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Implementation of select and variations.

The args spec used by select lives in toucan2.query, specifically :toucan2.query/default-args.

Code for building Honey SQL for a SELECT lives in

Functions that return primary keys

Functions that return primary keys such as select-pks-set determine which primary keys to return by calling toucan2.model/select-pks-fn, which is based on the model's implementation of toucan2.model/primary-keys. Models with just a single primary key column will return primary keys 'unwrapped', i.e., the values of that column will be returned directly. Models with compound primary keys (i.e., primary keys consisting of more than one column) will be returned in vectors as if by calling juxt.

;; A model with a one-column primary key, :id
(t2/select-pks-vec :models/venues :category "bar")
;; => [1 2]

;; A model with a compound primary key, [:id :name]
(t2/select-pks-vec :models/venues.compound-key :category "bar")
;; => [[1 "Tempest"] [2 "Ho's Tavern"]]
Implementation of [[select]] and variations.

The args spec used by [[select]] lives in [[toucan2.query]], specifically `:toucan2.query/default-args`.

Code for building Honey SQL for a SELECT lives in [[]].

### Functions that return primary keys

Functions that return primary keys such as [[select-pks-set]] determine which primary keys to return by
calling [[toucan2.model/select-pks-fn]], which is based on the model's implementation
of [[toucan2.model/primary-keys]]. Models with just a single primary key column will return primary keys 'unwrapped',
i.e., the values of that column will be returned directly. Models with compound primary keys (i.e., primary keys
consisting of more than one column) will be returned in vectors as if by calling `juxt`.

;; A model with a one-column primary key, :id
(t2/select-pks-vec :models/venues :category "bar")
;; => [1 2]

;; A model with a compound primary key, [:id :name]
(t2/select-pks-vec :models/venues.compound-key :category "bar")
;; => [[1 "Tempest"] [2 "Ho's Tavern"]]
raw docstring


(count modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(count :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)


(count* model₁ unparsed-args)

count* is defined in (toucan2/select.clj:219).

It caches methods using a methodical.impl.cache.watching.WatchingCache.

It uses the method combination methodical.impl.combo.threaded.ThreadingMethodCombination with the threading strategy :thread-last.

It uses the dispatcher methodical.impl.dispatcher.multi_default.MultiDefaultDispatcher with hierarchy #'clojure.core/global-hierarchy and prefs {}.

The default value is :default.

It uses the method table methodical.impl.method_table.standard.StandardMethodTable.

These primary methods are known:

count* is defined in [[]] (toucan2/select.clj:219).

It caches methods using a `methodical.impl.cache.watching.WatchingCache`.

It uses the method combination `methodical.impl.combo.threaded.ThreadingMethodCombination`
with the threading strategy `:thread-last`.

It uses the dispatcher `methodical.impl.dispatcher.multi_default.MultiDefaultDispatcher`
with hierarchy `#'clojure.core/global-hierarchy`
and prefs `{}`.

The default value is `:default`.

It uses the method table `methodical.impl.method_table.standard.StandardMethodTable`.

These primary methods are known:

* `:default`, defined in [[]] (toucan2/select.clj:227) 
sourceraw docstring


(exists? modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(exists? :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)


(exists?* model₁ unparsed-args)

exists?* is defined in (toucan2/select.clj:244).

It caches methods using a methodical.impl.cache.watching.WatchingCache.

It uses the method combination methodical.impl.combo.threaded.ThreadingMethodCombination with the threading strategy :thread-last.

It uses the dispatcher methodical.impl.dispatcher.multi_default.MultiDefaultDispatcher with hierarchy #'clojure.core/global-hierarchy and prefs {}.

The default value is :default.

It uses the method table methodical.impl.method_table.standard.StandardMethodTable.

These primary methods are known:

exists?* is defined in [[]] (toucan2/select.clj:244).

It caches methods using a `methodical.impl.cache.watching.WatchingCache`.

It uses the method combination `methodical.impl.combo.threaded.ThreadingMethodCombination`
with the threading strategy `:thread-last`.

It uses the dispatcher `methodical.impl.dispatcher.multi_default.MultiDefaultDispatcher`
with hierarchy `#'clojure.core/global-hierarchy`
and prefs `{}`.

The default value is `:default`.

It uses the method table `methodical.impl.method_table.standard.StandardMethodTable`.

These primary methods are known:

* `:default`, defined in [[]] (toucan2/select.clj:248) 
sourceraw docstring


(reducible-select modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(reducible-select :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)

Like select, but returns an IReduceInit.

Like [[select]], but returns an `IReduceInit`.
sourceraw docstring


(select modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(select :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)


(select-fn->fn f1 f2 modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(select-fn->fn f1 f2 :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)

Return a map of (f1 instance) -> (f2 instance) for instances matching the query.

(t2/select-fn->fn :id (comp str/upper-case :name) :models/people)
;; => {1 "CAM", 2 "SAM", 3 "PAM", 4 "TAM"}
Return a map of `(f1 instance)` -> `(f2 instance)` for instances matching the query.

(t2/select-fn->fn :id (comp str/upper-case :name) :models/people)
;; => {1 "CAM", 2 "SAM", 3 "PAM", 4 "TAM"}
sourceraw docstring


(select-fn->pk f modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(select-fn->pk f :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)

The inverse of select-pk->fn. Return a map of (f instance) -> primary key for instances matching the query.

(t2/select-fn->pk (comp str/upper-case :name) :models/people)
;; => {"CAM" 1, "SAM" 2, "PAM" 3, "TAM" 4}
The inverse of [[select-pk->fn]]. Return a map of `(f instance)` -> *primary key* for instances matching the query.

(t2/select-fn->pk (comp str/upper-case :name) :models/people)
;; => {"CAM" 1, "SAM" 2, "PAM" 3, "TAM" 4}
sourceraw docstring


(select-fn-reducible f modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(select-fn-reducible f :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)

Like reducible-select, but returns a reducible sequence of results of (f row).

Like [[reducible-select]], but returns a reducible sequence of results of `(f row)`.
sourceraw docstring


(select-fn-set f modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(select-fn-set f :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)

Like select, but returns a set of values of (f instance) for the results. Returns nil if the set is empty.

(t2/select-fn-set (comp str/upper-case :category) :models/venues :category "bar")
;; =>
Like [[select]], but returns a *set* of values of `(f instance)` for the results. Returns `nil` if the set is empty.

(t2/select-fn-set (comp str/upper-case :category) :models/venues :category "bar")
;; =>
sourceraw docstring


(select-fn-vec f modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(select-fn-vec f :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)

Like select, but returns a vector of values of (f instance) for the results. Returns nil if the vector is empty.

(t2/select-fn-vec (comp str/upper-case :category) :models/venues :category "bar")
;; =>
["BAR" "BAR"]

NOTE: If your query does not specify an :order-by clause (or equivalent), the results are like indeterminate. Keep this in mind!

Like [[select]], but returns a *vector* of values of `(f instance)` for the results. Returns `nil` if the vector is

(t2/select-fn-vec (comp str/upper-case :category) :models/venues :category "bar")
;; =>
["BAR" "BAR"]

NOTE: If your query does not specify an `:order-by` clause (or equivalent), the results are like indeterminate. Keep
this in mind!
sourceraw docstring


(select-one modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(select-one :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)

Like select, but only fetches a single row, and returns only that row.

Like [[select]], but only fetches a single row, and returns only that row.
sourceraw docstring


(select-one-fn f modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(select-one-fn f :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)

Like select-one, but applies f to the result.

(t2/select-one-fn :id :models/people :name "Cam")
;; => 1
Like [[select-one]], but applies `f` to the result.

(t2/select-one-fn :id :models/people :name "Cam")
;; => 1
sourceraw docstring


(select-one-pk modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(select-one-pk :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)

Return the primary key of the first row matching the query. Models with just a single primary key columns will be 'unwrapped' (i.e., the values of that column will be returned); models with compound primary keys (i.e., more than one column) will be returned in vectors as if by calling juxt.

(t2/select-one-pk :models/people :name "Cam")
;; => 1
Return the primary key of the first row matching the query. Models with just a single primary key columns will be
'unwrapped' (i.e., the values of that column will be returned); models with compound primary keys (i.e., more than one
column) will be returned in vectors as if by calling `juxt`.

(t2/select-one-pk :models/people :name "Cam")
;; => 1
sourceraw docstring


(select-pk->fn f modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(select-pk->fn f :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)

The inverse of select-fn->pk. Return a map of primary key -> (f instance) for instances matching the query.

(t2/select-pk->fn (comp str/upper-case :name) :models/people)
;; => {1 "CAM", 2 "SAM", 3 "PAM", 4 "TAM"}
The inverse of [[select-fn->pk]]. Return a map of *primary key* -> `(f instance)` for instances matching the query.

(t2/select-pk->fn (comp str/upper-case :name) :models/people)
;; => {1 "CAM", 2 "SAM", 3 "PAM", 4 "TAM"}
sourceraw docstring


(select-pks-reducible modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(select-pks-reducible :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)

Returns a reducible sequence of all primary keys

(into [] (t2/select-pks-reducible :models/venues :category "bar"))
;; => [1 2]
Returns a reducible sequence of all primary keys

(into [] (t2/select-pks-reducible :models/venues :category "bar"))
;; => [1 2]
sourceraw docstring


(select-pks-set modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(select-pks-set :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)

Returns a set of all primary keys (as determined by toucan2.model/primary-keys and toucan2.model/select-pks-fn) of instances matching the query. Models with just a single primary key columns will be 'unwrapped' (i.e., the values of that column will be returned); models with compound primary keys (i.e., more than one column) will be returned in vectors as if by calling juxt.

(t2/select-pks-set :models/venues :category "bar")
;; => #{1 2}
Returns a *set* of all primary keys (as determined by [[toucan2.model/primary-keys]]
and [[toucan2.model/select-pks-fn]]) of instances matching the query. Models with just a single primary key columns
will be 'unwrapped' (i.e., the values of that column will be returned); models with compound primary keys (i.e., more
than one column) will be returned in vectors as if by calling `juxt`.

(t2/select-pks-set :models/venues :category "bar")
;; => #{1 2}
sourceraw docstring


(select-pks-vec modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)
(select-pks-vec :conn connectable modelable-columns & kv-args? query?)

Returns a vector of all primary keys (as determined by toucan2.model/primary-keys and toucan2.model/select-pks-fn) of instances matching the query. Models with just a single primary key columns will be 'unwrapped' (i.e., the values of that column will be returned); models with compound primary keys (i.e., more than one column) will be returned in vectors as if by calling juxt.

(t2/select-pks-vec :models/venues :category "bar")
;; => [1 2]

NOTE: If your query does not specify an :order-by clause (or equivalent), the results are like indeterminate. Keep this in mind!

Returns a *vector* of all primary keys (as determined by [[toucan2.model/primary-keys]]
and [[toucan2.model/select-pks-fn]]) of instances matching the query. Models with just a single primary key columns
will be 'unwrapped' (i.e., the values of that column will be returned); models with compound primary keys (i.e., more
than one column) will be returned in vectors as if by calling `juxt`.

(t2/select-pks-vec :models/venues :category "bar")
;; => [1 2]

NOTE: If your query does not specify an `:order-by` clause (or equivalent), the results are like indeterminate. Keep
this in mind!
sourceraw docstring

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