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(after-run options)

Hooks to run after finishing the test suite, regardless of whether it passed or failed. A good place to do cleanup after finishing the test suite. Add a new hook like this:

(methodical/defmethod mb.hawk.hooks/after-run ::my-hook

options are the same options passed to the test runner as a whole, i.e. a combination of those specified in your deps.edn aliases as well as additional command-line options.

The dispatch value is not particularly important -- one hook will run for each dispatch value -- but you should probably make it a namespaced keyword to avoid conflicts, and give it a docstring so people know why it's there. The orders the hooks are run in is indeterminate. The docstring for after-run is updated automatically as new hooks are added; you can check it to see which hooks are in use. Note that hooks will not be ran unless the namespace they live in is loaded; this may be affected by :only options passed to the test runner.

Return values of methods are ignored; they are done purely for side effects.

after-run is defined in mb.hawk.hooks (mb/hawk/hooks.clj:32).

It caches methods using a methodical.impl.cache.watching.WatchingCache.

It uses the method combination methodical.impl.combo.operator.OperatorMethodCombination with the operator :do.

It uses the dispatcher methodical.impl.dispatcher.everything.EverythingDispatcher with hierarchy #'clojure.core/global-hierarchy and prefs {}.

It uses the method table methodical.impl.method_table.standard.StandardMethodTable.

These primary methods are known:

  • :default, defined in mb.hawk.hooks (mb/hawk/hooks.clj:55)

    It has the following documentation:

    Default hook for after-run; log a message about running after-run hooks.

Hooks to run after finishing the test suite, regardless of whether it passed or failed. A good place to do cleanup
  after finishing the test suite. Add a new hook like this:

    (methodical/defmethod mb.hawk.hooks/after-run ::my-hook

  `options` are the same options passed to the test runner as a whole, i.e. a combination of those specified in your
  `deps.edn` aliases as well as additional command-line options.

  The dispatch value is not particularly important -- one hook will run for each dispatch value -- but you should
  probably make it a namespaced keyword to avoid conflicts, and give it a docstring so people know why it's there. The
  orders the hooks are run in is indeterminate. The docstring for [[after-run]] is updated automatically as new hooks
  are added; you can check it to see which hooks are in use. Note that hooks will not be ran unless the namespace they
  live in is loaded; this may be affected by `:only` options passed to the test runner.

  Return values of methods are ignored; they are done purely for side effects.

after-run is defined in [[mb.hawk.hooks]] (mb/hawk/hooks.clj:32).

It caches methods using a `methodical.impl.cache.watching.WatchingCache`.

It uses the method combination `methodical.impl.combo.operator.OperatorMethodCombination`
with the operator `:do`.

It uses the dispatcher `methodical.impl.dispatcher.everything.EverythingDispatcher`
with hierarchy `#'clojure.core/global-hierarchy`
and prefs `{}`.

It uses the method table `methodical.impl.method_table.standard.StandardMethodTable`.

These primary methods are known:

* `:default`, defined in [[mb.hawk.hooks]] (mb/hawk/hooks.clj:55) 
  It has the following documentation:
  Default hook for [[after-run]]; log a message about running after-run hooks.
sourceraw docstring


(before-run options)

Hooks to run before starting the test suite. A good place to do setup that needs to happen before running ANY tests. Add a new hook like this:

(methodical/defmethod mb.hawk.hooks/before-run ::my-hook

options are the same options passed to the test runner as a whole, i.e. a combination of those specified in your deps.edn aliases as well as additional command-line options.

The dispatch value is not particularly important -- one hook will run for each dispatch value -- but you should probably make it a namespaced keyword to avoid conflicts, and give it a docstring so people know why it's there. The orders the hooks are run in is indeterminate. The docstring for before-run is updated automatically as new hooks are added; you can check it to see which hooks are in use. Note that hooks will not be ran unless the namespace they live in is loaded; this may be affected by :only options passed to the test runner.

Return values of methods are ignored; they are done purely for side effects.

before-run is defined in mb.hawk.hooks (mb/hawk/hooks.clj:4).

It caches methods using a methodical.impl.cache.watching.WatchingCache.

It uses the method combination methodical.impl.combo.operator.OperatorMethodCombination with the operator :do.

It uses the dispatcher methodical.impl.dispatcher.everything.EverythingDispatcher with hierarchy #'clojure.core/global-hierarchy and prefs {}.

It uses the method table methodical.impl.method_table.standard.StandardMethodTable.

These primary methods are known:

  • :default, defined in mb.hawk.hooks (mb/hawk/hooks.clj:27)

    It has the following documentation:

    Default hook for before-run; log a message about running before-run hooks.

Hooks to run before starting the test suite. A good place to do setup that needs to happen before running ANY tests.
  Add a new hook like this:

    (methodical/defmethod mb.hawk.hooks/before-run ::my-hook

  `options` are the same options passed to the test runner as a whole, i.e. a combination of those specified in your
  `deps.edn` aliases as well as additional command-line options.

  The dispatch value is not particularly important -- one hook will run for each dispatch value -- but you should
  probably make it a namespaced keyword to avoid conflicts, and give it a docstring so people know why it's there. The
  orders the hooks are run in is indeterminate. The docstring for [[before-run]] is updated automatically as new hooks
  are added; you can check it to see which hooks are in use. Note that hooks will not be ran unless the namespace they
  live in is loaded; this may be affected by `:only` options passed to the test runner.

  Return values of methods are ignored; they are done purely for side effects.

before-run is defined in [[mb.hawk.hooks]] (mb/hawk/hooks.clj:4).

It caches methods using a `methodical.impl.cache.watching.WatchingCache`.

It uses the method combination `methodical.impl.combo.operator.OperatorMethodCombination`
with the operator `:do`.

It uses the dispatcher `methodical.impl.dispatcher.everything.EverythingDispatcher`
with hierarchy `#'clojure.core/global-hierarchy`
and prefs `{}`.

It uses the method table `methodical.impl.method_table.standard.StandardMethodTable`.

These primary methods are known:

* `:default`, defined in [[mb.hawk.hooks]] (mb/hawk/hooks.clj:27) 
  It has the following documentation:
  Default hook for [[before-run]]; log a message about running before-run hooks.
sourceraw docstring

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