(acc-checksum-field r [t v])
(acc-size-field r [t v])
(add-checksum fix-vec)
(byte-count s)
(checksum msg)
Returns a 3-character string (left-padded with zeroes) representing the checksum of msg calculated according to the FIX protocol.
Returns a 3-character string (left-padded with zeroes) representing the checksum of msg calculated according to the FIX protocol.
(checksum2 fields)
Returns a 3-character string (left-padded with zeroes) representing the checksum of msg calculated according to the FIX protocol.
Returns a 3-character string (left-padded with zeroes) representing the checksum of msg calculated according to the FIX protocol.
(create-reader items)
(decode-header {:keys [header] :as decoder} item-reader)
(decode-message decoder fix-vec)
(decode-payload decoder [msg-type fix-vec])
(decode-payload-type {:keys [header trailer messages] :as decoder}
(decode-trailer {:keys [trailer] :as decoder} item-reader)
(encode-fix-body decoder [msg-type body])
(encode-fix-msg decoder fix-msg)
(encode-header decoder header)
(fix->payload decoder fix-vec)
(fix-body-length fields)
(get-current reader)
(insert-begin-size fix-version header-vec body-vec)
(linearize-map decoder {:keys [name content] :as _section} m item-writer)
(linearize-vec decoder vec-name fields vec-value item-writer)
(more? reader)
(move-next reader)
(pop-items writer)
(read-map {:keys [name content] :as _section} item-reader)
(read-vec {:keys [name _content nr] :as section} item-reader)
(write writer field)
(write-fields2 fields)
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