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Methods for managing promises from pending activities from within workflows

Methods for managing promises from pending activities from within workflows
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(all coll)

Returns Promise that becomes completed when all arguments are completed.

N.B. A single promise failure causes resulting promise to deliver the failure immediately.

Similar to promesa/all but designed to work with promises returned from temporal.activity/invoke from within workflow context.

(-> (all [(a/invoke activity-a ..) (a/invoke activity-b ..)])
    (promesa.core/then (fn [[a-result b-result]] ...)))
Returns Promise that becomes completed when all arguments are completed.

*N.B. A single promise failure causes resulting promise to deliver the failure immediately.*

Similar to [promesa/all]( but designed to work with
promises returned from [[temporal.activity/invoke]] from within workflow context.

(-> (all [(a/invoke activity-a ..) (a/invoke activity-b ..)])
    (promesa.core/then (fn [[a-result b-result]] ...)))
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(all-settled coll)

Returns a Promise that becomes completed/failed when all the arguments are done/settled, even in the face of errors.

N.B. You must handle the exceptions in the returned promise with promesa

Similar to promesa/all but designed to work with promises returned from temporal.activity/invoke from within workflow context.

For more Java SDK samples example look here:

(-> (all-settled [(a/invoke activity-a ..) (a/invoke activity-b ..)])
    (promesa.core/then (fn [[a-result b-result]] ...)))
Returns a Promise that becomes completed/failed when all the arguments are done/settled, even in the face of errors.

*N.B. You must handle the exceptions in the returned promise with promesa*

Similar to [promesa/all]( but designed to work with
promises returned from [[temporal.activity/invoke]] from within workflow context.

For more Java SDK samples example look here:

(-> (all-settled [(a/invoke activity-a ..) (a/invoke activity-b ..)])
    (promesa.core/then (fn [[a-result b-result]] ...)))
sourceraw docstring


(race coll)

Returns Promise that becomes completed when any of the arguments are completed.

N.B. A single promise failure causes resulting promise to deliver the failure immediately.

Similar to promesa/race but designed to work with promises returned from temporal.activity/invoke from within workflow context.

(-> (race [(a/invoke activity-a ..) (a/invoke activity-b ..)])
    (promesa.core/then (fn [fastest-result] ...)))
Returns Promise that becomes completed when any of the arguments are completed.

*N.B. A single promise failure causes resulting promise to deliver the failure immediately.*

Similar to [promesa/race]( but designed to work with
promises returned from [[temporal.activity/invoke]] from within workflow context.

(-> (race [(a/invoke activity-a ..) (a/invoke activity-b ..)])
    (promesa.core/then (fn [fastest-result] ...)))
sourceraw docstring


(rejected e)

Returns a new, rejected promise

Returns a new, rejected promise
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(resolved value)

Returns a new, fully resolved promise

Returns a new, fully resolved promise
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