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(delete-message user mid)

Delete message with ID mid for user

Delete message with ID `mid` for `user`
sourceraw docstring


(get-file file-id)

Returns or nil by file-id.

Returns `` or `nil` by `file-id`.
sourceraw docstring


(send-document user file caption kbd & opts)

Sends in file as a temporary message with caption caption and inline keyboard kbd to user. Possible opts:

:markdownMesssage will use Markdown parse_mode
Long valueTemporal Message ID you want to edit. It must be media message. nil as kbd value then means to leave keyboard layout unchangedsince 0.9.0
Sends in `file` as a temporary message with caption `caption` and inline keyboard `kbd` to `user`.
Possible `opts`:

| option      | description | comment |
| `:markdown` | Messsage will use Markdown parse_mode | |
| Long value  | Temporal Message ID you want to edit. It must be media message. `nil` as `kbd` value then means to leave keyboard layout unchanged | since 0.9.0 |
sourceraw docstring


(send-invoice user data pay-text kbd)

Sends invoice as 'temporal' message with inline keyboard kbd to user. Keyboard will have payment button with pay-text in the beginning and button to delete it in the end. Description of data map (all keys required):

:titleProduct name, 1-32 characters
:descriptionProduct description, 1-255 characters
:payloadBot-defined invoice payload, 1-128 bytes. This will not be displayed to the user, use for your internal processes.
:provider_tokenPayment provider token
:currencyThree-letter ISO 4217 currency code
:pricesPrice breakdown, a JSON-serialized list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.). Each component have to be map with keys :label (string) and :amount (integer price of the product in the smallest units of the currency)
Sends invoice as 'temporal' message with inline keyboard `kbd` to `user`. Keyboard will have payment button with `pay-text` in the beginning and button to delete it in the end.
Description of `data` map (all keys required):

| key               | description |
| `:title`          | Product name, 1-32 characters
| `:description`    | Product description, 1-255 characters
| `:payload`        | Bot-defined invoice payload, 1-128 bytes. This will not be displayed to the user, use for your internal processes.
| `:provider_token` | Payment provider token
| `:currency`       | Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code
| `:prices`         | Price breakdown, a JSON-serialized list of components (e.g. product price, tax, discount, delivery cost, delivery tax, bonus, etc.). Each component have to be map with keys `:label` (string) and `:amount` (integer price of the product in the smallest units of the currency)
sourceraw docstring


(send-message user text kbd & opts)

Sends text message with content text and inline keyboard kbd to user. Possible opts:

:tempSends 'temporal' message that appears with notification under 'main' one. This message will have button to delete it in the end
:markdownMesssage will use Markdown parse_mode
Long valueTemporal Message ID you want to edit. It must be text message. nil as kbd value then means to leave keyboard layout unchangedsince 0.9.0
Sends text message with content `text` and inline keyboard `kbd` to `user`.
Possible `opts`:

| option      | description | comment |
| `:temp`     | Sends 'temporal' message that appears with notification under 'main' one. This message will have button to delete it in the end | |
| `:markdown` | Messsage will use Markdown parse_mode | |
| Long value  | Temporal Message ID you want to edit. It must be text message. `nil` as `kbd` value then means to leave keyboard layout unchanged | since 0.9.0 |
sourceraw docstring


(send-photo user file caption kbd & opts)

Sends photo message with picture from in file as a temporary message with caption caption and inline keyboard kbd to user. Possible opts:

:markdownMesssage will use Markdown parse_mode
Long valueTemporal Message ID you want to edit. It must be media message. nil as kbd value then means to leave keyboard layout unchanged
Sends photo message with picture from in `file` as a temporary message with caption `caption` and inline keyboard `kbd` to `user`.
Possible `opts`:

| option      | description |
| `:markdown` | Messsage will use Markdown parse_mode |
| Long value  | Temporal Message ID you want to edit. It must be media message. `nil` as `kbd` value then means to leave keyboard layout unchanged |
sourceraw docstring

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