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Methods for defining and implementing Temporal workflows

Methods for defining and implementing Temporal workflows
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(await pred)
(await duration pred)

Efficiently parks the workflow until 'pred' evaluates to true. Re-evaluates on each state transition

Efficiently parks the workflow until 'pred' evaluates to true.  Re-evaluates on each state transition
sourceraw docstring


(defworkflow name params* & body)

Defines a new workflow, similar to defn, expecting a 1-arity parameter list and body. Should evaluate to something serializable, which will become available for temporal.client.core/get-result.


(defworkflow my-workflow
    [{:keys [foo]}]

(let [w (create-workflow client my-workflow {:task-queue ::my-task-queue})]
   (start w {:foo "bar"}))
Defines a new workflow, similar to defn, expecting a 1-arity parameter list and body.  Should evaluate to something
serializable, which will become available for [[temporal.client.core/get-result]].


- `args`: Passed from 'params' to [[temporal.client.core/start]] or [[temporal.client.core/signal-with-start]]

(defworkflow my-workflow
    [{:keys [foo]}]

(let [w (create-workflow client my-workflow {:task-queue ::my-task-queue})]
   (start w {:foo "bar"}))
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Return info about the current workflow

Return info about the current workflow
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(register-query-handler! f)

Registers a DynamicQueryHandler listener that handles queries sent to the workflow, using temporal.client.core/query.

Use inside a workflow definition with 'f' closing over the workflow state (e.g. atom) and evaluating to results in function of the workflow state and its 'query-type' and 'args' arguments.


  • f: a 2-arity function, expecting 2 arguments, evaluating to something serializable.

f arguments:

  • query-type: keyword
  • args: params value or data structure
(defworkflow stateful-workflow
  [{:keys [init] :as args}]
  (let [state (atom init)]
    (register-query-handler! (fn [query-type args]
                               (when (= query-type :my-query)
                                 (get-in @state [:path :to :answer]))))
    ;; workflow implementation
Registers a DynamicQueryHandler listener that handles queries sent to the workflow, using [[temporal.client.core/query]].

Use inside a workflow definition with 'f' closing over the workflow state (e.g. atom) and
evaluating to results in function of the workflow state and its 'query-type' and 'args' arguments.

- `f`: a 2-arity function, expecting 2 arguments, evaluating to something serializable.

`f` arguments:
- `query-type`: keyword
- `args`: params value or data structure

(defworkflow stateful-workflow
  [{:keys [init] :as args}]
  (let [state (atom init)]
    (register-query-handler! (fn [query-type args]
                               (when (= query-type :my-query)
                                 (get-in @state [:path :to :answer]))))
    ;; workflow implementation
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(sleep duration)

Efficiently parks the workflow for 'duration'

Efficiently parks the workflow for 'duration'
sourceraw docstring

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