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Methods and utilities to assist with unit-testing Temporal workflows

Methods and utilities to assist with unit-testing Temporal workflows
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(create options)

Creates a mock Temporal backend, suitable for unit testing.

A worker may be created with start and a client may be connected with get-client


  • options: Client configuration option map (See below)

options map

:worker-factory-options [[worker/worker-factory-options]]
:workflow-client-options [[copts/client-options]]
:workflow-service-stub-options [[copts/stub-options]]
:metrics-scopeThe scope to be used for metrics reportingScope
:search-attributesAdd a map of search attributes to be registered on the Temporal Servermap
Creates a mock Temporal backend, suitable for unit testing.

A worker may be created with [[start]] and a client may be connected with [[get-client]]


- `options`: Client configuration option map (See below)

#### options map

| Value                           | Description                                   | Type         | Default |
| -------------------------       | --------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ------- |
| :worker-factory-options         |                                               | [[worker/worker-factory-options]] | |
| :workflow-client-options        |                                               | [[copts/client-options]] | |
| :workflow-service-stub-options  |                                               | [[copts/stub-options]] | |
| :metrics-scope                  | The scope to be used for metrics reporting    | [Scope]( | |
| :search-attributes              | Add a map of search attributes to be registered on the Temporal Server | map | |
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(get-client env)

Returns a client instance associated with the mock environment created by create

Returns a client instance associated with the mock environment created by [[create]]
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(set-search-attributes builder attributes)


(start env {:keys [task-queue] :as options})

Starts a Temporal worker associated with the mock environment created with create.


(let [env (create)]
  (start env {:task-queue ::my-queue :ctx {:some "context"}})
  ;; create and invoke workflows
  (stop env))
Starts a Temporal worker associated with the mock environment created with [[create]].


  - `options`:  See [[temporal.client.worker/worker-options]]

(let [env (create)]
  (start env {:task-queue ::my-queue :ctx {:some "context"}})
  ;; create and invoke workflows
  (stop env))
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(stop env)

Stops the test environment created by create. Does not wait for shutdown to complete. For coordinated shutdown, see synchronized-stop.

(stop instance)
Stops the test environment created by [[create]].  Does not wait for shutdown to complete.  For coordinated shutdown,
see [[synchronized-stop]].

(stop instance)
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(synchronized-stop env)

Stops the test environment created by create. Blocks until the environment has shut down. For async termination, see stop

(synchronized-stop instance)
Stops the test environment created by [[create]].  Blocks until the environment has shut down.  For async termination,
see [[stop]]

(synchronized-stop instance)
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