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Utility for seamless migrations of Datalevin databases in Leiningen projects.


These instructions are for Leiningen projects.

TODO: add ability to use this tool with Clojure CLI and Babashka


Add to your project.clj something like this:

:aliases {"surge" ["run" "-m" "datalevin-surge.core"]}
:datalevin-surge {:migrations-dir "./resources/migrations"
                  :profiles {:dev  "./dtlv"
                             :prod "dtlv://datalevin:datalevin@"}}

:migrations-dir is the relative path to the folder with migrations code :profiles is a map with different datalevin connection strings


  • In the beginning (regarding to surge alias in example) you have to initialize the tool:

lein surge :dev init

It will create the initial migratoin in migrations folder with current schema of database specified in profile (:dev in example case).

  • Another usefull command can help you to check integrity of data. It checks codebase and database if they are initialized to use datalevin-surge and if migrations data is consistent:

lein surge :dev check

  • Now you can create the new migration:

lein surge :dev new [<migration_name>]

It will create new migration file names <migration_name> (it will ask for name if there is empty in command). Synthax of file is explained in next paragraph.

  • To do migration you should use:

lein surge :dev up <number_of_migrations>

It will apply number_of_migrations. This option must be a positive integer number of migrations to apply in a row. If it is greater then available count, then all available migrations will be applied. Another option to apply all available migrations is to use :all keyword.

  • To revert migrations you can do almost the same:

lein surge :dev down <number_of_migrations>

  • And one more command just inform you about status (applied or not) of all migrations you have:

lein surge :dev status

TODO: Add convient help command


This is the example with comments of migration file created by new command:

;;; Datalevin Surge migration
;;;   Migration name                         ; name of migration passed when created
;;;   Project: example-project               ; project name from `project.clj`
;;;   I'am doing nothing FIXME               ; description you can freely change
;;;   Initialy created: 2024.08.21 22:06:55  ; date and time when migration was created

 ;; UUID of migration. If you edit it you will break whole the system. 
 :uuid #uuid "381e1c9b-25dd-4e7d-bfc9-4b803ba9df8e" ; DO NOT EDIT!

 ;; UUID of parent migration (can be `nil` for initial migration).
 ;; Edit it ONLY if you totally understand what you are doing
 ;; (like inserting manually migration in between existing ones).
 :parent #uuid "4ac08b96-87a2-416f-a49d-7debda119dac"                         

 :up {
      ;; Staging function.
      ;; Accepts Datalevin connection and should return the data to be saved between migrations.
      ;; Could be `nil`.
      :stage-fn (fn [conn]
                  (into {} (datalevin.core/q (quote [:find ?p ?amount
                                                     :where [?p :person/amount ?amount]])
                                             (datalevin.core/db conn))))

      ;; Vector of entities attributes to remove from schema.
      ;; All data under such attributes also will be deleted!
      ;; Use `:stage-fn` to save necessary information.
      ;; Cound be `nil`.
      :schema-remove [:person/amount]

      ;; Schema attributes to insert in existing schema.
      ;; Could be `nil`.
      :schema-insert {:person/account {:db/valueType :db.type/ref
                                       :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}

                      :account/uuid {:db/valueType :db.type/uuid
                                     :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
                                     :db/unique :db.unique/identity}

                      :account/amount {:db/valueType :db.type/bigdec
                                       :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}}

      ;; Unstaging function.
      ;; Accept Datalevin connection and data, that was saved by `:stage-fn`.
      ;; This function applies after schema was changed to write saved data regarding to new data structure.
      ;; Could be `nil`.
      :unstage-fn (fn [conn stage]
                    (datalevin.core/transact! conn (mapcat (fn [[pid am]]
                                                             (let [aid (+ 1000 pid)]
                                                               [{:db/id aid
                                                                 :account/uuid (random-uuid)
                                                                 :account/amount am}
                                                                {:db/id pid
                                                                 :person/account aid}])) stage)))}

 ;; Same as in `:up` section but for reverting migration.
 :down {:stage-fn (fn [conn]
                    (into {} (datalevin.core/q (quote [:find ?p ?amount
                                                       [?p :person/account ?acc]
                                                       [?acc :account/amount ?amount]]) (datalevin.core/db conn))))
        :schema-remove [:person/account :account/uuid :account/amount]
        :schema-insert {:person/amount {:db/valueType :db.type/bigdec
                                        :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}}
        :unstage-fn (fn [conn stage]
                      (datalevin.core/transact! conn (mapv (fn [[pid am]]
                                                             {:db/id pid
                                                              :person/amount am}) stage)))}}

Functions limitations

:stage-fn and :unstage-fn have some limitations:

  • you have to use fully qualified Datalevin functions like datalevin.core/q or datalevin.core/db
  • you have to use quote instead of ' like (quote [:find ?p ?amount :where [?p :person/amount ?amount]])
  • for now you can't use side namespaces except datalevin.core

TODO: add the ability to use side namespaces


Copyright © 2024 FIXME

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at

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