install: Build and install to local repo - deploy: Build and deploy to Clojars - tag: Create a Git tag for the version
(build params)
Builds a jar file for the library.
Builds a jar file for the library. Parameters: - params (map): A map containing build configuration parameters
(deploy params)
Builds and deploys the jar file to Clojars.
Builds and deploys the jar file to Clojars. Parameters: - params (map): A map containing build and deployment configuration parameters
(install params)
Builds and installs the jar file to the local repository.
Builds and installs the jar file to the local repository. Parameters: - params (map): A map containing build configuration parameters
(tag {:keys [push msg] :as params})
Creates a git tag for the library version.
Creates a git tag for the library version. Parameters: - version (string): The version to tag - push (boolean): Whether to push the tag to the remote repository (default: false) - msg (string): The optional message for the tag (default: 'Release version X.Y.Z')
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