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Another small library, this one improves the experience when using output to debug code using the REPL.

In my experience, using prn to output debugging information works well enough in small cases, but doesn't scale when there is a lot of data to be printed, or a lot of threads are involved.
It just becomes a jumble of output.

trace is a macro that (when enabled), will use Clojure's tap> to (by default) output a pretty-printed map of data to the console.

For example, consider this Ring handler function:

(ns my.example.ring-handler
  (:require [net.lewisship.trace :refer [trace]]))

(defn handle-request
    :method (:request-method request)
    :uri (:uri request))
  ;; Off to do some request handler type things

When invoked at runtime, the following console output will be produced:

{:in my.example.ring-handler/handle-request,
 :line 6,
 :thread "nREPL-session-c3dde1ce-ca19-4e78-95ad-d0e4beda61eb",
 :method :get,
 :uri "/status"}

trace has automatically identified the executing function name, the line number, and the thread; the remaining keys in the map are provided as key/value pairs in the trace call.

Patterned after logging, trace calls may be compiled or not - when net.lewisship.trace/*compile-trace* is false (the default), the trace macro expands to nil. This means it is safe to leave trace calls in production code if it can be assured that they will not be compiled.

Further, when compiled, if net.lewisship.trace/*enable-trace* is false then the map is not created or provided to tap>.

Outputting the map via pprint is merely the default operation; tap> provides the flexibility to replace or augment what happens when trace is called. For example, a tap could dissoc the :thread key before pretty-printing, if the thread name is not interesting.

In addition, there are trace> and trace>> macros used in threaded expressions (using -> and ->>).

Per-Namespace Override

net.lewisship.trace/set-ns-override! can be used to enable specific namespaces to be traced even when the global trace flag (via set-enable-trace!) is set to false.


Since io.github.hlship/trace is used for testing, it now includes a wrapper aroud Criterium to benchmark small snippets of code.

The net.lewisship.bench namespace provides a simple bench macro.

(let [list-data   (doall (map inc (range 1000)))
        vector-data (vec list-data)
        pred        #(< 900 %)
        v1          (fn [pred coll] (first (filter pred coll)))
        v2          (fn [pred coll] (reduce (fn [_ v] (when (pred v)
                                                        (reduced v)))
                                            nil coll))]
      (v1 pred list-data)
      (v1 pred vector-data)
      (v2 pred list-data)
      (v2 pred vector-data)))
           Expression |    Mean |        Var
  (v1 pred list-data) | 7.76 µs | ± 76.66 ns
(v1 pred vector-data) | 7.94 µs | ± 74.06 ns (slowest)
  (v2 pred list-data) | 4.03 µs | ± 42.25 ns (fastest)
(v2 pred vector-data) | 4.87 µs | ± 49.15 ns

The actual output uses some ANSI fonts to highlight the fastest and slowest expressions. The first argument to bench can be a map that provides options for how to execute the benchmarks, and how to format the result.

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