Functions that represent AWS CDK enums and builders in the package.
Functions that represent AWS CDK enums and builders in the package.
(build-cfn-schedule-aws-vpc-configuration-property-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-aws-vpc-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$AwsVpcConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$AwsVpcConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
assignPublicIp | java.lang.String | | :assign-public-ip |
securityGroups | java.util.List | | :security-groups |
subnets | java.util.List | | :subnets |
The build-cfn-schedule-aws-vpc-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$AwsVpcConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$AwsVpcConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `assignPublicIp` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:assign-public-ip` | | `securityGroups` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:security-groups` | | `subnets` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:subnets` |
(build-cfn-schedule-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
description | java.lang.String | | :description |
endDate | java.lang.String | | :end-date |
flexibleTimeWindow | | | :flexible-time-window |
groupName | java.lang.String | | :group-name |
kmsKeyArn | java.lang.String | | :kms-key-arn |
name | java.lang.String | | :name |
scheduleExpression | java.lang.String | | :schedule-expression |
scheduleExpressionTimezone | java.lang.String | | :schedule-expression-timezone |
startDate | java.lang.String | | :start-date |
state | java.lang.String | | :state |
target | | | :target |
The build-cfn-schedule-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `description` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:description` | | `endDate` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:end-date` | | `flexibleTimeWindow` | | [[]] | `:flexible-time-window` | | `groupName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:group-name` | | `kmsKeyArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:kms-key-arn` | | `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` | | `scheduleExpression` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:schedule-expression` | | `scheduleExpressionTimezone` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:schedule-expression-timezone` | | `startDate` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:start-date` | | `state` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:state` | | `target` | | [[]] | `:target` |
(build-cfn-schedule-capacity-provider-strategy-item-property-builder builder
The build-cfn-schedule-capacity-provider-strategy-item-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
base | java.lang.Number | | :base |
capacityProvider | java.lang.String | | :capacity-provider |
weight | java.lang.Number | | :weight |
The build-cfn-schedule-capacity-provider-strategy-item-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `base` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:base` | | `capacityProvider` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:capacity-provider` | | `weight` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:weight` |
(build-cfn-schedule-dead-letter-config-property-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-dead-letter-config-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$DeadLetterConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$DeadLetterConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
arn | java.lang.String | | :arn |
The build-cfn-schedule-dead-letter-config-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$DeadLetterConfigProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$DeadLetterConfigProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `arn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:arn` |
(build-cfn-schedule-ecs-parameters-property-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-ecs-parameters-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$EcsParametersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$EcsParametersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
capacityProviderStrategy | java.util.List | | :capacity-provider-strategy |
enableEcsManagedTags | java.lang.Boolean | | :enable-ecs-managed-tags |
enableExecuteCommand | java.lang.Boolean | | :enable-execute-command |
group | java.lang.String | | :group |
launchType | java.lang.String | | :launch-type |
networkConfiguration | | | :network-configuration |
placementConstraints | | | :placement-constraints |
placementStrategy | | | :placement-strategy |
platformVersion | java.lang.String | | :platform-version |
propagateTags | java.lang.String | | :propagate-tags |
referenceId | java.lang.String | | :reference-id |
tags | java.lang.Object | | :tags |
taskCount | java.lang.Number | | :task-count |
taskDefinitionArn | java.lang.String | | :task-definition-arn |
The build-cfn-schedule-ecs-parameters-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$EcsParametersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$EcsParametersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `capacityProviderStrategy` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:capacity-provider-strategy` | | `enableEcsManagedTags` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-ecs-managed-tags` | | `enableExecuteCommand` | java.lang.Boolean | [[]] | `:enable-execute-command` | | `group` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:group` | | `launchType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:launch-type` | | `networkConfiguration` | | [[]] | `:network-configuration` | | `placementConstraints` | | [[]] | `:placement-constraints` | | `placementStrategy` | | [[]] | `:placement-strategy` | | `platformVersion` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:platform-version` | | `propagateTags` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:propagate-tags` | | `referenceId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:reference-id` | | `tags` | java.lang.Object | [[]] | `:tags` | | `taskCount` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:task-count` | | `taskDefinitionArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:task-definition-arn` |
(build-cfn-schedule-event-bridge-parameters-property-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-event-bridge-parameters-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$EventBridgeParametersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$EventBridgeParametersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
detailType | java.lang.String | | :detail-type |
source | java.lang.String | | :source |
The build-cfn-schedule-event-bridge-parameters-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$EventBridgeParametersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$EventBridgeParametersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `detailType` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:detail-type` | | `source` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:source` |
(build-cfn-schedule-flexible-time-window-property-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-flexible-time-window-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$FlexibleTimeWindowProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$FlexibleTimeWindowProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
maximumWindowInMinutes | java.lang.Number | | :maximum-window-in-minutes |
mode | java.lang.String | | :mode |
The build-cfn-schedule-flexible-time-window-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$FlexibleTimeWindowProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$FlexibleTimeWindowProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `maximumWindowInMinutes` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:maximum-window-in-minutes` | | `mode` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:mode` |
(build-cfn-schedule-group-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-group-builder function updates a CfnScheduleGroup$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnScheduleGroup$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
name | java.lang.String | | :name |
tags | java.util.List | | :tags |
The build-cfn-schedule-group-builder function updates a CfnScheduleGroup$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnScheduleGroup$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` | | `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
(build-cfn-schedule-group-props-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-group-props-builder function updates a CfnScheduleGroupProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnScheduleGroupProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
name | java.lang.String | | :name |
tags | java.util.List | | :tags |
The build-cfn-schedule-group-props-builder function updates a CfnScheduleGroupProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnScheduleGroupProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` | | `tags` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:tags` |
(build-cfn-schedule-kinesis-parameters-property-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-kinesis-parameters-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$KinesisParametersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$KinesisParametersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
partitionKey | java.lang.String | | :partition-key |
The build-cfn-schedule-kinesis-parameters-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$KinesisParametersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$KinesisParametersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `partitionKey` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:partition-key` |
(build-cfn-schedule-network-configuration-property-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-network-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$NetworkConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$NetworkConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
awsvpcConfiguration |$AwsVpcConfigurationProperty | | :awsvpc-configuration |
The build-cfn-schedule-network-configuration-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$NetworkConfigurationProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$NetworkConfigurationProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `awsvpcConfiguration` |$AwsVpcConfigurationProperty | [[]] | `:awsvpc-configuration` |
(build-cfn-schedule-placement-constraint-property-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-placement-constraint-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$PlacementConstraintProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$PlacementConstraintProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
expression | java.lang.String | | :expression |
type | java.lang.String | | :type |
The build-cfn-schedule-placement-constraint-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$PlacementConstraintProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$PlacementConstraintProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `expression` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:expression` | | `type` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:type` |
(build-cfn-schedule-placement-strategy-property-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-placement-strategy-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$PlacementStrategyProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$PlacementStrategyProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
field | java.lang.String | | :field |
type | java.lang.String | | :type |
The build-cfn-schedule-placement-strategy-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$PlacementStrategyProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$PlacementStrategyProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `field` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:field` | | `type` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:type` |
(build-cfn-schedule-props-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-props-builder function updates a CfnScheduleProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnScheduleProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
description | java.lang.String | | :description |
endDate | java.lang.String | | :end-date |
flexibleTimeWindow |$FlexibleTimeWindowProperty | | :flexible-time-window |
groupName | java.lang.String | | :group-name |
kmsKeyArn | java.lang.String | | :kms-key-arn |
name | java.lang.String | | :name |
scheduleExpression | java.lang.String | | :schedule-expression |
scheduleExpressionTimezone | java.lang.String | | :schedule-expression-timezone |
startDate | java.lang.String | | :start-date |
state | java.lang.String | | :state |
target |$TargetProperty | | :target |
The build-cfn-schedule-props-builder function updates a CfnScheduleProps$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnScheduleProps$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `description` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:description` | | `endDate` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:end-date` | | `flexibleTimeWindow` |$FlexibleTimeWindowProperty | [[]] | `:flexible-time-window` | | `groupName` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:group-name` | | `kmsKeyArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:kms-key-arn` | | `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` | | `scheduleExpression` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:schedule-expression` | | `scheduleExpressionTimezone` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:schedule-expression-timezone` | | `startDate` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:start-date` | | `state` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:state` | | `target` |$TargetProperty | [[]] | `:target` |
(build-cfn-schedule-retry-policy-property-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-retry-policy-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$RetryPolicyProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$RetryPolicyProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
maximumEventAgeInSeconds | java.lang.Number | | :maximum-event-age-in-seconds |
maximumRetryAttempts | java.lang.Number | | :maximum-retry-attempts |
The build-cfn-schedule-retry-policy-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$RetryPolicyProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$RetryPolicyProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `maximumEventAgeInSeconds` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:maximum-event-age-in-seconds` | | `maximumRetryAttempts` | java.lang.Number | [[]] | `:maximum-retry-attempts` |
(build-cfn-schedule-sage-maker-pipeline-parameter-property-builder builder
The build-cfn-schedule-sage-maker-pipeline-parameter-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
name | java.lang.String | | :name |
value | java.lang.String | | :value |
The build-cfn-schedule-sage-maker-pipeline-parameter-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `name` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:name` | | `value` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:value` |
(build-cfn-schedule-sage-maker-pipeline-parameters-property-builder builder
The build-cfn-schedule-sage-maker-pipeline-parameters-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
pipelineParameterList | java.util.List | | :pipeline-parameter-list |
The build-cfn-schedule-sage-maker-pipeline-parameters-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `pipelineParameterList` | java.util.List | [[]] | `:pipeline-parameter-list` |
(build-cfn-schedule-sqs-parameters-property-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-sqs-parameters-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$SqsParametersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$SqsParametersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
messageGroupId | java.lang.String | | :message-group-id |
The build-cfn-schedule-sqs-parameters-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$SqsParametersProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$SqsParametersProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `messageGroupId` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:message-group-id` |
(build-cfn-schedule-target-property-builder builder id config)
The build-cfn-schedule-target-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$TargetProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$TargetProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself.
Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value:
Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key |
arn | java.lang.String | | :arn |
deadLetterConfig | | | :dead-letter-config |
ecsParameters | | | :ecs-parameters |
eventBridgeParameters | | | :event-bridge-parameters |
input | java.lang.String | | :input |
kinesisParameters | | | :kinesis-parameters |
retryPolicy | | | :retry-policy |
roleArn | java.lang.String | | :role-arn |
sageMakerPipelineParameters |$SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty | | :sage-maker-pipeline-parameters |
sqsParameters | | | :sqs-parameters |
The build-cfn-schedule-target-property-builder function updates a CfnSchedule$TargetProperty$Builder instance using the provided configuration. The function takes the CfnSchedule$TargetProperty$Builder instance, an optional namespace to use when looking up a value in the configuration, and the configuration itself. Fields on the builder are populated by looking up their respective data key, where the namespaced value takes precendence over the non-namespaced value: | Field | DataType | Lookup Function | Data Key | |---|---|---|---| | `arn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:arn` | | `deadLetterConfig` | | [[]] | `:dead-letter-config` | | `ecsParameters` | | [[]] | `:ecs-parameters` | | `eventBridgeParameters` | | [[]] | `:event-bridge-parameters` | | `input` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:input` | | `kinesisParameters` | | [[]] | `:kinesis-parameters` | | `retryPolicy` | | [[]] | `:retry-policy` | | `roleArn` | java.lang.String | [[]] | `:role-arn` | | `sageMakerPipelineParameters` |$SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty | [[]] | `:sage-maker-pipeline-parameters` | | `sqsParameters` | | [[]] | `:sqs-parameters` |
(cfn-schedule-aws-vpc-configuration-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$AwsVpcConfigurationProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$AwsVpcConfigurationProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-builder scope id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$Builder
instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-capacity-provider-strategy-item-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-dead-letter-config-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$DeadLetterConfigProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$DeadLetterConfigProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-ecs-parameters-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$EcsParametersProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$EcsParametersProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-event-bridge-parameters-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$EventBridgeParametersProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$EventBridgeParametersProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-flexible-time-window-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$FlexibleTimeWindowProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$FlexibleTimeWindowProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-group-builder scope id config)
Creates a CfnScheduleGroup$Builder
instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
| Argument | DataType | Description |
| scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. |
| id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. |
| config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnScheduleGroup$Builder` instance using a scope and ID, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | scope | software.constructs.Construct | The parent scope construct of the object being built. | | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as both the ID of the object being build and the namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-group-props-builder id config)
Creates a CfnScheduleGroupProps$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnScheduleGroupProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-kinesis-parameters-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$KinesisParametersProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$KinesisParametersProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-network-configuration-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$NetworkConfigurationProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$NetworkConfigurationProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-placement-constraint-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$PlacementConstraintProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$PlacementConstraintProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-placement-strategy-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$PlacementStrategyProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$PlacementStrategyProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-props-builder id config)
Creates a CfnScheduleProps$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnScheduleProps$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-retry-policy-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$RetryPolicyProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$RetryPolicyProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-sage-maker-pipeline-parameter-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-sage-maker-pipeline-parameters-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-sqs-parameters-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$SqsParametersProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$SqsParametersProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
(cfn-schedule-target-property-builder id config)
Creates a CfnSchedule$TargetProperty$Builder
instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments:
Argument | DataType | Description |
id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. |
config | map | Data configuration |
Creates a `CfnSchedule$TargetProperty$Builder` instance using a no-argument constructor, applies the data configuration, then builds it. Takes the following arguments: | Argument | DataType | Description | |---|---|---| | id | String or Keyword or Symbol | Value to use as namespace when looking up configuration values. | | config | map | Data configuration |
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