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A ring wrapper in Clojure for OAuth support.

This is a Work-In-Progress project. Examples are expected to run but many (undocumented) features are subject to change. Please, feel free to open an Issue for bugs or improvements.


  • Easy to extend via multimethods
  • Supports both synchronous and asynchronous ring handlers
  • Helps to maintain OAuth lifecycle and automatically requests user information with OAuth token for authentication.

Out of the box support

The project has default support for the following popular OAuth providers:

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • GitHub


See the example for a demo application!

  1. Create an app id and secret on the admin console of the selected oauth provider.
  2. Create success and error callback functions as below.
  3. Transform the handler function with a configured oauth wrapper.
  4. Redirect the user to the url given in the :url key to start the authentication process.
  5. You can use multiple oauth wrapper functions at the same time to support many different OAuth providers. Please note that you need to use different :url values for each of them.

(def on-success [request response raise]
    (println "Login successfull. Account info:" (:oauth-success request))
    (response {:status 200 :body "OK"}))

(def on-error [request response raise]
    (println "Login failed. Error info:" (:oauth-error request))
    (response {:status 500 :body "error!"}))

(def handler
       :url     "http://localhost:80/oauth"
       :id      "MY-ANALYTICS-ID"
       :secret  "MY-ANALYTICS-SECRET"
       :success on-success
       :error   on-error
       :scopes   [""


  • :url - This url is your OAuth client endpoint. You will need to direct your users to this url to start the authentication process. Also, your users will be redirected to this url after the auth process.
  • :id, :secret - Your Client Id and Client Secret is set up in the ui of the service providers.
  • :error, :success - There ring handler functions are called after the OAuth action. Ther equest map will contain a :oauth-success or :oauth-error key containing the credentials or error description.
  • :scopes - A collection of scopes you request.

Best practices

  1. The keys :url, :id, :secret should come from a configuration file. Also, make sure not to commit them to an open repository.
  2. The :success and :error functions should log the :oauth-success and :oauth-error values from the request map and redirect the user as soon as possible. This is to prevent the user to see any error page by refreshing the page accidentally.
  3. On first login, store the :refresh-token in your database. This can be used to get an access token when the user is offline.
  4. Start using the asynchronous patterns for ring handlers to increase throughput of your backend systems.
  5. When behind a reverse proxy, add the Host and X-Forwarded-Proto headers to the request to help url handling in the library.


Copyright © 2017-2019 Janos Erdos

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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