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A simple public API for document generation from templates.

A simple public API for document generation from templates.
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(cleanup! template)


(fragment f)

Converts input to a fragment instance

Converts input to a fragment instance
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(prepare input)

Creates a prepared template instance from an input document.

Creates a prepared template instance from an input document.
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(render! template template-data & {:as opts})

Takes a prepared template instance and renders it. By default it returns an InputStream of the rendered document.

Options map keys:

  • {:fragments {"fragmentName" fragment-object}} map of document fragments to embed in template.
  • {:output FNAME} renders output to file FNAME (string or File object). Throws exception if file already exists and :overwrite? option is not set.
  • {:output STREAM} writes output to an OutputStream object.
  • {:output :input-stream} returns an input stream of the result document.
Takes a prepared template instance and renders it.
 By default it returns an InputStream of the rendered document.

Options map keys:
- {:fragments {"fragmentName" fragment-object}} map of document fragments to embed in template.
- {:output FNAME} renders output to file FNAME (string or File object). Throws exception
  if file already exists and :overwrite? option is not set.
- {:output STREAM} writes output to an OutputStream object.
- {:output :input-stream} returns an input stream of the result document.
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