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(list-all-namespaces namespace-prefix)

Returns a seq of all namespace symbols with a given prefix

Returns a seq of all namespace symbols with a given prefix
sourceraw docstring


(list-all-resources & kvs)

Returns a seq of all resources as URL objects. Optional keys:

  • :prefix the directories of the resource
  • :predicate a predicate to decide if a result should be included.
  • :suffix suffix for the file name
  • :suffix-ci case insensitive suffix for file name
Returns a seq of all resources as URL objects. Optional keys:
- :prefix the directories of the resource
- :predicate a predicate to decide if a result should be included.
- :suffix suffix for the file name
- :suffix-ci case insensitive suffix for file name
sourceraw docstring


(require-all prefix & {:as opts})

Requires every namespace with a given prefix. Opts is a map with the following keys:

  • :except - a colletion namespace name symbols that should not be required.
Requires every namespace with a given prefix.
Opts is a map with the following keys:
- :except - a colletion namespace name symbols that should not be required.
sourceraw docstring

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