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(add vuid)
(add vuid lang)

Creates virtual user with username and first-name vuid, optional language-code lang or 'en' by default and empty mesages storage. Writes this user into test infrastructure virtual users state storage with key vuid.

Creates virtual user with username and first-name `vuid`, optional language-code `lang` or 'en' by default and empty mesages storage. Writes this user into test infrastructure virtual users state storage with key `vuid`.
sourceraw docstring


(count-temp-messages vuid)
(count-temp-messages vuid timeout)

Returns count of temporal messages of virtual user with key vuid from test infrastructure virtual users state storage. If virtual user is not awaiting response, then temporal messages count is returned immidiately. If virtual user is awaiting response, then function will wait until response or timeout milliseconds (default 2000). If awaiting of response not finished while timeout passed, Exception will be throwed.

Returns count of temporal messages of virtual user with key `vuid` from test infrastructure virtual users state storage. If virtual user is not awaiting response, then temporal messages count is returned immidiately. If virtual user is awaiting response, then function will wait until response or `timeout` milliseconds (default 2000). If awaiting of response not finished while timeout passed, Exception will be throwed.
sourceraw docstring


(get-v-user-by-vuid vuid)

Returns virtual user structure by key vuid from validation suit virtual users state storage

Returns virtual user structure by key `vuid` from validation suit virtual users state storage
sourceraw docstring


(last-temp-message vuid)
(last-temp-message vuid timeout)

Returns last temporal message of virtual user with key vuid from test infrastructure virtual users state storage. If virtual user is not awaiting response, then temporal message structure or nil is returned immidiately. If virtual user is awaiting response, then function will wait until response or timeout milliseconds (default 2000). If awaiting of response not finished while timeout passed, Exception will be throwed.

Returns last temporal message of virtual user with key `vuid` from test infrastructure virtual users state storage. If virtual user is not awaiting response, then temporal message structure or nil is returned immidiately. If virtual user is awaiting response, then function will wait until response or `timeout` milliseconds (default 2000). If awaiting of response not finished while timeout passed, Exception will be throwed.
sourceraw docstring


(main-message vuid)
(main-message vuid timeout)

Returns main message of virtual user with key vuid from test infrastructure virtual users state storage. If virtual user is not awaiting response, then message structure or nil is returned immidiately. If virtual user is awaiting response, then function will wait until response or timeout milliseconds (default: 2000). If awaiting of response not finished while timeout passed, Exception will be throwed.

Returns main message of virtual user with key `vuid` from test infrastructure virtual users state storage. If virtual user is not awaiting response, then message structure or nil is returned immidiately. If virtual user is awaiting response, then function will wait until response or `timeout` milliseconds (default: 2000). If awaiting of response not finished while timeout passed, Exception will be throwed.
sourceraw docstring


(set-waiting-for-response vuid waiting-for-response?)

Explicitly sets virtual user's with key vuid state to awaiting for response or not regarding to waiting-for-response?

Explicitly sets virtual user's with key `vuid` state to awaiting for response or not regarding to `waiting-for-response?`
sourceraw docstring

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